/ / Application of the activator of biting for successful fishing

The use of a biting activator for successful fishing

Many anglers, especially those who givefavorite hobby almost all their free time, positively relate to various adaptations and notions, which are designed to increase the effectiveness and catchability. It is understandable, it is more interesting after all, when the fish bite, than just sit with an outstretched fishing rod on the shore of the reservoir. And besides, a good prey is the main reason to show off to your comrades, as every self-respecting fisherman loves to do.

activator of bite [

Drawing attention

Acquisition by fishermen of activator biting andis due precisely to the desire to have such an adaptation. It is conceived with one important goal: to attract the attention of potential prey. A substance consisting of a mixture of ingredients (more about them later), lures the inhabitants of the reservoir - both herbivorous and predatory fish - to the catch point chosen by the fisherman. How does the bite activator work? Thanks to this adaptation, the fish sail to the site, they start actively feeding: it comes to bait on hooks. As a result - catching fishing, which can bring the desired trophies.

bite activator compound


What are the main properties should be characteristicfor the right bite activator? After all, sometimes it's rather difficult to choose this mixture because of the abundance of offers and manufacturers. There are several basic ones, of which we will tell.

Range of action

For a good bite activator,attracting the attention of fish with active pheromones from a great distance. The more that underwater area of ​​the reservoir over which they spread, the higher the probability of a good bite and catch.


For a modern bite activator, it is desirableuniversality. What does it mean? The fact that it with the same effect can be used to attract different types of fish: for example, carp, carp and perch. The active drug should have almost the same wide impact on them.

Practicality and readiness

The preparation should have simplicity of preparation.It is necessary that it was not enough for one time, but for several fishing trips. The concentration of the attractant should be constant, that is, the necessary condition should be that it is not required, for example, dilute with water or another liquid, otherwise you can not keep the proportions and only scare away the fish.

Ecological cleanliness

The composition of the bite activator should not exertadverse effects on the environment, be chemically aggressive or dangerous to the hands. Active substances are allowed of natural origin, do not pollute and do not poison the body of water.

how the bite activator works

Active substance

It has been scientifically proven that many species of fish possessgood sense of smell. They are able to react even to a small concentration of odorous matter in the aquatic environment. What is this smell, which is the basis of the bite activator? Scientists have set a similar goal - to identify those substances whose flavors cause increased appetite in production: putrefactive, acute, camphor, musk, floral, mint, ethereal odors. Also attracting irritants for many fish species are some proteins, amino acids and pheromones. By the method of samples, scientists determined the composition of the ingredients, which actively influence the sense of smell of river inhabitants. Accordingly, such a recipe, most industrial mixtures are manufactured. For example, Fishhungry and other best biting activators are popular with fishermen.

"Hungry fish"

This is how you can literally translate fromEnglish name of this popular mixture. This includes the ethereal components of anise and garlic (by the way, long known and used by inveterate fishermen since Soviet times). Also included in the composition are some pheromones and amino acids, which allows you to achieve when catching the maximum result. Usually, the concentrated activator is diluted in appropriate proportions and mixed with a bait habitual for catching certain species. The effect of the application is observed after 15-20 minutes. The maximum is reached in an hour, then the bait needs to be updated. Fishhungry is a product of high technologies. It does not cause harm to the environment. However, the nature of the consistency is such that it is almost impossible to repeat the recipe on your own.

best bite activators

With your own hands

But many fishermen prefer traditionallyto make activators of biting at home, using the available ingredients. For example, a mixture of black bread, aniseed drops and garlic is well suited for crucian carp, widely used in the Soviet years by many amateur fishermen. Another option: bread with lean oil unrefined or a mixture of garlic with live worms in a jar. Some dung worms, for example, are placed in a jar of mint, the smell of which is attractive to carp. In general, there are lots of options, and the selection is carried out individually and, as a rule, by experience. Sometimes used finely chopped fish meat (as a source of protein and blood), leeches chopped, pieces of liver raw. Sometimes - a mixture of insects that live around the pond, worms and maggots, flavored flavorings.

bite activator how to use


Recently, quite widely in the lastTime is also applied to the electric bite activator. How to use this device most effectively? The device is launched into the water area. Once the activator is in the aquatic environment, it starts to click, glow and vibrate, affecting the hearing and visual organs of the intended catch. The work of such an adaptation is based on the susceptibility of the fish to such vibrations (especially on night fishing). It emits low-frequency sound signals propagating over a distance of up to one kilometer. All these nuances have an attractive effect.

Successful fishing for everyone!

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