/ / Winter spoon-bait on perch with own hands. Catchy winter spoon-bait for perch

Winter spoon-bait on perch with own hands. Catchy winter spoon-bait for perch

Fans of winter fishing for perch oftenuse as homemade self-made spoon-bait. And it's not about saving at all. Catch a good copy, and even a trolley of your own making - this is an additional excitement.

Winter baiters per perch with their own hands to makenot difficult. There will not even be any equipment needed. All that is needed is the source material, a simple hand tool and a desire. But first, let's define the advantages of a spoon-bait in catching a perch, as well as the basic requirements put forward for self-made baits.

Advantages of spoon-bait before other kinds of winter baits for perch

It is known that in winter the perch can be caught alivebait (bloodworm, caddis flies, gum), on usual mormyshku, on bezmotlku and on spoon-bait. The first three baits do their job well mainly at small and medium depths when catching a schooling "sailor".

Winter spoon-bait on perch with own hands
If we are talking about the humpback, which is found indepth of more than 5 m - this is a real predatory winter fishing. Spoon-bait for perch, especially large size, is simply irreplaceable. At a depth it is better visible, it does not carry away the current, and a good game of such a bait can bring a humpback into the senses even during periods of his low activity.

What properties should have a winter bait for perch

The main task of winter lures isattracting a predator his game. Without it, any bait is just a piece of metal. In order to play the game, the bait should have the appropriate weight and shape. For a small perch, spoon-baits are used that are 2 to 5 cm in length, but large models are used for "humpback" - from 5 to 9 cm.

Branded catching winter spoon-bait for perch,despite the fact that they are made of materials such as stainless steel, copper and aluminum, which already have the color of a fish, very often have an original coloring. A figure that simulates the eye of a fish, fin or blood spot can complement the overall picture and enhance the effectiveness of the bait.

Spoon-bait, depending on the purpose, can be equipped with a single, double or triple crochet. Its type and size are selected based on the size of the bait.

First, let's try to makesimple winter spoon-bait for perch with their own hands. Photo of the homemade presents will be presented below. In order not to spend money on materials, it is better to start with lying under your feet.

Winter baiters per perch with their own hands from the beer can

Practice in the manufacture of lures can be onan ordinary can of beer, coffee or canned food. Bait from thin sheet aluminum or tin can be used for fishing on the "sailor" on the shallows in conditions of zero flow. From the tools we need metal scissors, awl and sandpaper. Also, two winding rings and a tee size no larger than No. 7 are needed.

Catchy winter spoon-bait for perch

Cut the jar and straighten it into a sheet.Remove the paint from the outside with a skin. We put the marking of blanks 2 x 4 cm in size. Cut them out. Sharp edges rounded and screwed holes for rings. Further all we grind, getting rid of burrs.

Now the future spoon-bait need to be bent oververtical axis. To do this, put the billet in a regular tablespoon, with the help of any soft rounded surface, with an effort, smooth it, giving it the necessary shape. After that, we fix the rings and the hook. Using nail polish red, you can paint the head of the spinner. Now you can test.

This, of course, is not the most catchy winter bait for perch, but they work, especially during periods of high activity of the striped predator.

Pilker for perch from tweezers

The Pilker is a small percussion bait for winter fishing. At home, it is made from a single piece of stainless steel, silver, brass or copper.

We will make a small fishing stick for"Sailor" made of ordinary tweezers, intended for cosmetology needs. All we need is a tweezer itself, more precisely, one of its "legs", a metal hacksaw, a drill with a thin drill, a file, sandpaper, two winding rings and a triple hook.

Mark the half of the tweezers in such a way thatone-third of the length of the future pellet was on the notches, and two thirds on the smooth surface of the "paw". Knife cut out the workpiece, smooth the file and round off the edges of the cuts. Further along the edges we drill holes for fixing the winding rings. After this, we carefully sand the sandpaper. Fix the rings and attach the hook from the side where the notches are located. The bait is ready.

Winter baubles on perch with their own hands drawings

Pilker from the handle of the spoon

Winter bait for perch with your hands can bemake even from ordinary dessert or tea spoons, more precisely, from their pens. The process, in principle, is the same: we mark the workpiece of the required length, cut it off, drill the holes under the rings and grind it. The hook is attached from the side that is wider. If the handle of the spoon has some kind of pattern on one of the surfaces, do not worry, let it stay. If necessary, one side of the pellet can be painted in the required color with the help of nail polish.

The described pilkers do their job well when catching perch at shallow depths in standing water.

Triangle made of power cable

From ordinary aluminum conductor of electric cableit is possible to produce a good three-cornered spoon-bait, similar to those produced by the company "Akme". It will take a piece of a power cable of triangular cross section with a triangle height of 1 cm and a length of 4 cm. The edges of the spoon are cut at an angle of 30-45 degrees so that the profile of the workpiece resembles a trapezium. The holes under the winding rings are drilled on the sections. Aluminum baits of this size will have an approximate weight of 4.5-5 g, which makes it quite applicable for hunting "humpback" at depths of more than 5 m.

Winter baubles on perch with their own hands photo

Homemade "Castmaster" from a copper tube

Without special difficulties you can make winter spoon-baiters per perch with your own hands from a copper tube. If everything is done correctly, they will work no worse than the branded "Castmaster" from the same company "Akme".

For this homemade we will need:

  • section of copper tube section 8-10 mm;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • hacksaw for iron;
  • soldering iron, soldering acid, solder;
  • protractor;
  • over-file;
  • emery cloth;
  • 2 winding rings;
  • double (triple) hook size no. 7-8

With a protractor draw a line that goes to the right at an angle of 17 degrees. We move the starting point 3-4 mm to the left and mark the second straight line in the same direction, only at an angle of 23 degrees.

Winter fishing baubles for perch

Now, with a hacksaw, cut off the edges of the tube from bothsides in such a way that we have a stretched in one side washer. Next, we heat the soldering iron, process the inner side of the billet with acid, fill it with molten solder. Leaving the edges 2-3 mm, drill the holes under the winding rings, after which we thoroughly grind the surfaces until they become absolutely smooth. After that, we catch rings and a hook.

Practice shows that the winter catch of perch on thespoon-type "Castmaster" is quite effective, even if it's a self-made. Unconventional at first glance for the bait shape creates a unique bait game, and the visual image created by the two-colored body, perfectly attracts any predator.

Self-made deep spoon baubles "torpedo"

After practicing, we will try to make morecomplex winter spoon-bait on the perch with their own hands. Preliminary drawings of the bait are made on paper. We draw a figure in the form of an elongated drop 30-40 mm in length. The width of the "torpedo" in the upper part is 10 mm, in the lower part - 3 mm. Next, we make a paper from the paper, carving out our drawing.

Winter fishing for perch

Now we need to prepare materials and tools. We will need:

  • sheet copper 0.5 mm thick;
  • awl;
  • scissors for metal;
  • soldering iron, acid and solder;
  • a hammer;
  • a drummer with a rounded impact surface or a set of steel balls;
  • thick rubber;
  • a piece of copper wire cross-section 0.5-0.6 mm;
  • hook No. 4-6 (single);
  • file;
  • sandpaper.

We transfer the drawing to a sheet of copper and cut out twoidentical blanks. Each of them must be given a convex shape over the entire surface. To do this, we lay the workpiece on a thick rubber, using a drummer or a metal ball of the required size and a hammer to give the surface a convexity.

Then the inner part of each billetit is necessary to treat with acid and coat with a layer of solder. From the copper wire, you need to make two small loops to fix the winding rings, and solder them from the inside to one of the sides.

After that, the halves must be folded together andPropagate the connection line in such a way that water does not get inside the spinner. After completion of the main work, the workpiece is carefully cleaned with a file and sanded with sandpaper until it is absolutely smooth and smooth.

We put the winding rings into the holes. The hook is attached from the wide side of the spoon-bait.

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