There are no people in the world who would not like to haveshapely beautiful figure. The abdomen is one of the most problematic zones, and it is almost impossible to get rid of excess centimeters at the waist with just the right nutrition, although this is important. What are the most effective exercises for losing weight belly and sides?
The best way to burn excess fat is tocardio-training, in addition, they are excellent exercises to improve the performance of the cardiovascular system. Good examples are walking, running, swimming, aerobics, cycling, dancing, such highly active sports as tennis and basketball. All that causes the heart to beat faster and increase the pulse, at least for twenty minutes, stimulates the burning of subcutaneous fat, as a result, the skin becomes more taut.
The first thing to think about, if you need to pull upbelly and make beautiful sides, it's about cardio. Known is the fact that it is impossible to lose weight in one particular place, for all exercises fat will be burned evenly throughout the body, therefore cardio is what is needed, and the more often, the better. It is important to understand that a slender, exactly slim and fit figure, and not skinny, can not be imagined without an active lifestyle. As they say, you need to move more, and these are not empty words.
The best exercises for slimming belly and sidesinclude a normal walking tour, during which all the muscles of the body are involved. It is recommended when walking to strain your tummy and try to maintain a fast pace. It would be great to accustom your body to daily walks lasting at least thirty minutes. In aerobic exercise, you must drink plenty of water.
Physical exercises for slimming belly andsides with additional weight not only positively affect metabolism, but also strengthen bones and prevent the development of osteoporosis at a later age. The buildup of muscle mass is also impossible without lifting weights. Well-pumped muscles give both a female and a male body a tight and symmetrical shape. If you love power loads and want to tighten your belly, then do fat burning exercises for the abdomen and sides using additional weights.
Yoga is equally effective for strengthening the wholeThe body, especially the muscles of the press and back. It improves posture, as well as breathing exercises for slimming belly and sides necessarily included in the class. You can do Pilates, the main thing is to find those activities that will please and bring pleasure. This will significantly improve the chances for effective weight loss.
The most important thing you need to do isprogram yourself mentally. As you know, the muscles are heavier than fat. If you work with weights, you can gain a few pounds, while losing centimeters at the waist. Do not rely on numbers on the scales to measure your progress, more important is how a person feels and looks. A good incentive for some are, for example, your favorite jeans in size smaller. When losing weight, a positive attitude and patience are important.
With every week of effective training andyou will see small pleasant changes in your body, and this should give self-confidence and motivation for further improvement. Reward yourself for every lost kilogram, but not snickers, but go to the theater, cinema, beauty salon or, for example, buying a new dress.
To keep correctly posture are taught at school, and onin fact it is not only useful for the back, but it still looks beautiful and aesthetically. When walking, you should try to look as high as possible, and for this you just need to straighten up. Stretching and simple exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides will help improve posture. When you go to work, work at a computer, dine in a cafe, sit beautifully and straight, a stooped person is always a bit pathetic. By doing these simple things, you can look a whole size smaller.
Exercise for weight loss bellyinclude cycling. It has been proven that this simple activity stimulates abdominal activity and forces internal and external oblique abdominal muscles to work even more efficiently than traditional twists. If you can not ride a real bike, you can make it an imitation lying on the rug on the floor.
Initial position:lying on the back, legs bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees, hands are removed behind the head, and do not put much pressure on the neck. Raise the upper body and turn across the body, alternately in the right and left sides, while twisting the virtual pedals of the bicycle and touching the elbow of the opposite knee. Try to keep your elbows as open as possible. Run 12-15 repetitions (once to the right, one to the left is counted at a time) for 2-3 approaches.
The most effective exercises for the abdomen and sidesyou can do not only in the gym, but at home. Raising the legs promotes the pumping of the transverse abdominal wall, where the lower internal oblique abdominal muscles (lower press) are located. If you perform it on the bar, the starting position will hang on the crossbar with the help of hands, breathe in, keeping your legs together, on the exhalation, bend your knees slightly and pull them up, ideally just above 90 degrees. Hold for a second in this position, and then slowly lower your legs down, while still in a hanging position.
A more complicated variant is a liftingStraight legs with turns in the right and left sides. This way, the inner oblique abdominal muscles will also be pumped. Such physical exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides can be supplemented by manual pull-ups to stimulate heartbeats, but this is already suitable for more advanced athletes.
An excellent exercise for the abdomen arepush-ups in the bar on the fitball. How to do it? You need to place your hands about 30-40 centimeters apart from each other on the fitball in the push-up position. It's worth making sure that the entire body is a straight line from head to toe. Then slowly tear your right foot off the floor and pull your right knee to your chest, stay in this position for a while. After pausing at the top, slowly lower your leg back onto the floor and repeat the same with the left foot. As an added bonus, you can do push-ups on the ball between repetitions. Carry out 2-3 approaches 10-12 times on each side.
How to lose weight (remove the stomach)?The list of exercises must necessarily include different types of twists. This is a simple exercise, at first glance, can be performed in a variety of ways. The higher the inclination of the bench, the greater the resistance. Beginners can start with a completely flat surface. More complex twists are done on a special bench (which should be in each gym), where the slope is set at about 45 degrees. Place the head above, at the top of the slope, and the legs at the bottom (not the other way around!), The knees are bent. Grabbing his hands behind the bench behind his head, slowly exhale and pull his knees to his chest. After a short pause, return to the starting position. Run 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
Exercises for slimming belly and sides of the housecan include such an uncomplicated occupation as a simple, but quite effective hand-walk. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder width apart. You need to bend at the waist, bending forward, and put your hands on the ground in front of your legs, you can slightly bend your knees if necessary. Then slowly "walk" with your hands forward, as far from the foot as possible. In this position (lath) it is necessary to detain for a while, then at a slow pace the legs should catch up with the hands that are also on the floor. Then you need to get up and repeat this exercise 10-15 times more.
Physical exercises for slimming belly andthe sides do not dispense with all sorts of push-ups, where besides the press, the back and hands are involved. X-push-ups are great for training the whole body. A feature of the exercise is the element of balancing. Trying to maintain balance forces the muscles to activate more effectively. First, the usual push-up is done from the floor, then you need to turn to the side and raise one arm up. If properly executed, the pose will resemble the letter "T". After finding stability in this position, it is necessary to raise the leg upward, forming the position of the star or the letter "X". After a short pause, you need to return to the starting position and repeat the same in the other direction.
In the position of the bar, almost allmuscles of the body. This universal exercise is done in the following way: put the forearms on the floor, elbows just under the shoulders, and legs completely straighten behind the back, knees are not bent. The trick of this exercise is to be as parallel as possible to the earth. In this position, and stay, doing nothing more. Then you need to slowly kneel, shifting the load from the forearms, rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. The longer it is possible to maintain the balance, the better. If you do this exercise correctly, then, most likely, you can first hold on only for 20 seconds, this is normal. A more advanced version assumes a retention time of about 1 minute, this can be achieved by regular training.