/ / How to pump the latissimus dorsi? Exercises

How to pump the latissimus muscles of the back? Exercises

Every sports person, whethera beginner or an athlete with experience, dreams of pumping the latissimus muscles of his back and looking for various exercises. If we look at the golden era of bodybuilding, you can see how all the athletes of this time had a well developed back. Boring back muscles is quite difficult. This will require a lot of effort. Although the workouts for this group are held in the same mode as for the other parts.

Существует множество различных методик по pumping the widest back muscles. Exercises for men and for women there is a lot. All of them can be divided into basic and isolating. It should be noted that exercises can have a big impact, and may be useless. It all depends on the technique of execution. Having studied this article, you will receive a full baggage of information about the muscles of the back, which will help make them large and strong.

The broadest back muscles photo

The structure of the muscles of the back

The back is divided into muscle groups. For each of them there are separate exercises. Knowing which muscle is located, it will be easier to choose a training complex.

Muscle anatomy

The broadest back muscles

Данная группа мышц является самой большой и main. That it gives the back width. Thanks to the widest back muscles, the following functions are performed: shoulder movements, body movements. This part of the body is universal, exercises can be done even at home.


The trapeziums are located in the upper back, namely in the lower part of the neck and between the shoulder blades. This muscle group is responsible for motor function, raising the shoulders.

Extensor muscles

This muscle group is responsible for flexion and extension.backs. They are located on the spine, in the upper part. These muscles also protect the spine. Well-developed extensors can be determined by the athlete's straight posture and back density.

Rhomboid muscles

This group (as well as trapeziums) is responsible for the shoulder blades, their movement, as well as fixation. It is important to note that by increasing the rhombic muscles, the volume of the back and its type as a whole increase.

Round muscle

Эта мышца имеет вытянутый и плоский вид.It has a great connection with the broadest. A feature of this muscle is that it does not require special training programs, as it participates in all exercises on the back.

Lumbar muscles

The lumbar muscles play a very large role forperson They prevent the risk of hernia. He takes a great part in posture, the health of the spine. This muscle group is rarely involved in other back exercises. Therefore, you need to perform special systems for the lower back. Also, these muscles belong to the core muscles, which are responsible for maintaining the spine and even posture.

Hands or back?

Thrust dumbbells in the slope

Not everyone is given to catch from the very first seconds in the hallcorrect exercise technique. It comes with experience. But when this understanding is delayed for a long time, the pumping is not what you want. For example, instead of the width of the back, it thickens or vice versa.

Any traction for the back involves workbiceps. But you should understand which muscle group you are training. Although the biceps and take a large part in the exercise, and seemingly do most of the work, you train your back muscles. This is a great misconception of beginners, who fully include the hands in the work. When performing traction, you should try to give a minimum load on the biceps and pull the projectile towards yourself with the help of your back muscles, reducing the shoulder blades. You also need to remember to do stretching exercises for all parts of the body to avoid injuries.

When doing exercises it is worth forgetting aboutarms and concentrate solely on the back. It will be difficult to make approaches without straining your hands, especially if you are a beginner. But over time it will become a habit. The main key to achieving success in pumping the muscles of the back is mental concentration, as a person has an amazing ability to reproduce what he thinks about. Therefore, this method will help you to significantly increase the quality of training.

The correct use of exercises for the back

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

To build muscle mass, you need in yourworkouts use large weights. Exercises should be used with only basic ones. For example, deadlift or pull-ups on the crossbar with a wide grip. Weight should be taken such that you can do no more than 8-10 times.

Consider recommendations for a good workout:

  1. To achieve the result, you need to trainthe right muscle group twice a week. So, in our case, we will train the muscles of the back every 3-4 days. One training should include exercises on the upper back, the second - on the lower back. Exercises such as deadlifts and pull ups should be included in each workout, as they are basic and involve all spinal muscle groups.
  2. Need to properly distribute the load on eachdepartment so that it does not work out that you train one department of the back for the entire workout. In this case, the muscles will not have time to recover. Therefore, you need to monitor this and load each muscle evenly.
  3. The day you train your upper back,From the basic exercises, it is better to choose smacking. You can finish the workout by the upper block. When you train the lower back, it is better to choose the deadlift.
  4. The back is one of the largest muscle groups. This means that more time is needed for rest. Therefore, when pumping back you need to observe a rest of up to 4 days.
  5. It is necessary to explode well on each approach.How to explain it? It is proved that a greater effect in pumping muscles is achieved when the muscles tighten with maximum effort in the first phase of repetition. There are also jerks with which explosive force is often confused. Tugging does not lead to results, except to injury. In carrying out the approach, when lifting, one should apply maximum force and speed, and lower the projectile slowly.
  6. As stated above, the hands need to try completelydisable when doing exercises. If the proportion of force applied by the arms to lift the weight exceeds the proportion of the back, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result. To minimize the work of the hands, you need to use a wide grip in the exercises. In this position, the biceps will be minimally involved in the work, and you will be able to fully load your back.
  7. The recommended grip for exercises on the back is medium. But if you have not yet learned how to remove the load from your hands and turn your back completely into work, you need to use a wide grip.
Thrust dumbbell in the slope

Features of technology

Хоть правильность техники и приходит только с experience, you still need to know the rules for doing the exercises and try to follow them. The barbell in the slope is one of the most difficult technical exercises, and therefore consider it.

Before doing, of course, should be goodStretch and stretch to minimize the risk of injury. Before doing the exercise itself, you need to properly take the starting position. Put your legs shoulder-width apart, bend them slightly at the knees, lean the body forward, keeping your back straight. The neck should be taken at shoulder width. Perform the exercise with the maximum concentration on the back. Pull the bar to your belt, while trying to reduce the shoulder blades and pull the bar with your back, not your arms. Then lower the barbell with the shoulder blades open, leaving your back level. Repetitions in the exercise should be from 8 to 10.

Though slowly, but surely

Когда вы только начинаете заниматься, не гонитесь for a lot of weight. No need to look at how much friends raise or idols. The main thing that should worry you the first few months is the correct technique for doing the exercises. Only when you achieve the correctness in the technique you will be able to achieve great results in pumping your back. Weight will go up in any case, if you master the technique. But if you immediately take up a lot of weight, without respecting the proper technology, nothing good will come of it. It is also recommended to experiment with the width of the grip. Watch your sensations and choose the width of the grip at which the back muscles are maximally felt.

Training preparation and system

Before any workout that you would notcoached, warming up is mandatory. Stretching and other gymnastic exercises should be the beginning of your every workout. You need to knead each part of the body well. If you train your back, it does not mean that you only need to knead it. When warming up the back is better to start with pull-ups. Two approaches in order to warm up will be enough. Below will be presented training, which can be performed anywhere and having at hand any more or less convenient projectile. This will allow to pump the widest back muscle with exercises at home.

Thrust of the lower block

The main part of the workout

This training program will help you developback muscles, including the latissimus. If you are a beginner and use light weight, which does not contribute to a thorough workout of the back, it is advisable to do supersets. A superset is an approach consisting of several approaches taken consistently and without rest breaks. There are supersets, which include exercises on the bottom of the widest back muscles. Having done 3-4 such supersets, you can fully pump your back. The main thing - to remember about the technique of the exercise.

The implementation of this system of training will take 6-8 weeks.

The main task of this system is tothe person training on it learned to feel his muscles and how this or that exercise acts on them, and whether they tense up with it. The workout described below should take place once a week. These are the best exercises for the widest back muscles. All exercises that are invented and continue to be invented are just an addition to these basic exercises.

Exercises that will be included in the superset to build a big back:

  • draft in the slope - 12;
  • traction dumbbell in the slope - 10;
  • thrust of the upper unit - 12;
  • traction T-neck - 10;

All these exercises need to be done in oneapproach without rest between each approach. Exercises on the broadest back muscles with dumbbells need to be done with particular intensity, as they complete the part of the set that is in tandem with the tilt. Only after the completion of the whole approach should a rest be made for 2-3 minutes. Next, perform the following approach. There should be three such approaches. Remember that your arms should be as relaxed as possible, and your back muscles as tight as possible.

The upper block

The exercises discussed above are the basic and most effective exercises for the broadest back muscles. They are very effective and will quickly achieve results.

It should be noted that the exercises for the broadestback muscles for girls are no different from the above. The only thing that will differ is the training weight. The main thing (both men and women) - is to comply with the correct technique.

It is also recommended to add a workout to the press for back training.

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