/ / Rudy Feller: brief biography

Rudy Feller: A Short Biography

A well-known German footballer and coach in the paston football, and now the sports director of "Bayer" Rudy (Rudolph) Feller was born in the city of Hanau on April 13, 1960. The most famous was due to performances in the "Werder" and "Roma", as well as heading the national team of Germany. More details about the athlete and will go further.

soccer coach

The first steps in sports

The first coach of the guy was his father Kurt, whohas made quite good progress in football. Later he began attending lessons at the children's school of the Munich club "1860". At a talented boy at that time drew the attention of Herman Nuber - a famous footballer, who acted as part of the Offenbach "Kikkers". It was thanks to the influence of this man that Rudy Feller also became a player of this club in 1975 and took place as a professional athlete. Five years later, the young man moved to Munich, where he began to perform in the team "1860".

Club career

In 1982, the young talent moved to "Werder" fromBremen, where he was destined to become a real star. For five years of performances for the club striker participated in 137 official duels, in which he scored 97 assists. Of the achievements should be noted three "silver" in the championships of Germany, as well as the title of the top scorer in 1983. At the same time, German journalists recognized him as the player of the year in the country.

sports achivments

Sports achievements of the striker led to the fact,that in 1987 he had on hand several interesting proposals for continuing his career abroad. Then the player chose the Roman "Roma". In Italy, the player spent five seasons and became a favorite of the local public. During this time he played 142 matches and scored 45 goals scored. From 1992 to 1994, the German played for the French "Olympic", with which he became the champion of the country and won the European Cup. Despite great successes abroad, he was always drawn to his homeland, so in 1994 the player moved to Bayer, where he played for three years until the end of the player's career.

National team appearances

In November 1982, Rudy Feller played hisThe first match in the T-shirt team Germany. Whatever it was, first at large tournaments he was unlucky, because the weak performances of the national team alternated with injuries and bad form of the striker himself. The greatest success in the German national team was the triumph in the Italian mundiale in 1990. After this championship the striker wanted to stop performances for Germany, but the new senior coach Berti Vogts managed to convince him to play at the next championships of Europe and the world. Together with this, they did not become successful both for the player himself and for the whole team. If on the "Euro" in Sweden, the striker was injured already in the first match and did not play anymore (the team eventually won silver medals), then the Germans came to the United States in terrible form in the United States.

Interesting Facts

Coach career

At the transition to Bayer, Rudy Feller signeda contract under which, after the termination of a player's career, he was automatically offered the position of director for sport development of the team. In this position he worked for four years. In the summer of 2000, Erich Ribbeck resigned from the coaching bridge of the German national team, and Christoph Daum was to be appointed to this post. The latter at that time was the coach of the "Bayer" and intended to start work in his new position only a year later. In this regard, temporarily perform the duties of the coach of the national team until this time the German federation asked Feller. Some time later, Dauma was convicted of using drugs, so he was forced not only to leave Bayer, but also to say goodbye to the dream of working in the national team. As a result, in this position for the next four years remained Rudi Feller. His greatest success in this time was the entry into the finals of the 2002 World Cup. After the failure to "Euro-2004" he resigned.

From August to September 2004, the German headed "Roma". January 18, 2005 Feller became the sports director of the "Bayer". In this position he works now.

Curious facts

Almost all the interesting facts from the life of the athlete are associated with his professional career. The German is a very popular person in his homeland, because he can boast of an impeccable reputation.

Rudi Feller

Rudy Feller does not have a coaching diploma, but this did not prevent him from achieving some success.

In 1982, he became the vice-champion of Europe among the "youth", ten years later - among national teams, and in another ten years - won the "silver" mundialya as coach of the national team.

Rudy Feller almost succeeded in repeating the achievement of Franz Beckenbauer, who became the triumphant champion of the world championships in the status of footballer and coach.

One of the most unpleasant episodes in hisA professional career took place during the 1986 World Championships. Then at some point in the game the player went to the referee and showed his hair, which Frank Rijkaard spat. The arbitrator paid no attention to this and did not punish the Dutchman in any way. Along with this, on the video recordings of that game one can see that such an episode did take place. Later, Rijkaard admitted that he did so because the German called him a black monkey in one of the episodes of the match.

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