Hyperextension is one of the best insulatingexercises to strengthen the lower back, as well as to prevent injury to this area in the future. When performing it, a dynamic stretching of the back is created, which is very useful for people who have sedentary work. Performing hyperextension also partially contributes to the development and strengthening of the core muscles.
Many athletes note that by including this exercise in their training program, their squats and traction improve significantly.
In this article, we will consider the correct technique for performing hyperextension in the home and how to protect the lower back from injury.
Key muscles
Consider the main muscle groups involved in performing hyperextension.
- The muscle that straightens the spine is the most powerful and longest muscle of the back; responsible for extending the spine and keeping the body upright.
- The muscles of the back of the thigh and the buttocks respondfor the extension of the pelvis, flexion of the legs and rotation of the legs; these muscles tend to become weak with time, especially with a sedentary lifestyle, which affects other areas - the core and lower back.
- Muscle flexors and neck extensors are responsible formobility in the cervical region, which is especially important if you daily look at the monitor screen. To activate these muscles, you need to have your hands behind your neck when performing hyperextension.
Options for performing hyperextension
There are two ways to perform hyperextension:
- С концентрацией на задней поверхности бедра и buttocks. It is necessary to slightly round the upper back and stretch the hips until the body is on a straight line, and fully focus on the activation of the gluteus muscle. If you cannot feel that your buttocks are activated, feel the muscles with your hands and focus on stopping the movement at the peak of contraction.
- With concentration on the spinal flexor. When performing, you must keep your back straight and focus while lifting on the activation of the extensor muscles.
Preparation for implementation
Proper warm-up is paramount before doing any workout:
- Spend cardio exercise for 2-3 minutes in order to prepare the muscles for the load (running in place, jump rope).
- Spend 2 minutes of dynamic stretching to prepare the joints for exercise (rotation of the body, knees, arms, side bends).
How to do hyperextension at home?
Classical hyperextensionperformed in a special bench simulator. This simulator is not expensive and does not take up much space, so it can be purchased for home. However, hyperextension at home without simulators can be performed with your own body weight or with a special gymnastic ball.
Exercise "Superman"
- Lie face down on the mat, stretch your arms forward and lift your legs, chest, head and arms off the floor.
- Hold the contraction at the peak point for a few seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position.
- Упражнение можно усложнить следующим образом:lift and hold only your right leg and left arm, then repeat the same movement with your left leg and right arm. Continue, alternating opposite arms and legs.
At first glance, the exercise looks simple, but it is very effective for strengthening the muscles of the back and buttocks.
Fitball Extensions
- Lie on the stomach fitball and place the body parallel to the floor. Fix the foot firmly on the floor (you can ask someone to hold your feet).
- Slowly lift the torso, straightening the bottomparts of the back. Do not forget to exhale during this movement. Hold the contraction in the lower back for a second and lower the torso back to its original position while inhaling.
- If you are new to this exercise, it is best to do it without any weights, until you work out the correct technique.
Care should be taken when positioning on a fitball, since it can be easily damaged if there are problems with the balance and development of the core muscles.
Reverse hyperextension
- Reverse hyperextension at home can be performed on a special bench, chair or fitball. Place the torso on a support and place your hands on the floor with your hands to maintain a stable position.
- Raise your legs, stretching your hips as high as possible, until your legs are almost straight. Lower the legs to the starting position.
- Exercise can be complicated by using extra weight.
Reverse hyperextension for the most part involves the muscles of the back of the thigh and the buttocks, the lower back is included to a lesser extent.
The number of approaches and repetitions
For beginners 2-3 sets of 8-10 repswill be a good starting point. Gradually, you can move to 4-5 approaches for 15-20 repetitions. For more experienced athletes fit 3-4 approaches for 20-25 repetitions.
As the body adapts to the load,You can take extra weight in your hands for additional resistance. It is important to listen to your body. Unprepared for the load back can be very sensitive, so it is important not to overdo it. If you are not sure, always start with fewer repetitions. You can increase the number of repetitions at the next workout if you feel you can handle it.
Errors when performing hyperextension
Improper performance of hyperextension can lead to compression of intervertebral discs. Therefore, it is important not to make the following mistakes:
- Rounding the back. Rounding the lower back during exercise is the most common mistake and will easily stop the lower back.
- Sharp and uncontrolled movement.Both the upper and lower phases of the exercise should be performed in a slow and controlled movement. Do not rock the body during the exercise. Strict body management will help avoid unnecessary injuries.
- Arching the back. No need to deviate too far back at the peak top point. It is important that the back and neck remain in a straight line, this will prevent unnecessary stress.
How to avoid back injuries?
One of the most injured parts of the body - the lowerpart of the back. Most adults have back pain at some point in their lives. Therefore, you need to be very careful when performing any stretching or workouts that involve your back.
Here are some tips to avoid lower back injuries:
- Be careful when lifting heavy objects, and make sure that the main load was taken over by the legs.
- Daily exercise exercise hyperextension at home. It is excellent in all respects - strengthening the cortex, maintaining a healthy lower back.
- Control weight. Obesity affects the entire body, including the back.
- Eat a complete and healthy food filled with vitamins and minerals, it is of great importance for your health. Chitmil is good, just limit yourself to one or two days a week.
- Do daily stretching. Flexibility of the back is important for posture and proper technique for performing many exercises.