Dracaena fringed

Dracena bordered belongs to the familyDracenova, which reads about 150 species of tree-like plants. Her homeland is the tropics of America. This beautiful plant with a frequently twisted trunk becomes more decorative, taller and branched every year. Some of its specimens reach a height of 2.5 m. The plants have narrow green leaves with purple-red edges that grow to a length of 50 cm. They are collected in rather dense rosettes. The most colored varieties of Dracaena vulgaris, such as Colorama, have broad red stripes on each side of the leaf, and the grade THcolor is alternating with green, red and cream strips.

Dracaena fringed does not lose itsdecorativeness all year round. As a rule, in the room conditions this plant does not bloom. It is often referred to as "room palm tree". And dracaena really resembles tropical palm trees, only in miniature. This plant is unpretentious, but very picturesque. Its lignified, unbranched stem has an unusual decorative appearance. The older the dracaena is bordered, the more it resembles a palm tree. Often in old plants rosette leaves remain only on the top of a lignified high trunk.

During the growth of the dracaena, the borderline resets the lower leaves, and the remaining ones form a bundle of bright leaves on a single or double trunk. Each leaf lives about 2 years.

Dracaena is fringed, care of which is prettyis simple, still requires a certain amount of attention. The optimum temperature for the growth and development of the plant is considered to be a temperature of + 18-22 ° C. In winter it should not be below +14 ° С. This plant prefers moderate lighting, and in summer it is best to place it in the penumbra. Watering is required abundant, and in winter - moderate. Despite the fact that the dracaena is fringed - comes from the tropics, it prefers moderate humidity. In summer it is necessary to constantly spray the plant with water. Periodically, he should shower him, during which the leaves are refreshed and dust is washed off from them. Dracaena is very responsive to complex fertilizers. For good growth, she needs regular feeding every 3 weeks in summer and spring. It is desirable to carry out foliar top dressing with a mixture of potassium phosphate (0.4 g), ammonium sulfate (0.3 g), potassium nitrate (0.5 g), diluted in 1 liter of water.

Dracaena fringe reproduces by cuttings(cauline, apical). They quickly and easily take root in favorable conditions. The length of the cuttings is not less than 10 cm, they should have several healthy kidneys. They cut them in the spring-summer period, at a temperature above +24 ° С. Sometimes this plant is propagated by shoots.

The best primer for a plant is a mixture of leaf,soddy land, humus, sand and peat, taken in equal parts. Dracaena requires good drainage. Adult plants are transplanted every 2-3 years. Young specimens are transplanted annually. This procedure is preferable in the spring.

Dracaena bordered may be damaged by mealyrootworm, root beetle, which are exterminated with the help of special chemical preparations. Often there is a premature fall of the leaves or a change in the color of their edges. The reason for this phenomenon, most often, is too dry air in the room. Another reason for darkening the edges of the leaves may be lean irrigation, as well as cold drafts. In pots, an earth lump must be constantly moistened. When this plant is located on sunny places on its leaves, dry spots may appear. To his death can lead to excessive watering or low air temperature. Dracaena fringed is widely used for gardening of both residential premises and offices.

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