/ / Gustera fish: photos, description, where it is found and what to catch

Gustera fish: photos, description, where it is found and what to catch

There are many different species in our waters.fish species. Their variety is amazing. Each aquatic inhabitant has its own characteristics of behavior. Small gustera fish often fall on baits prepared for bream. The features of this resident of rivers and lakes, his character and behavior will be discussed further.

What is this fish?

If you are going to fish with an eye to the bream,Be prepared for the fact that a small fish looks like a podleschika, a gustera, who rubs your nerves. She bites at the same bait as the bream, and does it more often and more readily than the last. But if you aim to catch this particular fish of the carp family, fishing can be very interesting and exciting entertainment. But at the same time, by chance, you can catch a bream, if you are lucky.

Gustera winter

Рыба густера не очень крупная.Most often, fishermen catch up to two hundred grams of copies. Well, the largest of the known individuals weighed a little more than a kilogram, reaching a length of up to 35 cm. You can catch such a flock only on large rivers and reservoirs.

Gustera resembles a white bream, and only when nearConsideration can be noticed differences. The bream has nine rays on the dorsal fin, and eight have rays. The abdominal and pectoral fins are colored in a reddish-pink hue, and in bream they are gray. In addition, the gustera are much larger than the eyes and scales, and the tail fin is not as sharp as the bream.

The nutritional value

As you know, the taste and color of comrades is not.Some fishermen consider fishing bushes to be a very useful occupation, since this fish is not inferior in taste to the pleschika. Others see it as an annoying hindrance during the fishing of more valuable specimens and argue that the busters have more bones than meat, and that is not suitable for fish soup.

Mormyshki on gustera

Well, both statements are entitled toExistence. The meat of the husters, as well as of roach or rudd, slightly bitter, especially in the summer time, which makes it unsuitable for fish soup. However, dried gustera is a tasty fish, not inferior to a crawler.


Раз уж вы решили, что такая рыбка вам подходит, the question arises: where to catch a guster? You can meet her in almost any reservoir, be it a river, a lake or a reservoir. In the rivers, Gustera chooses places deeper, with a calm flow.

Where to catch a guster?

Therefore, fishing on the river will be successful in the bays,backwaters, in hollows with silty sand or clay bottom. He likes to gather fish in large flocks in the pits, near steep steep shores, under hanging branches of trees. Actually, that's why she is called so - a guster.

In winter, after freezing, the gustera goes to the deepest places, staying there until spring. With the onset of heat comes back.

Fish food preferences

Как ловить густеру?This fish doesn’t go over food, so it bites at a wide variety of baits, usually the same as bream and roach. Among the fishermen, the best bait on the guster is considered to be maggot. It bites well on manure and earthworm, on bloodworms, as well as on dough and barley.

Taste tastes gustera depend on timeof the year. In the spring, after a long, hungry winter, the fish needs protein, so it goes well with moldy worm, worm and bloodworm. In early summer, when the water warms up and there is a lot of protein in it, you can use dough and barley as bait. In addition to all of the above, in the summer as a nozzle, you can use grasshoppers and butterflies.

Catch catch

In the autumn, gustera heats up weight before hibernation, and therefore prefers food of animal origin. But if the autumn is warm, pecks on the vegetable bait.

Пищевые предпочтения густеры могут быть different in different bodies of water. To improve the bite use prikorm. Prepare it from the steamed grains of cereal plants mixed with bloodworms, maggots or a worm. You can add to the mix milk powder or breadcrumbs. I like gustere and bait from wheat grains with bread and crust.

When to catch?

You can catch a huster all year round, of courseexcluding spawning period. In the spring, the fish is activated as soon as the ice comes off. Nibble lasts until spawning, then stops for spawning time and recovers a couple of weeks after it, somewhere in late spring or early summer.

How to catch a guster?

После нереста рыба усиленно питается, наступает active zhor Gradually, it subsides, but the constant bite lasts until the ponds freeze. From this moment comes the period of winter fishing. At this time, the fish is standing in the bottom pits. Gustera is less active in winter. However, she is caught at this time of the year.

During the day the guster pecks just as regularly.At night and in the morning it is better to catch large fish, and in the afternoon and in the evening - smaller specimens. Gustera can stop pecking only in the middle of a particularly hot summer day, then you can catch it only after sunset.

Than to catch?

The choice of gear for catching gustera depends onweather conditions and from the place of fishing. If you intend to catch from a steep bank, it is better to use a float fishing rod, if from a flat one - donku. Effective fishing on the river with a weak current in the wiring. In places with a strong current, it is better to use a nod fishing rod with a reel.

Fishing on the river

By itself, the gustera is small, and for hernot too thick fishing line. However, in the process of catching there is a high probability of catching a bream, for which you need more tackle. And since the guster can be fished out for a rougher tackle, it is better to insure and choose a fishing line with a good margin of safety 0.25–0.3 mm thick. The optimal hook size is No. 5.

Крючок большего размера ставить бессмысленно.The mouth of the gustera is small. A larger hook will not fit in it, and the fisherman’s nerves will be badly battered by false bites because the fish cannot swallow the bait.

Features of catching

Как ловить эту небольшую рыбку? Да очень просто!Gustera - fish cheeky. She is not afraid of anything that is capable of scaring off another white fish - neither the silhouette of a fisherman, nor loud sounds, nor voices or the stamping of feet. For catching small specimens near the coast there is a rather short float fishing rod. Larger specimens stay away from shore. A couple of days before the start of fishing you need to start feeding the place where you intend to fish.

Peculiarities of behavior

Throw bait into the water should also be beforefishing. Do not be afraid to overfeed the guster - this is impossible. It is recommended to throw bait into the water every half hour, it will not scare away, but will only attract fish.

Густера глотает приманку сразу, поэтому подсекать it is not necessary. She hooks herself. After hooking, the fish begins to walk in circles, so you need to quickly lift it above the water so that the fishing line does not get tangled.

Fishing in winter

In winter, the fish can stay near the shore, but more often it is still found in deep places. If you know those places of the reservoir where there are springs, go fishing for them.

Some fishermen believe that for winter fishing onthe nod is suitable only for the gusper, with a soft nod that can feel the faint bite of a lethargic fish. Other fishermen disagree with them and argue that for winter fishing for gusters you can use a float fishing pole with a small float that has enough weight to be below the surface of the water.

Disagreement does not cause only one thing:In winter, this fish is caught exclusively on the jig. This is a catchy and versatile gear at this time of year. Mormyshki on gustera are nozzled and nozzle. The main requirement is that they should be brightly painted in different colors. Small colored beads should be placed on the hooks of the non-mounted mormysk, preferably several pieces. It is necessary to bait moths on packed fish baits, because in winter this fish simply will not bite on another bait.

To attract the attention of fish gustera, you needplay mormyshkoy at the bottom, sometimes raising the bait. Usually biting begins just during such climbs. The fish is catching the bait from the bottom, so the nod rises up during the bite. His rise is usually weak and difficult to notice. As soon as noticed - cut. Bite can be recognized by the position of the fishing line. If it has moved from a stretched position to a weakened position, do the hooking up.

Knowing the behavior of busters, you can go fishing at any time of the year.

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