/ / Alcoholic kvass: ingredients, homemade recipe

Alcoholic kvass: ingredients, a recipe for cooking at home

According to the testimony of some ancientsources, kvass in Russia in the old, immemorial times was so strong that it "chopped" from the feet. Probably, from here also there was an expression which we use and to this day - "to sour"! In general, as they say, "kvass strikes in the sock"! And why do we need that foreign beer? After all, there is such a native and intoxicating drink - alcoholic kvass!

alcoholic brew

As usual, a bit of history

The first references to alcoholic brew, resemblingbeer, found 3,000 years ago, in Egypt. Then this fine drink was described by Hippocrates, Pliny, and Herodotus. The following references to drinking are found in the annals of Kievan Rus. So, after baptism, Prince Vladimir ordered honey and kvass to be distributed to newly-minted Christians. And it does not seem surprising. After all, strong kvass was a ubiquitous, daily drink: and it was prepared by people of various segments of the population. And this product was recognized as a symbol of well-being in the house, therefore, was present everywhere in Russia.

There is such a profession - kvasnik!

Alcoholic kvass in those days wasso much in favor that there was even a certain profession - “kvasnik”. Any representative of this stratum of workers was considered unique: almost everyone had their own authentic recipe. From here comes the richest variety of types of drink: alcoholic kvass was available and apple, and pear, and rye, and other options. Given that every good mistress-wife also had her own, dear drinking recipe, with which she regaled her husband.

rye brew at home

How many degrees in kvass?

На данный вопрос четко ответить не получится:there will always be a scale - from and to - depending on the recipes. It is known that during fermentation processes, for example, rye kvass at home, a special fungus is formed in it, which can then turn into “degrees”. In general, any natural, properly prepared kvass can safely be considered alcoholic. True, it is necessary to drink this drink quite a lot in order to feel the effect at least a little and get drunk - but maybe this is for the better. The intoxication is very light and comes gradually, does not hit on the head, like vodka, or on the legs, like mash.

Традиционно считается допустимым содержание alcohol, not exceeding 1.2%. But in some varieties of homemade, if you add an additional amount of sugar and give a longer time to wander, there can be 3-5%. How many degrees in kvass: in Russia in antiquity, thanks to the specifics of manufacturing, until the twelfth century, kvask was even stronger, thicker than its modern counterpart (even beer). Therefore, probably, the term "sour" and lived to the present day.

how many degrees are in kvass

Healing and good

Proved that rye brew, at homecooked, increases working capacity, relieves any fatigue, restores energy, activates digestion, can improve appetite and helps a lot, by virtue of its composition, to digest fatty meat dishes. And he restores the ratio of liquids, vitamins and salts. Also homemade alcoholic kvass contains many trace elements, organic acids, destroys, removing from the intestine, all the harmful flora. In the ancient chronicles it is indicated: kvass is especially useful for the male sex in terms of potency. He strengthens it and promotes healthy offspring.

Cooking is simple: ingredients!

For the preparation of rye kvass we needcrackers from a loaf of rye bread. In order for the kvass color to be darker, the bread needs to be slightly burned, but not very much, otherwise the kvass will noticeably taste bitter. Crackers should be cut into cubes, not too large, about two centimeters from the long side. We also need a small packet of dry yeast (bread, 11 grams), about half a cup of granulated sugar and a handful of raisins. Crockery for making kvass should be glass or enameled (some prefer food plastic - for example, you can take a 6-liter bottle from under the purified water), but not from metal - so that oxidation processes do not occur in it during the preparation of our kvass.

 strong kvass

Preparation of the drink step by step

  1. Pour the crackers in a prepared clean pan.Fill them with 1.5 liters of hot water (about 80 degrees Celsius). Such liquid will well draw out of the rusks both taste and color - and this is very important for our future kvass. Leave the mass to cool to a slightly warm state (27-32 degrees).
  2. In a glass of slightly warm water we put approximatelyhalf a cup of granulated sugar. Pour there a pack of dry yeast and mix thoroughly until complete dissolution. Pour the resulting liquid in a container with breadcrumbs. A little bit to mix.
  3. We put in a warm place, cover with gauze or towel and leave to ferment for 24 hours.
  4. After a day, remove the swollen crackers from the water with a skimmer, filter the remaining liquid through a double layer of gauze.
  5. If you plan to constantly make such ryealcohol kvass, then select from the rusks soaked five or six tablespoons of sourdough (we will add it later instead of yeast). Sourdough can be stored in the refrigerator for some time.
  6. Separated liquid is poured into the container andpour out the rest of the sugar. We also add a handful of raisins and two liters of warm (but not too hot) water. Slightly mix. We cover with a towel and leave to wander for another 12 hours (conveniently - for the night, for example).
    kvass on yeast and sugar

The final stage

Теперь квас можно перелить в пластиковые бутылки from under the mineral water and close traffic jams. In them we leave a little empty space so as not to explode. If you want our kvass to be sharp and strong, you can add another spoonful of sugar to each bottle. Capacities in the closed form must be removed in the refrigerator for another day to complete the fermentation process.

After the above time the bottle appearssettled white precipitate. A kvass acquires aerated sharpness and a small alcoholic degree (can be measured with an alcohol meter to be sure). The strength of a good kvass can reach 3, sometimes 5 percent - why not beer? Now you can drink it or use it, for example, as a dressing for tasty and fragrant (and most importantly - useful) okrosechka.

homemade alcoholic brew

Kvass on yeast and sugar: not only from bread!

As mentioned above, this drink withcontent (albeit minimal) of alcohol can be made at home, not only from rye crackers. Since ancient times, there have been recipes for the preparation of this product from various ingredients.

  1. For example, birch kvass was considered very useful.and a very tonic drink. It has a natural healing effect and a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Prepare it with sugar and raisins (you can add a little wine yeast to be sure, but they are already available in grapes). Fermentation (and the acquisition of light degrees) is due to the decomposition of sugar into alcohols, carbonic acid and water. Tip: take a bigger dish (from the original volume of liquid - 2 times), so that during the fermentation process kvass does not run away.
  2. Из яблок (груш) также можно приготовить отличный alcoholic kvass at home. To do this, take apples and water, sugar and yeast (you can use fresh apple juice). The process of fermentation proceeds in much the same way as with rye kvass (some even add croutons to this version of the recipe). A drink turns out bright and fizzy, with a light, subtle degree - it will remotely resemble cider.
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