Начиная заниматься спортом, каждый рассчитывает improve your health and make a more graceful figure. Did you know that with unsystematic workouts, you can get the opposite result, even by choosing the simplest exercises that everyone knows from childhood? Let's try to figure out for which muscles the side bends are useful, can they help to make a perfect waist, and how to carry them out correctly.
Newbies often wonder where shouldbe hands when performing the described movements. In their programs, even professional trainers and instructors suggest doing side bends in different ways. Hands can be on a belt, lowered along a trunk, or one hand is raised up, and the second on a waist. In fact, the performance of the exercise does not change from the position of the upper limbs. Try different versions of the hands and choose the one that seems most convenient to you.
In fact, the slopes to the side for the waistvirtually useless. This exercise develops primarily the oblique abdominal muscles and some dorsal muscles of the body. With a small number of repetitions, it will help to improve the overall tone of the body, slightly tighten the stomach. If you perform it in the "fat burning" mode - with preheating, a large number of repetitions and weighting - you can really develop the muscles and get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. Bodybuilding fans advise doing side bends 50-100 times on each side.
The most important condition for the proper implementation of thisExercises - keeping the body straight. Before you begin to bend, you should straighten your back, strain the buttocks and the press. During the slope, make sure that the movement was made only to the side, but to deviate from a straight line forward or backward is not only impossible but very dangerous. Such errors in training an adult can seriously damage the spine. The movement itself - the slope, must be made due to the tension of the abdominal muscles. Exercise should be done not too often, if you train seriously, it will be enough to include it in your classes 1-2 times a week. For home workouts, the slopes are suitable for repetition every other day, but on condition that they will be performed in the amount of 6-15 repetitions.
The technique is the same as in ordinarytilts: in one hand, take a dumbbell, arrange the other in a convenient way and begin to tilt the body. While driving, the weighting agent should fit snugly to the body. At the lowest point of the slope, as with a simple exercise, you need to linger for a few seconds, after which you can return to the starting position.
If you are in the gym, ask the instructorcreate an individual program and select the optimal number of repetitions. If you are at home, remember, bending with dumbbells is a power exercise and too many repetitions are not required for them. Follow all the rules of implementation and practice regularly, and then you will definitely succeed!