/ / Do you know how to make kvass from kvass wort?

And do you know how to make kvass from kvass wort?

Residents of the southern regions of Russia, most likely,they will look at you with deep perplexity, if you ask them how to make kvass from kvass wort. And it's not that they do not like the drink. On the contrary, they drink it a lot and with pleasure. Almost in every southern house, regardless of where it is located - in the Kuban, in the Stavropol region, or in the Rostov region, three-liter cans with kvass standing on the windowsills and balconies are an indispensable summer attribute.

how to make kvass from kvass wort
That's just kvass, they insist on rye breadcrumbs,not on wort. And in order for the resulting drink not to be too pale, crackers are pre-fried in the oven or add burnt sugar to it. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and is superb to taste, but still it does not look like that kvass that was sold in barrels and cost three pennies for a glass.

Now, of course, you can find a lot of points,on which they sell kvass, but, according to the unanimous opinion of the fans of this drink, the taste of it leaves much to be desired. And does not look like brown kvass from a barrel.

But the same taste of childhood can be felt only if you cook kvass yourself. To do this, you will need to buy a concentrate of leavened wort in the store.

How to make kvas from wort

The wort is a thick, viscous liquidbrownish-red color. Most of all it resembles fresh buckwheat honey. As part of it you can find rye flour and malt, as well as barley malt and water. Here on this basis kvass is made. The technology is pretty simple. Now we will talk about how to make kvass from kvass wort.

concentrate of leavened wort
At once we will make a reservation, that this process not momentary:for one day to cook kvass will not work. Prepare a large water tank - at least a three-liter jar. If you do not have large containers, you can use a plastic canister or a five-liter bottle. Boil the right amount of water and cool it a little. Water should be warm, but not hot.

At the bottom of the container we pour out a glass of sugar, 6-8 gramsyeast, 2 tablespoons of concentrated wort and pour all with water. Stir, close (loose!) Capacity and forget about it for three days. Yes, you were warned that kvass is not prepared immediately. This is not soluble coffee or tea from the sachet. Over these days, the mixture in the bank "will play" and begin to wander. In the process of fermentation, carbon dioxide is produced, and in order to prevent the bottle from bursting with internal pressure, it should not be tightly clogged. In principle, it's enough just to cover the neck with a piece of cheesecloth, so that the fruit fly hangs around it.

how to make kvas from wort

The next stage of the action, titled "As fromkvass wort to make kvass "is that the liquid is not shaken to not raise the sediment from the bottom, pour into bottles. If you have glass bottles on the au pair with screwed plugs, then use them. And if not, then the plastic "poltorashki" is quite appropriate. The kvass poured into bottles is clogged and left for "ripening" for another two or three days in a cool place.

Теперь вы знаете, как из квасного сусла сделать kvass, and you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with this delicious and wholesome drink. Yes, there is one little trick. In order for the kvass to become "vigorous", before blocking, roll into each bottle in a raisin.

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