/ / Song "Hotel" "Nancy": a story of love, carried through the years

Song "Hotel" "Nancy": a story of love, carried through the years

In the 1990s, the Nancy group was extremelypopular in the CIS. One of the hits of the band is a song that some people call “Plane to New York”. In fact, this composition is called "Hotel". "Nancy" is simply associated with many precisely with this hit. What is so clinging to this, in fact, a very pop work?

hotel nancy

Song "Hotel", "Nancy": the beginning of history

Собственно говоря, история, которая возникает when listening to a song, it looks rather fascinating before the mind's eye and pushes on certain thoughts about the meaning of life, the ability to recognize and correct mistakes, as well as the hope that remains with a person. Well, create an advanced script! By the way, the web has a black and white video for this composition. We will partially borrow its plot in order to better interpret the idea of ​​the authors.

So, the story begins with a quarrel of lovers.Things fly from the balcony, the guy leaves in a rage. At the same time, he realizes that the feelings have not disappeared anywhere, but pride and resentment are too strong to go to reconciliation. The hero takes a plane ticket to New York. With all the depth of his feelings, he does not dare to say goodbye to his beloved woman who remains in Russia. But he takes her photo with him. Understanding, in principle, that this girl lost forever.

Continued: meeting in New York

As you might guess, the young man was not stupid andambitious. Therefore, in America has achieved a lot. True, personal happiness could not be found. The hero says that time has flown by, seemingly and imperceptibly, but what we really wanted was not achieved. Yes, he learned to make money, but they have to spend on something secondary, in fact, unnecessary. Cars, restaurants, clubs, beautiful women for whom there is no feeling - all this has become the life of a hero. It's been 8 years. Without her ... In the song "Hotel" "Nancy" it is very clearly traced the line of regret that everything turned out that way, and not otherwise.

Nancy Hotel Group

And then an unexpected gift of Destiny!Or the evil mock of the Higher Forces? In an expensive night restaurant at a fashionable hotel, the hero habitually “floods” his sadness, nostalgia and memories. Despite the noise and a lot of people, he distinguishes at the next table the voice of a woman who for 8 years could not stop loving. She is still good, but not alone. He measured out only about two minutes. The girl slowly rises and retires, accompanied by a gentleman.

The hero of the song "Hotel" "Nancy" is onlyhope for a new meeting. He understands that the prospect of returning his beloved woman is extremely doubtful, but hope, as we know, is the last to die. As they say, the end of the story remains open ... What do you believe in?

Moral of history

Apparently, the authors of the hit wanted to warn people who are bound by strong feelings from ill-considered actions that leave an imprint on their entire life.

Group "Nancy" chords: "Hotel"

nancy chords hotel

The group "Nancy" "Hotel" made one of their"Business cards". Along with another hit - "Smoke cigarettes with menthol." In principle, the stories are somewhat similar, but ... about this another time! In the meantime, it is worth pondering the vicissitudes of fate!

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