/ / Activator of bite for crucian carp with his own hands

Activator of bite for crucian carp with his own hands

On fishing, especially, "on cold water", veryit is important to attract the attention of prey. For this purpose, the bite activator is used. Hungry fish - perch, carp, crucian carp, etc. - sails on the smell of the substance that is part of the privat. Due to this, the fisherman lures the prey to a pre-eaten area, which, starting to eat and swallowing the bait, comes to the hook.

Activator of bite for crucian carp

How to choose

Fishing is a special art.It is required not only to discover the prey and to cut it, it still needs to be lured. Although in practice it is not always easy to pick up the right activators of fish bait. The reason is that today there are a lot of varieties on the market from many manufacturers. Companies that produce special compounds for attracting underwater inhabitants - activators of fish biting - a huge amount. Each of them offers its own product, although not always of high quality and, most importantly, quite effective.

Features of a good activator

Each fisherman uses his own pride.Some buy the activator of the bite in the store, paying him a lot of money, others prefer to cook with their own hands. However, there are some qualities that must be characterized as factory and home-made mixtures. First, for the activator, it is important that he can attract potential production even from a sufficient distance. The larger the area of ​​the reservoir that will be covered by the active pheromone in the attractant mixture, the greater the chances of returning home with a good catch.

Another characteristic is universality.After all, it is convenient when you can use the same activator bite - for carp, perch, in general, for both peaceful and predatory fish. In this case, the effectiveness of the product should not be affected by this versatile application.

Activator nibble reviews

What causes good biting

Another feature of high-qualitythat she should not simply attract the prey to the point of bait, but increase her appetite. After all, as you know, a hungry fish, losing caution, begins to eat with greater greed, and therefore rather falls on the hook. In addition, a good bite activator, feedback about which users leave after application, should be practical, ready to use and environmentally friendly. The latter characteristic is especially important that the used substance contained in the mixture does not adversely affect this reservoir and its inhabitants. Of course, first of all it is meant that it should not be dangerous and chemically aggressive.

Electronic baits

There are many factors that eitherotherwise they affect the results of fishing. And one of them is the risk of overfeeding fish. But from this problem there was an excellent exit - the activator of biting electronic. This device works as follows. You just need to run it into the water area. Once the bait is in the water, it will start to click, vibrate and glow. Thus, the electronic bite activator, feedback about which is mostly positive, affects visual and auditory analyzers of potential production. The operation of the device is based on the susceptibility of the fish to various vibrations. The bite activator, flashing in the water column, is especially relevant during night fishing or in a pond with a strong current, in which sound and vibration are muffled.

Fish bait activator

Principle of operation

As for sound, the electronic activatorbiting - for crucian carp, bream and even catfish, - gives out signals only at a low frequency. In turbid water, such acoustic waves are particularly effective. The sound signal of this device is distributed in fresh water - by nine hundred, and in the sea - by one thousand hundred meters. Vibration, however, produced by the activator, affects mainly the "side line" of production. The bait, forming an electromagnetic signal, thus irritates the nerve endings of underwater inhabitants. All these factors together attract fish.

Activator for the crucian carp

This representative of the carp family is consideredone of the most common fish in our country. It would seem that there is nothing easier to catch the crucian carp. But this opinion is very subjective. Carp is considered a very capricious fish. There are times when he refuses to peck even his favorite bait. That's why the activator of biting for crucian carp is quite an urgent issue when fishing. This carp must necessarily be fed so that he quickly finds the proposed bait. In this case, the activator of biting for crucian carp, as professional anglers consider, should not be as complex in its composition as, for example, its analog for bream.

In general, the gastronomic tastes of this fish varyOften. Even for an hour crucian can prefer several different attachments. Therefore, when going hunting, the angler should be ready for the changing appetite of the prey.

Activator of the bite yourself

Favorite Caramel activators

Various supplements that stimulate fish biting,have long been used by our fishermen. Starting with the traditional carp scents such as garlic, anise, vanillin, hemp, vegetable oil, and ending with the most complex "cocktails" produced in the industrial way - all increases hunting efficiency.

Желательно под рукой иметь различные формы baits - as a powdery activator of biting for crucian carp, and liquid. All of them are ideal for adding to the feed mixture. To independently manufacture the activator of bites with your own hands and find the most optimal taste and smell for carp, you should experiment a lot.

The best bait

Those who go to catch the crucian carp at a wildpond, experts recommend using mostly natural stimulants. However, if there is a strong prohibition in the lake and there is little fish, besides it is very cautious, an artificial bite activator will be needed.

Activator of bite for crucian carp with his own hands

With your own hands to make this mixture canany, even a novice angler. In general, almost any method for exciting the appetite of crucian carp gives very good results. And this is confirmed by the long practice of professionals who know first hand what a great biting of this fish is and what can cause it.

The greatest effect is observed from successfulcombination. For example, in industrial bait there is a small amount of aromatic component. Some experienced anglers prefer to buy only canned corn, in which there is a strawberry smell, believing that such a composition is the best biting activator for carp.

Activator of the bite of hungry fish

With your own hands

Многие экспериментируют с приманками, считая, что a mixture made by one's own hand is the most effective, because its composition is obtained through experience and experiments. Some anglers are in constant search. In addition, when they go to the pond, they have several types of water with them, for example, bread mixed with vegetable oil or garlic, dissolved in a jar with worms.

By the way, according to many, the last option -the most "correct" activator of biting for crucian carp. With their own hands making a bait, a fisherman must take into account several circumstances: the weather, the nature of the reservoir, the season and much more, for example, the number of "neighbors" sitting with a fishing rod nearby.

The most common home activatoris also a dung worm, which for a while is placed in a box containing mint. So it becomes not only "clean", but also very attractive for crucian carp. In addition, crucian likes rye or black bread, which is mixed with one of his favorite flavors - garlic, vegetable oil, anise or vanilla.

Bite Activator electronic

In general, this fastidious and shyrepresentative of the family of carp, there are several smells, which he loves more than others. And first of all it is the smell of vanilla, which is more attractive for small and medium-sized carp. In this case, it should not be surprising if, instead of the expected production, a bream is caught on the hook: he loves this activator of biting as much as a colleague.

No less common lures aremixes in which there is anise oil is added to semolina or bread crumb. At the same time, experienced fishermen do not advise using such an activator in winter. Large specimens of crucians respond best to garlic, and when there is a very sluggish bite, then hemp can be used as an effective remedy.

Если добыча прячется в глубине сильно заросшего pond, then lure him out there can be such an activator, like dill, added to the bait mixture. Not bad "work" and potato chips, however, large carp float on them.

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