/ / Normal pulse and its features

Normal pulse and its features

Все мы с детства знаем, как правильно измерять и what should be a normal pulse. It can not be said that every person measures his pulse on a daily basis, but sometimes this skill seriously helps, helping to bring his own well-being back to normal. First of all, one must understand that the normal pulse of a teenager is different from the normal pulse of a man, a woman, a child, and an old man. For each category has its own pulse rate, the norm of which is different.

The pulse is a repetitive oscillationblood vessels caused by a contraction of the heart muscle that pushes blood throughout the circulatory system. The easiest way to measure is by placing a finger on the radial artery (wrist) and fixing the heart beats. Probation is possible on the carotid and temporal arteries - the result does not change from this. The thumb is located on the inside of the patient's wrist (or on his other hand), and the other four clasp his arm from the outside. With the proper probing under the finger, a pulsating tube is felt - the artery. Next, the time is measured and the number of pulses in 30 seconds is counted, and the value obtained is multiplied by 2. This method of measurement is more simple than a full count within a minute. A full one-minute measurement is necessary only for arrhythmia.

Some people in self-measurementexperiencing difficulties, trying to feel the pulse on the wrist, in this case you can change the measured artery. In medicine, it is considered that the normal pulse of a healthy adult person ranges from 60 to 80 pulses per minute. A rare pulse (less than 55 pulsations) can be caused by a violation of the heart activity - bradycardia, respectively, causeless increase - tachycardia. As a rule, from 25 to 50 years the pulse of a healthy person is quite stable and is determined by quite objective reasons.

Intensity of heart contractionsdirectly depends on the emotional and physical condition of a person. With physical activity, all cells in the body require increased supply of oxygen and nutrients, so the heart rate increases, speeding the movement of blood - this transport system of the body, along the arteries and veins. Excitement, anxiety, and fear can also lead to an accelerated work of the heart. This mechanism has been preserved in our body since the time when human survival depended on the ability to respond very quickly to a threat: bounce off the claws of a tiger, escape from a fire, catch a wild beast. Emotional arousal contributes to the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream - a substance that stimulates the cardiac muscle.

As already indicated, the normal pulse isvery relative concept. The medical division according to age qualifications and gender is only partially true. In fact, for each person is characterized by an individual normal pulse. The attempt to average all people usually does not lead to anything good. For example, if a person feels well at a pulse of about 50 strokes, is fully functional and can clearly think, then this is his norm. Prolonged artificial increase of his pulse to the generally accepted norm of 60-80 contractions very often leads to discomforts. Since the pulse rate affects the performance of all internal systems and organs, this increase provokes an increase in intraocular pressure accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Conversely, a decrease in the "increased" frequency can cause drowsiness, a slowdown in all reactions, headaches. You need to know your normal pulse. There is nothing difficult in having to measure it once and remember it, because the pulse is not just the heartbeats that return in the arteries. Pulse is the beating of life itself.

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