/ / Hot iron - what is this? Hot iron: Exercises

Hot iron - what is it? Hot iron: Exercises

Many believe that in order to lose weight,It is necessary to include in your sports schedule aerobic and cardio exercises. However, few people know that you can get rid of excess weight without resorting to athletics, doing only power exercises. Let's figure it out, hot iron - what it is, and who does it.

hot iron what is it

Power Loads - Weight Loss Guarantee

Relatively recently, German researchers fromDusseldorf found that the power load allows you to very effectively regulate your weight in a short time. Observations of a large group of subjects (over 100 people) have shown that strength exercises with regular repetitions are even more effective in combating excess kilograms than traditional cardio exhalations.

The results of the research formed the basis for the newthe direction of sports training - "Hot Iron". This is a complex of specially selected fitness exercises with an emphasis on the development of power endurance, fat burning, rehabilitation in case of problems with the back. In addition to German scientists, a great contribution to the development of the program was made by experienced trainers of the sports company Reebok.

Activities for single-minded people

All fitness centers in which classes are conductedin the direction of Hot Iron, use a unified methodology for performing exercises. In this case, the exercises themselves regularly (usually once a quarter) are slightly modified so that there is no addiction to the same type of load.

The main emphasis in the "Hot Iron" is on powerload. The lessons are conducted in the halls to music, like aerobics. To date, almost every fitness center offers classes for hot iron programs. Training is equally suitable for both men and women, regardless of the basic level of training.

hot iron training

Typical programs

"Hot Iron" is a set of several directions:

  • For beginners who want to get a beautiful body shape, the programs "Hot Iron" 1, 2 or Advanced.
  • The best results in the fight against excess weight and fat loss are shown in the Iron Cross.
  • If you have problems with your back, you should choose Iron Back.
  • The most optimal power load is provided by the Iron Body complex.

Breakdown for different training complexesis one of the advantages of the program, since it allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of each practitioner, as well as the goals that he sets himself. Anyone can easily find the right training option for themselves.

hot iron reviews

Program for beginners

As a rule, beginners of fitness centerschoose the program "Hot Iron" 1, which is correct. Experienced practitioners are more suited to such sets of activities as Iron Cross, "Hot Iron" 2 and Advanced Training.

Exercises "Hot Iron" 1 are devoted to the mainforce movements. The practitioners make attacks, squeeze the bar lying down, squat and pump the press. For those who are determined to combat excess weight, there are classes with mini-bars. The level of load is selected individually, depending on the degree of preparedness.

Complex for Hardy

"Hot Iron 2" focuses on attacks, squats andenergetic push-ups. In the process of training a lot of energy is expended, it is possible to work out even fine muscles qualitatively. The figure can be brought to the desired shape by engaging in hot iron. Feedback from the practitioners is more positive. People celebrate improvements after four weeks of training.

The complex "Iron Cross" is aimed at formingbeautiful body. Exercises help to increase the muscles, and in the process of spending a lot of energy. Although this set of exercises is more suitable for men, well-trained women will also find a lot of interesting things in it. "Iron Cross" allows for a fairly short time to throw off a decent amount of excess weight. No treadmills or exercise bikes can match the performance of Iron Cross.

hot iron music

The duration of one lesson is one hour.This is quite enough to properly load all the major muscles, without fearing to damage the joints or vertebrae. If there is still a question, hot iron - what is it, read the article next.

Program Benefits

Along with traditional cardio exercisestrack and field athletics, classes in the hot iron system (training provides not just the acceleration of extra pounds) contribute to the formation of beautiful body contours, thanks to the strength aspects of the exercises. The main advantage of the program is a regular change in the exercises that make up the complex, which gives a greater effect in comparison with the classical approach. As a result, the muscles do not get used to the same type of load, but on the contrary, they constantly work, thanks to the variable exercises, which positively affects the figure.

hot iron exercises

Activities "Hot Iron" allow:

  • To disperse the metabolism by more than 30%.
  • Catch extra pounds without dieting.
  • Increase muscles.
  • Burn the fat.
  • Tighten the skin, get rid of cellulite.
  • Strengthen the bones.
  • Increase joint mobility.

One hour of diligent training on the "Hot Iron"can get rid of 900 kcal, which is achieved through the use of a specially designed schedule of training based on a scientific approach and with the involvement of certified instructors.

If desired, "Hot Iron" allows you to change training programs, increase workload, includes many repetitions.

The main points underlying the Hot Iron approach are:

  • Strength elements in the exercises better help to fight excess weight, rather than the usual workouts such as aerobics.
  • Some diets will not help you to drive away excess fat for a long time, you need strength exercises.
  • Occupations by force elements lead to a fat burning effect, which lasts a day after the end of classes.
  • Strength exercises have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, including promote immunity, normalize blood pressure, calm the nervous system.

Also, "Hot Iron" improves posture, strengthens the back muscles.

How to practice?

Excellent results are guaranteed even in thecase, if there is not much time to do it. It is enough to engage at least three times a week. Days of training should be alternated with days of rest. The best way to relax is swimming, which will reduce muscle tone. Hot iron - what is it, sport or fitness?

hot iron fitness

Occupations "Hot Iron" do not require special dietnutrition or additional sports nutrition. You should simply lead a healthy lifestyle: consume a lot of protein, but reduce the carbohydrate in the diet. The main rule is to avoid overeating. If these requirements are met and the conditions for regular classes are met, the figure will quickly find the desired forms. You can easily normalize your weight if you regularly engage in hot iron. Comments on the training of men and women leave the most favorable. Each notes the tone in the body and the beautiful formation of muscle mass.

The system of exercises "Hot Iron" is equally suitable for representatives of both sexes.

Some women worry that as a resultthey will gain pumped up muscles and become like a man. These fears are groundless! In fact, "Hot Iron" allows you to achieve an ideal figure and beautiful body relief without the effect of "pumping". If you decide to practice hot iron yourself, the music for classes should be dynamic and incendiary.

How much do you need to do to see the effect?

A special technique is developed for training infor one hour. At the same time you will have to attend training sessions at least three times a week. Due to the fact that the metabolic rate of all is different, the result will be visible after a different period of time. Usually people after a month note a positive effect and a visible tightness of the body.

hot iron contraindications

When the daily load is burned about 800-900calories. The weight of the equipment is selected depending on the development of the musculature. Nobody will give a newcomer a lot of work, it can adversely affect your health. In hot iron exercises change regularly.


This type of sport is not recommended for people withdiseases of the musculoskeletal system. An experienced instructor is able to adapt the training to any person. Therefore, there are practically no contraindications.

Strength training requires a competent approach andpreheating of muscles. You can not just grab the bar, you need to do warm-up exercises. Initially, it is better to deal with a professional who will give good advice and advice on proper nutrition. No training will have the proper effect unless you revise the food in your refrigerator. As you can see, in hot iron contra-indications are practically absent.


Hot iron - fitness, which does not require dailylessons. It is enough only three visits to the gym in a week: the first results will not keep you waiting. In 3-4 months the skin will be significantly tightened, flabbiness will disappear, the vital tone will increase, the fatty subcutaneous layer will decrease.

equipment for hot iron

Training "Hot Iron" does not require a significant inventory or accessories, it will be enough mini-bar with a set of different weights (1-5 kg) and a rug made of rubberized material.

Thus, "Hot Iron" is aa highly effective fitness program that allows you to achieve significant results in a short time. At the same time, classes are a great way to relax, they allow you to recharge your energy and cheerfulness for a long time. Equipment for hot iron is chosen depending on the level of preparation.

All the exercises of the complex are constantly being improved by a team of experienced instructors, as well as German scientists-developers of the program.

"Hot Iron" is a wonderful program for those who care about their body. Now you know about hot iron, that this is a new direction for the formation of your muscle mass.

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