/ / Secrets of fishing: Donka with a trough

Fishing secrets: Donka with a trough

With modern fishing, the Donfeeder, not with a sinker. It is much more practical and catchful than a float rod. Such tackle has a number of advantages. Firstly, large specimens are caught on it, secondly, it allows you to catch pits and depths, and thirdly, it is easy to solve the problem of fish privation. There are practically no minuses for Donkey. Of course, the most important thing for fishing with such a tackle is to pick the right trough.

dock with a trough
In a rich fishing arsenal, a donkey with a troughcan be any modification. They are taken into account when choosing gear and fishing conditions, and the type of pond. Feeders are open and closed, wireframe and mesh, large and small, metal and silicone. In general, there is plenty to choose from. The simplest option is open feeders made from a piece of plastic tube, with holes in it. Her weight heavier lead sinker. Open feeders are used to deliver to the place of catching a feed mixture, for example steamed grains or sponge. At the same time, you can feed the fish at any depth and distance.

a donkey with a feeder
Donka with a feeder is also successfully applied torivers with a pronounced course. In this case, you can use any size tackle. Many experienced anglers use a small but very effective trick to steal more fish. Before the start of fishing several times in a row in the same place is cast using a large feeder. Then, gently supporting the tackle, it is released from the feed mixture. And only then, when catching, use an ordinary medium or even a small feeder. This method almost always works, the fish regularly approaches the place of fishing and goes well to the bait.

scheme of a donkey with a trough
Donka with a closed feeding trough workingsomewhat differently. It is used mainly on the flow. Fill such tackle more often with larvae (sponges or any others). They gradually creep out, and they attract the attention of hungry fish. Also, on a strong current, they can be filled with cooked hemp seeds or boiled rice, which will gradually be washed with water.

There is not one scheme of donkeys with a feeder.Each fisherman collects it in his own way, relying primarily on personal experience. As they say, each fish has its own rigging. But still there are some general recommendations. Lesku is better to take thicker than a float rod, because it must withstand the load not only when fishing, but also when casting. The best option is 0.35 mm. Leash must be with a lower breaking load of the line. The length is selected in accordance with the fish for which fishing is planned. Hooks are set quite large, sharp, preferably with a self-dressing effect.

And, of course, whatever device the donkeyswith the trough, you can not do without the bait alarm. Previously, it served as an ordinary bell. But over time, everything was improved. As a result, a waterproof electronic alarm was developed. But he does not have many fans. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it is very nasty. Therefore, there is an alternative - cheaper bells. They are hung on the tip of the rod, and they are no less cope with the task than their electronic counterparts.

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