/ / Dracena Godsef: description, characteristics and care at home

Dracaena Godsef: description, characteristics and care at home

The godsef's dragonse is credited with truly magicalproperties. There is a belief that this plant helps to make important decisions. It improves energy in the room. In addition, the flower is just beautiful. His appearance will definitely cause the positive emotions of dragonsen Godsef. Description, characteristics and care of the plant - read all about it in the article.


There are more than 150 species of dracen.But only seven of them are cultivated. Among them, Godsef's dracaena stands apart. Some classifiers attribute it to the Dracene family, others to the Agave family, and others to the Asparagus family. This is an evergreen shrub with a straight reed-type trunk, common among indoor plant lovers. She has another name: the congenital, or surculose. It is not very similar to other types of dratsen. The main decoration of the plant are leaves decorated with light (white, yellow, cream) spots. Leaf shape - pointed elliptic. Leaves grow in several pieces. In one place, cuttings of three to five leaves may converge. The length of each of them reaches 15 cm, width - 5 cm.

dracaena godsef

The roots are brown with a red tint. They form small tubers.

In nature, Godsef dracaen grows intoheight is up to 8 m; at home it usually reaches 0.6 ... 1 m. Young plants sometimes bloom at home with yellow-green fragrant flowers. They are collected in racemes. Sometimes, with good care and suitable conditions of detention, red berries can form in their place. But for flowering conditions in an ordinary apartment is not very suitable. Therefore, the dragon tree Godsef does not usually bloom here.


Dracaena of this species refers to plants notrequiring greater attention. The temperature in the room can be any, but in winter it should not fall below 12 degrees. This can lead to oppression and death of the plant. The optimum temperature for this period is 16 degrees. If the plant is frozen, it is transplanted and watered with water with the addition of "Zircon". Per liter of water is enough 4 drops of this tool. Spray the plant with Epin.

dracaena godsef description of characteristics and care

Does not like the plant and too high temperatures. When the temperature rises above 28 degrees, he feels bad and can dry the dragon tree of Godsef.

Care at home implies the definitionflower stationary. Dracaena does not like to travel around the apartment. Therefore, it is better to find a place for it immediately. The place for growing Godsef dracaena is best to choose on the windowsill, but not under the influence of direct sunlight. They will make the leaves of the plant dull. If there are no other windowsills, the plant should be slightly shaded.

Dracaena can easily tolerate shading and insufficient lighting. Care must be taken to ensure that it is not exposed to drafts.


Watering Godsef dragon flower regularly.In the summer, the number of irrigations is increased, in the winter - reduced. Although, if in winter time the temperature is not too different from summer, then the irrigation regime can not be changed too much. Water should not contain chlorine. The plant is afraid of abundant watering, so you need to determine the optimal mode. With strong moisture, the root system may decay.

dracaena godsef care

Драцена Годсефа не любит повышенной влажности of air. Its leaves are able to emit moisture out, increasing the humidity in the room. However, it responds well to spraying with warm water or to a warm shower once a week. To do this, set the plant in the bath, previously covered with an earthy lump of plastic wrap.

In order for the dracaena to grow up, it needs to be fed twice a month. Fertilizer should not contain chlorine and fluorine. They adversely affect the plant and can lead to its death.

Transplanting dracaena

In order for Godsef dracaena to grow quickly anddeveloped well, it must be replanted every two to three years. Prepare a new disinfected pot, the diameter of which is 3-5 cm more than the previous one. Lay a three-centimeter layer of expanded clay, crushed stone or other drainage on the bottom.

dracaena godsef home care

Prepare the soil, consisting of leaf soil, inwhich add humus, sand, peat. Add charcoal, which will protect the roots from rotting with excessive watering. Pieces of broken brick will also help reduce the amount of moisture during overflow. Soil acidity should be around 6.0.

Reproduction of dracaena

Размножается растение только черенками.To do this, cut a non-lumbering stalk from a length not less than 10 cm from the trunk. Cut the bark from the side. Water is poured into a transparent dish, pieces of charcoal are added to it and a cutting is set. Coal will protect it from rotting, and transparent dishes will allow you to see the formed roots in time. Their appearance should be expected in two months. And after three, when the length of the roots reaches 5 cm, it can already be transplanted into a new dish.

features care godsef dragonsey

You can install the stalk in the soil intended for the cultivation of palm trees.

Features care for dragonseed Godsef

If the dracaena does not like the care or conditions of detention, she lets it know by appearance:

  • Large bright spots appear as a result of sunburn.
  • The brown border or the tips of the leaves indicate insufficient watering, exposure to drafts, or dry air in the room.
  • If the dragon-tree is not transplanted for a long time, the leaves on it turn black and disappear. Solve the problem of replanting a flower.
  • If the root system rots, saving the plant is difficult. It is easier to cut the stalk and root it, and throw away the old plant.
  • Yellowing and leaf fallout can occur wheninsufficient amount of nutrients in the soil. In this case, the plant must be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. But falling leaves in the amount of up to five per week is considered normal and should not cause alarm. These same symptoms may indicate plant damage by pests or diseases.


Leaves and stem of the plant may be affected.fungal diseases. They appear as brown spots with a light center on the leaves. If nothing is done, the spots turn black and the leaves die. Treatment for fungal diseases is carried out with basezol or other ready-made products for indoor plants, for example, "Doctor Foley".

Sometimes fungal diseases appear as brown spots with a yellow border. The treatment in this case is similar.

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