/ / Bench press - exercise technique

Bench press - exercise technique

Bench press is the basic basic exercise, owhich is heard by every athlete. Even the beginners who came to the gym for the first time, bypass the intricate simulators and vultures and immediately run to perform bench press. The technique, as it may seem at first glance, is simple, but it is not at all so. There are many variations and types of exercise. For example, bench press laying with a narrow grip, inclined bench press, etc.

bench press technique
Bench press is the most popular exerciseas in bodybuilding, and in weightlifting in general. Your friends may not know about you about the squat, becoming craving, but you will be asked how much you press. If you want to improve your results on this simulator, follow all the tips and rules that are outlined in this article. In addition, the technique affects the position of your hands and torso. In this article, we consider the main points.

Exercise, mainly involves such groupsmuscles: chest, shoulders (back and front fasciculus) and triceps. In addition, the triceps strains quite strongly. This is not surprising, because the exercise is not in vain is basic. To develop the right technique and know how to pump a certain group of muscles, you need a lot of training and have enough experience.

What does the position of the elbows and the width of the grip affect?

bench press narrow grip
First of all, the width of the grip affects whichmuscle groups will be involved during the exercise. The wider you take the handle, the more pectoral muscles and biceps will be loaded. A narrower grip is responsible for pumping triceps and deltas. It is important to know that a wide grip makes it possible to raise much more weight than a narrow one.

The correct setting of the hands is shown in the figure.It is necessary that your forearm should be perpendicular to the neck at the time when the highest load is on your hands. This grip provides you with a stable position that will protect you from injury.

Body position

The body should be placed on the bench so thatThe neck, standing on the stands, was just above the eyes. In this case, you will take the optimal position, and you will easily move the neck from the initial state, and also return it back after the exercise. Also it will allow to squeeze a bar comfortably, without affecting racks.

Professional back deflection

inclined bench press
Deflection of the back is a very important partexercises. But, the fact is that this approach is only available to experienced people who already know how to perform exercises and not get injured. Bending your back is necessary in order to raise more weight during the exercise bench press. The technique is rather complicated. It is necessary to tear off your body from the bench, and only touch the buttocks with it. The main work falls on the legs and shoulder blades.

Deflection will also allow the use of other muscle groups, for example, the lower fasciculus (it is the strongest).

How should the griffon move

Take the neck into your hands and lower it so that ittouched the bottom of the pectoral muscles, roughly into the solar plexus. There is also an incline bench press. The technique is slightly different, in connection with which other muscle groups are pumped. It is important to know that you can not lower the neck around the neck, otherwise there is a risk of injury.


It is necessary that the partner insure you during thedoing bench press. The technique is very simple, but you need to take it seriously. Suffice it to go behind, firmly take the neck, fixing it in the area of ​​the forearms. Then submit it and continue to move with it. In which case, pick up the bar and put it on the racks.

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