/ / Why the window between the bathroom and the kitchen? Window functions between bathroom and kitchen

Why the window between the bathroom and the kitchen? Window functions between bathroom and kitchen

Surely everyone met in some apartmentbetween the bathroom and the kitchen a window opening. This solution is present in almost all the houses of the old building. Most likely, the new owners of such an apartment also can not understand why you need a window between the bathroom and the kitchen. Moreover, in modern life conditions such design is unusual. Therefore, when entering the mentioned apartment, new settlers are thinking about why the window between the bathroom and the kitchen, whether it should be considered a disadvantage, which should be corrected? In fact, such a construction solution carries a functional load.

why the window between the kitchen and bathroom

The main functions of the window between the bathroom and the kitchen

If you go down in history, then this window was veryan important practical function. As there were gas boilers in the bathrooms, the window was a forced safety measure, since during the explosion of the cylinder part of the gas left the window.

In Soviet times, the apartments did not differa large area. As a rule, in the bathroom there was enough room only for the bath and washbasin. A window visually enlarged this room and raised the height of the ceiling. Also the window provided natural lighting of the bathroom. By the way, this function is very convenient, because during the day you can not turn on the light and thus save electricity.

In addition, given that the area of ​​the roomA small window provides additional ventilation. It is very convenient that you can open it and ventilate the room. The bathroom is subject to high humidity, so an additional source of ventilation will ensure a normal microclimate in the room.

Why you need a window between the bathroom and the kitchen

Leave a window between bathroom and kitchen or close up

When the apartment starts repair, thenvarious variants of alteration of a premise are considered. The window described is a relic of the past, but houses with such a design solution still stand. Therefore, when carrying out repairs, the question arises: what to do with such a window and why the window between the bathroom and the kitchen? To repair it or not?

As for security, nowThe need for a window in the event of an explosion of a gas cylinder has disappeared. So when answering the question, whether to leave it or not, it is necessary to be guided only by the stylistic orientation of the interior.

Why did they make a window between the bathroom and the kitchen before,It is understandable, but in our days it will probably be in the way, as in this place, for example, it is planned to install a shower cabin. Either an image is conceived on the wall. But it can be vice versa, the window will be a perfect complement to the bathroom interior. It should be said that in modern homes you will not find such a solution. Therefore, for connoisseurs of rarity, it is worthwhile to think about preserving such a nice detail of the interior.

why did they make a window between the bathroom and the kitchen

Recommendations for closing the window

If you still do not understand why the window between the bathroom and the kitchen, and decided that it must be sealed, then this work needs to be done in several stages:

  1. First of all, you need to buy materials (cement, mesh and chipboard sheet).
  2. Then you need to dismantle the window.To do this, remove the platbands, remove the glass, and then dismantle the frame. Please note that the partition between the kitchen and the bathroom is likely thin and made of low-quality materials, so when removing the old frame, it can be poured. In this regard, some experts recommend leaving the frame in the wall.
  3. The next stage of work is the installation of a sheetParticleboard. It is necessary to further impose a cement mixture on it. On the sheet you need to attach the mesh as an armature, then insert it into the opening and fix it there with the help of glazing beads.
  4. The final stage of the work will be applyingcement mortar. It is prepared from cement, sand and water, is applied in layers in several stages. And after the solution has dried, it must be sanded.

There are several options for embeddingwindow opening. You must select the most appropriate method. For example, you can use bricks or gypsum plaster. The choice of materials depends on the width of the wall and its structure.

Window functions between bathroom and kitchen

Interior decoration using the window between the kitchen and the bathroom

For those who decided to leave a window in the bathroom, it should be mentioned about its successful location.

Firstly, it's good that it is at the top, soAs from a difference of temperatures on a glass the condensate will be formed. And if the window was located directly above the bathroom, then all the moisture would drain into it.

Secondly, the presence of the window will provide ventilationair, which is an important point for small rooms and reveals the purpose of the window between the bathroom and the kitchen. The premise with the raised humidity necessarily should be well aired, as at bad circulation of air there is an unpleasant smell and mold can be formed. Such phenomena harm the person.

Thirdly, the presence of a window will expand the space and give a refined interior.

Window shape

If possible, you can change the formwindows, move away from the usual rectangle. This move will transform the interior, make it exclusive. For example, you can make a bathroom in a marine style. The window for this interior will fit in the form of a porthole. It is also recommended to expand the window sill and use it as a shelf.

Window Options

Given the high humidity of the room, it is betterUse plastic frames, as they do not deform from temperature changes and are resistant to water. Modern systems of plastic frames allow to establish the function of microventilating. PVC windows are very easy to clean.

Appointment of the window between the bathroom and the kitchen

When you plan to install a new windowit is recommended to think about the color solution of the frame. White color is classic and looks always dignified. But in addition to it you can experiment with other shades. For example, make a frame of chocolate color or the color of mahogany. This window will contrast with the bathroom, attract attention and look expensive. Also, a frame of lavender color will look noble. You can choose a shade that harmonizes with the ceiling and walls. But with the use of red, you need to be more careful, since in a room with a small area it will look ridiculous. Very beautiful will look in the bathroom stained glass. This window will let in daylight and at the same time decorate the interior. The main task in choosing stained glass is to select a pattern that should be combined with the style of the interior.

From all of the above, it is clear why the window between the bathroom and the kitchen. At first, the functions of the opening described were of practical importance. And later he began to wear aesthetic character.

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