/ / Exercise for the sides: quickly and effectively

Exercise for the sides: quickly and effectively

side exercise

It is said that even the simplest exercise forThe sides, if performed regularly, can make the waist thinner. Is not that what every woman dreams about? At any age, the figure was and remains almost the main criterion of beauty and attractiveness. To have tightened and slender forms is not so fashionable as it is useful for health. This article is dedicated to those who do not know how to get rid of the sides. The exercises, which will be described below, are able to make a woman of any physique and age. The main thing in them is the desire and regularity of execution. Only in this case, effective exercises for weight loss of the sides will bring the desired results and remove the hated centimeters.

  1. You can start with simple inclines in the standing side.First putting his hands on the waist, then stretching them straight along the ears, and the most advanced athletes can perform this exercise for the sides with dumbbells. Make an equal amount of slopes in each side until you feel the pain in the muscles.
    effective exercises for losing weight from the sides
  2. If you have a hoop at home, then it will be yours.best friend in the fight with extra centimeters on the sides. Twist it intensely, not less than 15 minutes in each direction. The fastest way to help make the waist a thin hula hoop. To choose its weight follows, proceeding from your physical preparation. If bruises appear on the body, then the hoop should be wrapped in a sweater.
  3. Lay down on the floor, turn to the side, supporthead with one hand, and pull the other along the trunk. In this position, try to raise the upper leg as high as possible, while strongly pressing the press. Repeat 20 times and do the same exercise for the sides to the other side. For those who have a strong press, you can complicate the task - try to raise both feet. This is much more difficult, but also twice as effective.
  4. There, lying on the floor, rest on the elbow of the bottomhands and lift the pelvis. Repeat such jiggling movements at least 30 times on each side. For the most advanced - rely on the straightened arm and try to lower the hip as low as possible. After doing the exercise, hold up for 10 seconds and gently slide down.
  5. Perhaps the simplest exercise for the sides, butno less effective than all the rest - it's a mill. Do you remember when we were at the school we did it on the warm-up? To do this, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, bend over, put your hands down and start applying them alternately to the opposite leg. The amplitude should be wide, and the duration - at least two minutes.
  6. Well relieve from the sides and those exercises that are aimed at the transverse muscles of the press. These include the pumping of the press in the prone position with turns to the sides when lifting the trunk.

how to get rid of the sides of exercise
Doing regular (at least every other day) andgiving all your strength in doing the exercises, you can in a short time to get rid of the "lifebuoy" around your abdomen and reduce the waist. The process will go faster if you are eating properly and keeping track of the calories you consume. Lose weight on health!

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