/ Dumbbell pulling to the belt. Technique, advice, benefits

Thrust dumbbell to the belt. Technique, advice, benefits

Thrust dumbbell to the belt in bodybuilding is usedfor "finishing" the latissimus muscles of the back at the end of training. It is used as an auxiliary to such exercises as: deadlift, rod rod in slope and pull-up. The purpose of this movement is to ensure a uniform load on both parts of the back. Often it is also performed to eliminate asymmetry. Thrust dumbbell to the belt is used mainly as an exercise for the back, but in addition it also uses the lower part of the trapezium.

traction dumbbell to the waistband

Technique of execution

Thrust of dumbbells in the slope requires a very high-quality possession of technology, because if you act wrong, the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease at times.

  1. Take the dumbbell in one of the arms and stand sideways to the bench. Hvat should be neutral, and the palm directed to the side of the thigh.
  2. There are 2 options for how to take the initialposition: either spread your legs wide and longitudinally, leaning with your free hand on the edge of the bench, or put the knee of one foot on the bench, also sticking to the bench with your hand. If the exercise is performed with the right hand, then put the left foot and vice versa.
  3. The hand in which the dumbbell is located should be lowered and fully straightened. The shoulder should also be below the shoulder of the free hand.
  4. After inhaling, pull the dumbbell strictly vertically.With this movement you need to strain your back muscles. Also it is necessary to hold the dumbbell as high as possible. It is desirable that she touches the chest or shoulder. Try to hold the dumbbell at the top for a few seconds. This is necessary for a better tension of the target muscles.
  5. After exhaling, lower the dumbbell to the starting position, but in no case abruptly. Lowering should occur at an average, controlled rate. Make the necessary number of repetitions and change your hand.
    draft of dumbbells in slope

Errors in the exercise

едва ли сможете поднять снаряд до уровня плеча.Also, the dumbbell pull with one hand should be carried out in a stable position of the body, so take the right position at once. Another mistake is the wrong breathing during execution.

Remember that the priority inSuch an exercise, like pulling dumbbell to the waist, is the right technique. If you can not keep it, then be sure to take less weight. Believe me, the right movements with a little weight will do more good than wrong with more. People in gyms often try not to look weak and immediately take more dumbbells. Drop your principles and do not hesitate to work with a small weight.

During the exercise,only the elbow and shoulder joints. The back should be flat and slightly bent in the lower back. Do not round the spine, because this can lead to injury.

Do not strain your arms when lifting a dumbbell,because it takes some of the load from the target muscles and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise as a whole. More often than not, beginners make the mistake of straining their biceps while lifting, as a result of which almost the entire meaning of the exercise is lost. Correct this will help an experienced coach. It is also recommended at the beginning of training to use very little weight in order to work out the technique in perfection, and only after that go to serious studies.

draft of dumbbells to the chin

First use only neutral grip.Over time, when you easily learn to cope with the exercise, you can sometimes change the grip to the upper one. In this case, the elbow will look in the opposite direction and the load will be more significant.

Who needs this exercise?

Traction of dumbbells to the chin or to the waist is suitableboth for beginners and professionals. It can be included in almost any training complex and do for many years. Thrust dumbbells to the belt - effective and not the most traumatic exercise, which allows you to correct small differences in the development of the left and right half of the dorsal muscles.

How many approaches do

Experts in the field of bodybuilding converge onThe belief that exercises, such as pulling dumbbells in a slope, is best performed in three sets of 8-12 reps each. If you can not do the same number of repetitions on both hands - this is the first sign that your muscles are unevenly developed. Therefore, the number of repetitions can be adjusted for each specific situation.

pulling dumbbells with one hand

What is the use of this exercise?

В первую очередь, тяга гантелей в наклоне It is used in bodybuilding for the full development of the muscles of the back. However, its benefits can be traced in other sports. For example, the movements of the elbow and shoulder joints are characteristic for tennis, where players often serve the ball. Also, such efforts are needed in swimming, wrestling, basketball, volleyball and some other sports. Therefore, performing a belt pull can partially affect your progress in many types of physical activity.

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