/ / Scheme of pumping the press for aspen waist

Scheme of pumping the press for aspen waist

Современные эталоны красоты определяют параметры, which must meet the representative of the fair sex. One of them is the body without any manifestations of fatty layer. Of course, many doctors categorically oppose such ideals, but you can not argue with fashion. Each girl can always find faults in herself. Especially often there are complaints about ugly folds in the abdomen. It is for this purpose that entire systems are created to lose weight and create the desired image.

Ways to get rid of excess weight

There are different ways of losing excess weight. The most common of them are:

  • dietary food;
  • exercises;
  • massages;
  • plastic surgery.

pumping circuit

In order to achieve a beautiful flattummy, the most effective are the complexes of physical activity. The so-called pressure pumping scheme gives a relatively fast and long-term result.

Exercises for girls

In addition, girls should pay attention tothat the structure of their figure is a bit different and different from the male. Consequently, the expected result of pumping the press is also different. Representatives of the fair sex want to achieve an aspen waist with a few cubes on the tummy, rather than a square torso instead of the waist. That's why they need to engage in more feminine exercises. They are slightly lighter and require less load.

scheme for pumping 9 press approaches

If the scheme for pumping a press for girlsis realized in gyms, the trainer will make complexes that will be directed to those or other muscles. In the home, the best are raised legs and hulls. In the process of their making it is necessary to change the angle of the commission to create a beautiful silhouette.

11 days to 9 sets per day

In order to get the first beautiful cubes inabdomen, there are many different exercises. But there is one most effective complex, which has already benefited many. The pumping scheme "9 press approaches" is today very popular and, surprisingly, an effective way. The first results are visible after the first days of correctly executed approaches of exercises.

pumping circuit for girls

The whole system is designed for us eleven days. During this period, it is necessary daily to make a body lifting a certain number of times nine times.

Pressing system for 9 presses

  • The first day is necessary to pump the press one hundred and sixty-five times, divided into approaches to 20, 15, 15, 25, 20, 15, 15, 20, 20 times.
  • On the second day, you will have to strain a little more, namely by one hundred and seventy-five times, by such stages in number: 15, 25, 20, 15, 30, 20, 10, 25, 15.
  • On the third day you can rest and do not rock the press. At the same time, today it is possible to depart a little from pains, which, most likely, will be from unusual loads in muscles.
  • The fourth day, the nine-prong scheme for pumping a press requires one hundred ninety-five torso lifts. Approaches look like this; 25, 20, 25, 25, 15, 30, 20, 20, 15 times.
  • The fifth day again gives an opportunity to relax, so do not need to swing the press.
  • We continue at the same pace. The sixth day requires to pump the press one hundred and ninety-five times, which are compiled into approaches in such quantities: 20, 25, 15, 30, 20, 15, 30, 20, 20.
  • To finish the first week is worth pumping the press one hundred and ninety times. Approaches on this day are: 15, 20, 30, 30, 15, 15, 20, 25, 20 times.
  • On the eighth day, this scheme of pumping the press presupposes rest.
  • But already in the ninth it is necessary to do it two hundred times in approaches of 30, 30, 15, 15, 25, 20, 20, 30, 15 times for each of them, respectively.
  • The tenth day is an opportunity to rest before the final jerk.
  • The final nine of the last, eleventh, day is made in this way: 20, 20, 25, 30, 20, 25, 15, 20, 35 times for each.

It should be remembered that if you started, you need to finish it, and do not stretch the exercises. The maximum pause between approaches should be no more than 2-3 minutes.

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