/ / Exercises for the neck and chin at home

Exercises for the neck and chin at home

To keep the body elastic and young, you needeat healthy food and play sports. Perhaps this statement is familiar to all. However, a person with age also loses its former beauty and smartness. Moreover, the process of wilting begins with 20 years. Exercises for the neck and chin will help to slow it down, thanks to which the face will retain youth and elasticity for many more years. Your attention will be presented to the complex of 10 tasks, requiring only 15 minutes a day.

exercises for the muscles of the neck and chin

How to perform facial gymnastics?

Some girls do not see the effect of the exercises, and all because they do them wrong.

1.Only systematic execution guarantees a visible result. Exercises are not radical methods, but only good prevention. Therefore, gymnastics should be practiced every day, ideally in the morning and evening.

2. Before class, it is imperative to wash your hands and clean your face. After it is recommended to apply the cream, it can be alternated with cosmetic oils.

3. Exercise in a sitting and relaxed position. Watch yourself in the mirror to see if the exercises for the muscles of the neck and chin are performed correctly.

four.Do gymnastics slowly, straining the muscles as much as possible. Each task must be carried out so that after a few movements there is a slight burning or tingling sensation. Moreover, one set of exercises on average should take from 10 to 15 minutes a day.

5. Do not overdo it.If a task causes discomfort or dizziness, simply cancel it. You should also contact your doctor for advice. Normal training for the face in healthy people does not cause discomfort.

We got acquainted with the rules of gymnastics, now we will proceed directly to the tasks of the complex.

exercises for strengthening the chin and neck

Warm up muscles

Before starting the basic exercises for tightening the neck and chin, you need to perform a light warm-up. It warms the muscles of the face and protects against damage.

To warm up enough to move the bottomjaw in different directions. Move it left-right and then back and forth. You can try to do this in a circle. Ten repetitions will be enough. Movement should be smooth, light, without sharp jerks.


Open your mouth wide and put your lower lip onlower teeth. Imagine that you are an excavator and you need to draw water into the bucket. Lower the face down and as if scoop. At the same time gradually close your mouth and lift your head. It is important that when performing the corners of the mouth were completely relaxed. Repeat these tasks 5-7 times.

Reach for the nose

Perhaps many did this gymnastics inchildhood, trying to compete with your friends. It’s time to get back to the childish age and try to do these fun exercises for the neck and chin. Stick out the tongue as far as possible and try to reach it with the tip to the nose. You do not need to strain your lips. It is important to work out the hyoid muscle in order to get rid of the second chin or not to let it appear. Make in this task 5 approaches.

exercises for a beautiful neck and chin

Recall the alphabet

This is another exercise known to many.Take a pencil, pen or wand in your mouth and start writing different letters in the air. The object must be clamped in the teeth, not in the lips. Try to display beautiful letters so that there is tension in the muscles. It is very desirable to reproduce the entire alphabet at once. Gradually complicate the task: first draw the characters, then the capital letters. For a change, take the English letters or signs of another language.

Picture a pigeon

Grip the jaw with your hand tothe big fingers were on opposite sides of the neck. Keep your palm in place, and head forward. In this position, hold out for half a minute. When performing this exercise to strengthen the chin and neck, it is important to strain the muscles. Make 5 approaches. Now repeat the same thing, only with a turn of the head to the left, and then - to the right. For each side, complete the task 3 times. Also this gymnastics tightens the cheeks and preserves the shape of the face.

The Giraffe's Kiss

Imagine you want to kiss a giraffe orsomeone else high. Raise your head up as much as possible so that she stares at the ceiling. Pull the lower jaw of the slug forward and the lips close into the tube. In this position, hold on for 5 to 8 seconds. If you do everything correctly, then a strong tension will appear in the neck and chin. Do this gymnastics 5 times.

exercises for tightening the neck and chin


Back of the palm make lighttapping movements. Start from the chin, lateral muscles and end with the neck itself. It is necessary to perform this exercise slowly, gradually accelerating the pace of movements. Make 5-7 approaches. This task is universal, it can even be performed at work to distract from the monitor. Just lean on the back of the chair, close your eyes and do gymnastics.


The following elements are exercises for the neck andchin need to perform this way. Place two fists under the jaw and lower the chin slightly. At the same time, there should be some kind of resistance that is created by the hands. The jaw must be moved down and the fists raised up. The force of depression gradually increase. When the greatest stress comes, hold the position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat steps 5 to 7 times.


This exercise is a bit like the previous one,since the principle of implementation coincides. Press the back of the palm to your forehead and at the same time push your head against it. You should get the impression that you are trying to push your neck forward, and your hand is in the way. The pressure between the palm and the forehead should last for 15 seconds. Make 3 approaches of this exercise for the neck and chin in each direction: forward, backward and sideways.

neck and chin exercises

Beech tree

Fill the mouth, close the lips tightly, andcheeks inflate. It will give the impression that you are blowing on someone. Press down on your cheeks with your palms until you feel tension in your muscles. Apply maximum effort and hold on for a few seconds. After that, release the air gradually and relax. Repeat the sequence of actions from 5 to 6 times.


By mood this exercise isopposite to the previous one, you will need to smile here. At the same time, grit your teeth and try to stretch your lips to the sides as much as possible. Now press the sky with the tip of the tongue, gradually increasing the pressure force. It should make a kind of smile-grimace. Elements of this exercise for a beautiful neck and chin are made correctly if there is a slight tingling sensation in the muscles. Hold the tension for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat steps 5-8 times.

Achieving optimal results

To achieve the greatest effect, do the exercises every day and follow simple tips.

1. Сохраняйте красивую осанку.When a person during work or rest constantly takes on an irregular posture, the skin around the neck and chin eventually becomes flabby. Therefore, when standing or sitting, try to keep your head straight.

Chin and neck exercises at home

2. Sleep on a small pillow. Sleeping on a tall pedestal is the worst enemy of beauty. A large pillow not only promotes snoring, but also stretches the skin on the neck.

3. Moisturize and protect skin.Over the years, the person lacks natural moisture, so it is very important to use good creams daily. And in the summer you need to use sunscreen.

Следуйте этим советам и занимайтесь гимнастикой, to keep young longer. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the gym, it is enough to perform exercises for the chin and neck at home.

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