/ / Footballer Teddy Sheringham

Footballer Teddy Sheringham

Тедди Шерингем является бывшим британским the footballer who has received the greatest popularity for games in clubs "Tottenham Hotspur", "Manchester Юнайтед" and national national team of England. Currently, he works as head coach at the Stevenage Club.

Teddy Sheringham


Teddy (Edward Paul) Sheringham was born on April 2, 1966year in London. Citizen of England. Playing position - forward. Height 184 cm, weight 79 kg. Years of performances - 1982-2008. Member of the Hall of Fame "Tottenham Hotspur" and England, a member of the knightly order of the British Empire. Trophies: winner of the Champions League 1999, MK-1999, bronze medalist of the European Championship-1996, three-time champion of England (1999, 2000, 2001) and winner of the Cup (1999) of the country.

Statistics of speeches

Teddy Sheringham is a unique player,who spoke at the highest football level for 26 years. During the period from 1992 to 2008 he took part in the championships of two European countries (England and Sweden) for 9 different clubs. Spent 757 matches, scored 288 goals.

  • 1982/91 - Millwall;
  • 1985 - Aldershot;
  • 1985 - "Djurgården" (Sweden);
  • 1991/92 - Nottingham Forest;
  • 1992/97, 2001/03 - Tottenham Hotspur;
  • 1997/2001 - Manchester United;
  • 2003/04 - Portsmouth;
  • 2004/07 - West Ham;
  • 2007/08 - "Colchester".

Teddy Sheringham photo

In the national team of England TeddySheringham (photo above) began to be involved since 1993. His first fight he spent on May 29 against the national team of Poland. It was the qualifying match of the group tournament for the 1994 World Cup. The last time England's Teddy shirt Teddy wore in the quarterfinal match of the 2002 World Cup against the Brazilian team. During the period of 1993-2002 he won 51 games for the main team of the country, scored 11 goals.

Stages of football career

The football career of Teddy Sheringham began inamateur team "Laytonstone." In this modest club he was taken to the pencil scouts of the team "Millwall", representing at that time the second English division. With this club, the 16-year-old has concluded his first professional agreement. Two years later (in the 1994 season), he made his debut in the first team. And already in the second match he opened the score for the goals scored. It happened in a duel against the Bournemouth club.

Naturally, the young immature football playerit is difficult to gain a foothold in the main part of the team, which has taken the course to fight for an exit in the highest division of the championship of England. Therefore, to gain experience and adjust his physical condition, he was forced, as a leased player, in the clubs "Aldershot" and "Djurgården." And if for the English team Teddy played only five fights, then in the championship of Sweden he played a fine season in 1985, where he scored 13 goals in 21 matches.

Since the 1985 season, Teddy Sheringham - the mainattacking "Millwall" and his best scorer for four years. In 1988, he and the team made their debut in the top division of the English championship. In two years, "Millwall" again dropped in the class, and Teddy began to think about changing the club. There was no longer any reason to remain here, since the leadership of the team did not put the maximum tasks before the club.

After playing for Millwall 8 years and scoring 111 goals,In the summer of 1991, the football player signed a contract with the team of Nottingham Forest. The deal amounted to 2 million pounds. Here he was remembered for being the author of the first ball of "Nittingham" in the newly formed English Premier League. The team itself, which rattled 10 years ago in Europe, was solving local tasks to preserve a place in the elite division, without claiming high tournament places, and Teddy could not alone pull the club up.

At the end of the first half of the 1992/93 championshipyear for the same 2 million pounds goes to the team "Tottenham Hotspur." Nottingham, having failed to find a worthy replacement for the outgoing scorer, leaves the Premier League following the championship, and Teddy Sheringham becomes the best striker of the new team and the entire championship of England, scoring 22 goals. In "Tottenham" he received not only the recognition of fans, but turned into one of the strongest strikers in the history of English football.

And yet, despite the fact that Teddy's partnerson the attack there were players such as Ronnie Rosenthal, Chris Armstrong, Jurgen Klinsmann, this team was far from winning at least some club trophy. Sheringham himself had 31 years behind him and not a single title.

Летом 1997 года Тедди перебирается в знаменитый "Manchester United". Tottenham Hotspur received 3.5 million pounds, and Manchester - the fourth striker (after York, Cole and Solsyaer) to strengthen the team. It is important to note here that the club began to get trophies, not least because of the great game of Teddy Sheringham. It was his goal that became a turning point in the winning of the 1999 Champions League team. Well, then the titles on the head forward fell down one after the other. This and win the Intercontinental Cup, and numerous victories in the championship and the FA Cup.

teddy sheherham playing

In 2001, the expiration of the 4-year contract playerwith United. He was offered to extend the agreement for another year, but the forward, as a free agent, returned to Tottenham, where he played for two more seasons. In total, for the “spurs” he played 230 fights, in which he scored 97 goals.

After Tottenham, Teddy played in Portsmouth. Here he distinguished himself by making a hat-trick in the match with Bolton as the oldest player. Then there were performances at West Ham.

teddy sheherham number

Teddy helped the Hammers out of the Championship inPremier League and reach the final of the SC KA 2006. The player himself was simultaneously rewriting the age records of English football. Finished football in a very modest club "Colchester", speaking in the Championship of England.

In conclusion, the fans of the younggenerations hardly know who Teddy Sheringham is, what number he played, what he remembered and what he achieved. Now other players are popular. A fan with experience, having heard this name, will say that Teddy Sheringham (number 10 of Manchester United club) is the player who equalized the score at the 91st minute of the final match of the Champions League match with Bayern Munich.

Coach career

Start coaching career Teddy SheringhamI had to work at the club "West Ham". Here he worked, as an assistant to the head coach Sam Ellerdays. Since 2015, Teddy headed the club "Stevenage". This team represents League-2 (the fourth strength division of the championship of England). They say that he not only coaches, but also actively plays in the club.

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