/ / Dracaena marginata: photo, home care

Dracaena marginata: photo, home care

Dracaena marginata is one of the most belovedplant growers. And this is understandable - its unusual appearance allows you to enter a pot with a flower in almost any interior. Large copies can decorate the office, and a small dragonza marginata at home will look very cute and cozy. In addition, the plant is relatively unpretentious, which allows it to grow even inexperienced growers. In this article, we will share information about marginate dragonze and home care. Photos of this plant just will not leave you indifferent, you will certainly want to grow dragon season at home.


Dracaena marginata (fringed)

Dracaena marginata refers to evergreenplants, and its homeland is considered an exotic African island - Madagascar. In natural conditions, the height of this plant can reach almost six meters. As shown in the photo, the dragon flower of marginata is a flower with a branching serpentine stem, prone to stiffening. Long green leaves with streaks gather at the top, forming a "nest." In the period of flowering on the dracaena, small flowers of white or greenish bloom bloom.

Sometimes dracaena marginate exudes not tender andpleasant, and acrid and sharp aroma. At this point, the pot with a flower is better to move to another room and wait out this period. It is worth noting that the flowering of dracaena infrequently pleases, and choose it mainly because of the beauty of the leaves.

Beneficial features

In recent years, more and more gardeners began to grow dragon seed marginate at home. Caring for it is quite simple, and there are a lot of useful properties:

  • Dracena perfectly copes with the purification of air fromvarious harmful impurities. It is able to absorb up to 70% of formaldehyde, benzene and ammonia, which are released, for example, when working with office equipment. In addition, dracaena increases air humidity.
  • In the homeland of the plant, its juice is used as a coloring matter.
  • Commercially, dracaena is used to extract tar.
  • In folk medicine, it is often used to treat the stomach and intestines, as well as to accelerate wound healing.
  • Many people also believe in the positive energy impact of the margin marzes - the attraction of wealth and the establishment of love and friendship.

Growing conditions

Dracaena marginata

For a healthy and beautiful plantcompliance with certain climatic conditions is required. In this section, we describe the necessary temperature regimes and the lighting for growing the dragon flowers of the marginate.

Comfortable temperature limit for thisplants are considered to be from +15 ° С to +28 ° С, but in winter time a drop to +12 ° С is acceptable. However, the lower the air temperature, the less often the watering should be done. Because at high humidity, the roots become overcooling, which leads to their decay and death. In warm and dry air, moisten the plant by spraying or rinsing the leaves under a warm shower. Such procedures will help free the plant from dust and give it a more well-groomed appearance.

Dracaena Marginata likes bright, but at the same timediffused light. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight causes leaf burns, so it is important to lightly shade the windows on the south side of the house. But if the light in your room is not enough (the leaves will begin to fade and weaken), then it is necessary to organize artificial lighting.


Landing dracaena

Before sowing seeds dracaena their needsoak for a day in a growth-stimulating solution, and its temperature should be at least 30 ° C. After that, the seeds are removed from the solution, allowed to drain off excess moisture and planted in a temporary container with prepared soil. Landings are watered, covered with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions and placed in a warm place. The first shoots dragony marginat appear within two months. As soon as the first sprouts sprout, the film is removed and the usual care of the plant continues. Transplantation into a permanent pot is carried out after the sprout reaches six centimeters height.


Dracaena marginata

Caring for the margin of marginate means bya regular and abundant watering. It is necessary to moisten the soil at the moment when its top layer has dried at least three centimeters. However, overdoing with watering is also not worth it - it will lead to decay of the root system. To improve the efficiency of irrigation should constantly loosen the top layer of soil. Water used for irrigation is either filtered or well-settled rainwater. In the summer, the dragon flower of the marginate is watered every two days, while daily sprinkling its leaves. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, provided that the flower pot is located far from the battery. Otherwise, watering and spraying remain as before.

Additional fertilizing

In the process of growing dragonami marginata shouldperiodically apply fertilizer to the soil. But it does not impose any special requirements on fertilizing. It is quite enough to fertilize the soil with complex compositions of fertilizers every two weeks during the spring and summer time. With the advent of autumn and the onset of winter, the frequency of dressings is halved. An excellent preparation for dracaena fertilizer is Dr. Foley Starter. Its use allows to achieve a brilliant surface of leaves and their saturated color.

Trim Features

Trimming Marginate Dracaena

Given the rather original appearancethe dragon of marginate and its ability to grow up to 3 meters in height at home, a lush bundle of leaves located at the top of a bare and long pillar does not look very attractive. That is why experienced growers are advised to cut the plant, while receiving not one, but two flowers. The first flower grows from the cut part, and the second - from the top after its rooting.

To get the top of a lush and bright look, likeIn the photo there are dragon scenes of marginate, the care is rather specific. The leaves in this case do not pinch, and cut off with a sharp knife. It is important for obtaining a cutting suitable for further growth. Cut the plant 5 centimeters from the apical bud. Before pruning, the barrel is thoroughly disinfected, and sprinkled with charcoal after the cut. Cut the top is placed in warm water. In this case maternal dracaena pritenuyut and also placed in a warm place, covering it with a can or a film to accelerate the germination of side shoots. Watering is reduced a little, because excessive moisture slows down the development of shoots. After 2-3 weeks after the shoots appear, the film is removed. And to evenly distribute the density between the trunk and the new shoot, you can fasten a ball wrapped with soft cloth. Thus, the stem will not be pressed tightly against the trunk, but will begin to grow in the lateral direction.


Dragon's transplant

Before you transplant plants, it is importanttake care of the selection of the necessary pot, soil and fertilizer. It is best to transplant dracaena in March or April, because in autumn the plant prepares for wintering, and then you should not bother him.

The soil for the flower should consist of humus,turf and leaf land and peat. Such a composition can be easily found in any flower shop. The size of the pot for transplanting should exceed the diameter of the plant itself by 4-5 centimeters. It is this ratio that is considered optimal: the plant is not crowded, but there is also no excess freedom. At the bottom of the pot pour a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material. After that, you need to take the plant by the trunk and gently remove it from the old pot along with a clod of earth. It is not necessary to shake it off, as this will cause damage to the root system. Remove only dry and rotten roots that are visible. Dracaena is placed in a new pot, covered with fresh soil and spills well.


Reproduction of dracaena

There are two main methods of propagation of the marginal marginate: cutting and planting apical layers. Let us consider in more detail both ways.

Multiply dracaena with apicalThe layering is quite difficult. But if you follow all the recommendations, you can get an excellent result. To begin with, the height of the plant is determined and the desired stem is selected. At the selected height, a mark and a cut are made into which a wedge is inserted, which prevents the cut from growing together. A bag is attached to the notch around the notch and is attached to the trunk. The soil in the package should be constantly wet. Further cultivation is in anticipation of new roots. When they become quite a lot, the incised part of the stem is completely cut off and transplanted.

For grafting choose the strongest stem,which cut into lengths of about 5 centimeters. The main thing is that each of them should have at least two kidneys. After cutting the cuttings, it is necessary to make cuts on the bark of each of them and place the planting material in the soil. The cuttings are covered with a jar to create the greenhouse effect and periodically sprayed with water.

Diseases and pests

Dracaena marginata, like many other indoorplants exposed to pests. Most often it is mite and spider mites. Handling the plant with soapy water will help to cope with them. Wiping the leaves with a solution of soap is carried out until complete disposal of pests.

Sometimes drains of marginate leaves dry.This happens most often when the air is too dry and warm. In this case, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air in the room or spray the plant more often with separated water from the sprayer. But do not confuse this phenomenon with the natural death of leaves, which occurs every 2 years. If the leaves are too pale, move the plant to a more lighted area. If dracaena freezes or is experiencing an excess of moisture, then its leaves begin to curl and become covered with brown spots.

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