/ / Pneumatic rifles for hunting without a license. Powerful air rifles for hunting

Pneumatic rifles for hunting without a license. Powerful air rifles for hunting

Сегодня происходит активное развитие стрелкового weapons. New models are being created, which differ from all analogues, and the next copies have long appeared on the market. In Russia, the use of military weapons is prohibited, non-execution is punishable by criminal liability. However, not so long ago other types, for example, gas, traumatic and pneumatic ones became available. The latter are very popular among the population. In addition, not only pistols but also rifles are in demand. If the former are needed for self-defense, then the latter, because of their large dimensions and good combat performance, are mostly taken for hunting.

pneumatic rifles for hunting without a license

It is gaining popularity nowadays not onlyamong the inhabitants of rural areas, but also among people living in the city. A wonderful way to relax also bears fruit. However, if you count on a rich booty, it makes sense to acquire a good weapon, with which it is easy to shoot the beast. In this case, the high power of some models is felt especially well. But how much can I buy pneumatic rifles for hunting without a license? Which models are the most popular? What are their technical characteristics? And most importantly, are powerful pneumatic rifles good for hunting?

Preparing for purchase

Винтовки пневматические для охоты, цены на which can be very different, you can buy in special stores. However, you must first determine the maximum amount that may be spent on the model. There are different types, powerful air rifles for hunting can cost a lot of money.

air rifles for hunting Price


Before proceeding to the analysis of certainmodels, it is necessary to consider the types into which air rifles can be divided for hunting without a license. One of the most significant classifications is caliber units:

  • 4,5 мм предназначена в основном для отстрела птиц (from duck to grouse) and small animals, most often it is hares. Game may not exceed 5 kg. The maximum shooting distance at which the target can actually be reached is 60 m. Only experienced hunters can shoot at a distance that exceeds the value.
  • Air rifle for hunting 5.5 mmIt is intended for shooting at larger targets (from a hare to a fox), but it will also be good at a bird. The maximum firing range for ordinary lovers is about 70 m. I must say that not in all cases it is possible to kill a fox or a beaver with one shot, one hundred percent result guarantees only getting into the head or using a larger caliber.
  • 6.5 mm is intended for shooting at the bodygrouse, goose, hare, fox and other game of similar size. It should be noted that when hunting for large prey, for example, a beaver, marmot or roe deer, you must perform a head shot. Reliable caliber, which many air rifles have for hunting without a license, allows you to effectively fire at targets. And if you choose the right barrel and cartridge, then the accuracy will correspond to the caliber of 5.5 mm. Power provides a deadly shot even when hit in the body of the animal.
  • 9 mm - the most reliable caliber.With air rifles of this kind, there is the highest probability of shooting a game. But if you hunt a bird, then the choice of such a caliber is better to refuse, since, taking for example the pigeon, there will be a hole in the body where it hits. And if you use an air rifle for hunting 5.5 mm, the result will not be worse. Reliable cartridge 9 mm and heavy bullets provide a firing range and a good result when hit by medium-sized animals. But the small stock in the store and the large weight of the rifle may not please many. Strong returns and poor accuracy with the wrong choice of bullets are also significant drawbacks. However, using good cartridges, you can achieve accuracy like the 6.35 mm caliber.


Не каждая винтовка может быть приобретена без license. According to the law of the Russian Federation, only rifles, the muzzle energy of which does not exceed 25 J, can be freely used without special permission. These models fall into the category of sports and entertainment weapons and are often used as hunting weapons. It is also worth noting that it is almost impossible to choose the best air rifle without a license, since everyone has their own preferences. Someone needs an exact model with a small caliber, someone needs a big cartridge. However, of course, everyone wants to acquire a powerful rifle, the destructive force of which will be the leading one. So, the best in this regard are the rifles described below. They should not be confused, albeit with more powerful, but not in the free sale models.

choose an air rifle for hunting

Gamo Hunter 1250

Для многих это лучшая пневматическая винтовка для hunting. It is worth mentioning that only a weakened version with the letter “F” fits into the laws of the Russian Federation (for use without a license). The body of the weapon consists of beech or walnut, it is varnished to avoid rotting and for good appearance. The latter, by the way, is undoubtedly one of the advantages of a rifle. At the end there is a rubber back plate, which is quite convenient to use. And decorative drawings complement the image.

powerful air rifles for hunting


Spanish manufacturer reduces powerrifles in an interesting way, drilling a hole in the piston. This, among other things, also increases the accuracy of fire. The front sight most often attracts attention, as it is a common bolt. However, it is possible to install an optical sight, therefore, it cannot be called a disadvantage.


Powerful recoil of the rifle, strongly throws uptrunk up, requires habit. Shooting from a rifle is not easy, this is probably the only minus of the model. However, masters are able to get into a coin from a hundred meters, although for a beginner and with 50 m to maintain good accuracy is very difficult. Weight is also not an advantage, it is as much as 4.2 kg. Therefore (for use on the hunt) you need to install a sash that will facilitate more convenient operation.

best air rifle for hunting

Разнообразны винтовки пневматические для охоты.Prices for them are also different, for example, for Gamo Hunter 1250 will have to pay about 30 000 rubles. To summarize, the model is suitable for experienced shooters, as it requires complex handling and costs a lot of money.

Hatsan 125

It is one of the most popular pneumatic.rifles that do not require a license. A serious weapon that is not easy to handle. The length is about 125 cm. The weight is about 3.5 kg. Powerful feedback requires a good grip, and therefore experience. The bullet reaches a speed of about 380 m / s. In general, the Hatsan 125 is a worthy contender for the Gamo Hunter 1250. But they are in different price categories. Hatsan 125 has a cost of about 20,000 rubles, which is 10,000 less than the opponent. The reliable model has long won the hearts of many users. Value for money is kept at a high level, which explains so much popularity.

air rifles for hunting 5 5

Turkish company largely copied its model.from Spanish competitors. Due to the relatively low price of decorative elements there is no, but the type of rifle has a classic one. However, this does not prevent it from being functional and of high quality.

Пневматические винтовки для охоты без лицензии very diverse. Some models are quite popular in the Russian markets. Selecting an air rifle for hunting is easy, you just need to know which kind is best suited.

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