/ How to calculate your normal weight? Several ways

How to calculate your normal weight? Several ways

How to calculate your normal weight?This question is most often asked by women who follow their figure and are afraid to grow fat. However, the normal weight of a person is worth knowing to everyone, because our health directly depends on it. So, let's look at several ways to calculate the weight.

how to calculate your normal weight

The most popular method is the calculation of the mass indexbody (BMI). To determine it, you need to divide the weight in kilograms by the height in meters in the square. The result of up to 18.5 points means insufficient weight, for a normal work of the body should be a little mass. From 18,5 to 25 - the ideal weight for this growth. From 25 to 30 - there are a few extra pounds. The result of 30 to 35 points already indicates the presence of the first degree of obesity, in which case you should see a doctor. From 35-40 - the second degree of obesity. Such excess weight can be very dangerous to health. Anyone who has received a result above 40 points should immediately consult a specialist, because a third degree of obesity threatens serious health problems.

how to know your normal weight
However, do not refer to the body mass index(BMI) is particularly serious, because the calculations do not take into account neither the age nor the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, this way of calculating your normal weight is one of the simplest, but not the most reliable.

If you do not want to divide or squarecomplex numbers, you can determine your optimal weight with just one arithmetic action. Paul Bork proposed the simplest method for those who do not know how to calculate their normal weight. If your height is from 150 to 165 centimeters, you need to subtract 100 from it, the resulting number and will be the optimal weight in kilograms. With an increase from 166 to 175, you subtract 105. And those who are above 176, but below 185 centimeters, are subtracted by 110. The very tall ones should be subtracted from the height of 115.

normal weight of a person
But this method of calculation does not take into accountall factors - for example, such as age or body type. Therefore, it necessarily requires specification. To do this, before you know your normal weight, you should determine the type of your constitution (asthenic or lean, normocostic or normal, hypersthenic or broad-boned). The simplest way to do this is by measuring the circumference of the wrist of the right hand (or left for left-handed). For women, the indicators should be as follows: less than 16 cm - asthenic type, from 16 to 18 - normal, above 18 cm have a wide bone. In men, measurements are as follows: less than 17 cm - thin type, from 17 to 20 - normocostic structure, above 20 - hypersthenic type. Now, knowing what type of physique you belong to, you can correct the results obtained by the method of Bork. The asthenic type subtracts 10% from the result, the 10% of the broad bone are added, and the normal body weight is left unchanged.

So we figured out how to calculate yournormal weight. But remember that the best weight for you is one in which you feel comfortable. Do not harm health, trying to podgorzhat thin models, or gain weight, if he suddenly does not fit into the "normal" framework for BMI. The main thing is health, and not the appearance or the indicator of the arrow on the scales.

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