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How to make kvass at home

The real salvation in the hot summer days -a glass of cold bread kvass. It perfectly quenches thirst, perfectly refreshes, fills with energy and raises working capacity. In addition, it is a very useful drink. Thanks to fermentation, a number of bacteria are formed during the preparation process, which help the digestive system. The composition of kvass contains trace elements and numerous vitamins necessary for the human body.

how to make kvass at home
А также доказано положительное влияние этого drink on the organs of vision and cardiovascular system. Young housewives are wondering how to make kvass at home. This article will tell you everything in detail, so make yourself comfortable and remember!

In fact, there are many ways of cooking kvass. The easiest, of course, is the use of ready-made mixtures that are sold in stores. However, there are other options.

Rye kvass

How to cook bread at home?For this, the following ingredients are needed: rye crumbs (1 kg), sugar (1.5 cups), yeast (40 grams) and water (3 liters). Dry the fried croutons and pour into a three-liter jar or any other convenient dish for you. Fill them with warm water and put on a few hours in a warm place. Then you need to strain, draining the liquid in a separate bowl, and crackers again soak. The resulting liquid should be added to the first portion, cooled to 20 degrees, and after adding sugar and diluted yeast to the mixture. Leave the workpiece for 10-12 hours in a warm place. After a while, cool the kvass and enjoy the unique taste of the drink.

how to cook bread at home

How to make kvass at home on honey?To do this, prepare 200 grams of flour, 25 grams of yeast, a pound of raisins, honey and boiled water. All ingredients are placed in a 25-liter tank and filled with water. Allow to stand for seven days, after which you can enjoy the taste of your own cooked kvass.

Apple kvass

how to cook homemade kvass by yourself
Конечно, самым распространенным вариантом is bread kvass. However, apple is not inferior in taste to taste. How to cook homemade kvass by yourself? To do this you will need 1 kg of apples with sourness. Cook 4 liters of compote from them. After this, leave the liquid for two hours, and then strain. Now you need to add sugar (100 grams), yeast (40 grams), honey (200 grams) and a little bit of cinnamon. Leave the mixture in a dark place for three denechka. Kvas is ready!

Kvass from cereals

How to make kvass at home without usingyeast? There is a special way for this. For the preparation of cereal kvass you will need millet (1/3 cup), oatmeal (1/3 cup), carrots, small turnips, raisins (1 tbsp.), Dry leaves of black currant (4 pcs.), Salt (0 , 5 tsp) and boiled water (3 liters). Rinse the millet, pour a liter of slightly salted boiling water, put on the fire and allow to boil. Add the oatmeal, add salt and bring it back to the boil. Now remove from the plate and leave for an hour, covering the lid. While the mixture is infused, pass through the meat grinder carrots, turnips, black currant leaves and raisins. Then after the time, the present porridge is also passed through the meat grinder, after which we mix all the ingredients. The remaining water is brought to 40 degrees and fill it with the resulting mixture. Leave for a while, decant, cool and drink!

Now you know how to make kvass at home. Agree, it's pretty simple! It's time to move on to practical actions and make the most delicious kvass for you and your household!

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