/ / Figure skater Kerrigan Nancy: biography and sports career

Figure skater Kerrigan Nancy: biography and sports career

Nancy Kerrigan is a famous Americanfigure skater. He is a two-time winner of the Winter Olympics, twice won medals of the World Cup, and also won the US Championship. Due to intrigues in the national team, an attack was committed against her, which could affect not only the sports career, but also the health in general.

Biographical information

Керриган Нэнси родилась в 1969 году в небольшом the American town of Woburn, Massachusetts. The girl first tried on skates and became at them in 6 years. Two years later she began to attend figure skating training, and at the age of 9 she won for the first time in children's competitions.

The first coach of the future champion was TeresaMartin. When Nancy turned 16, her new mentor was Denise Morrisay, who was soon replaced by Mary and Ivy Scotwold. This coaching tandem stayed with Kerrigan until the end of her sports career.

kerrigan nancy assault

In 1987, Kerrigan Nancy loudly declared herselfat the junior championship. 18-year-old figure skater won only 4 place, but forced to talk about themselves leading experts in this sport. After 4 years, Nancy won bronze at the US Championship. This result allowed her to participate in the World Cup, where Kerrigan again became the third.

At the Olympics-90 in Albertville, the figure skater showed one of the best programs and deservedly won a bronze medal.

Attack on the athlete

Before the Olympics-94, one of the mosthigh-profile incidents in the history of figure skating. For the right to enter the competition from the United States competed Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding. The latter, wanting to get rid of the rival, became a party to the plot.

nancy kerrigan and ton harding

Shane Stant was commissioned to attack Nancy andbreak her leg. Finding a sportswoman in Detroit, the attacker crept up and hit Nancy Kerrigan with a club on his hip. The attack was so unexpected that no one could stop him.

Fortunately for the sportswoman, everything only costa severe bruise. This incident provoked a very loud scandal in American and world figure skating. Ironically, Tonya Harding managed to escape punishment and even performed at the Olympic Games, where she took only the eighth place as a result.

Having missed the US Championship because of this injury,the figure skater nevertheless got along with her offender in the national team of her country. Kerrigan Nancy managed to fully regain her form and won the silver medal of the Olympics in Lillehammer, second only to Ukrainian Oksana Baiul.

Personal life

After completing her sports career, Nancy married her sports agent and gave birth to three children: Matthew, Brian and Nicole. The family lives in the American town of Linfield.

kerrigan nancy

Kerrigan Nancy did not part completely with figure skating. She gladly accepted the invitation to participate in various competitions, such as "Ice Wars" and "Champions on Ice."

Ex-figure skater had her own sportstransfer, and also acted as a commentator in various competitions. Kerrigan is the author of the textbook on the technique of figure skating "Artistry on ice." In 2004, Nancy was introduced to the American Figure Skating Hall.

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