/ / Lightning rod in a private house: to erection is required!

A lightning rod in a private house: to erection is mandatory!

A private home is always a sea of ​​troubles and worries,especially with regard to its arrangement. For example, when we build a house, we try to make it the most reliable and durable, so that it does not have trouble with it, as with the houses of Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nof. Therefore, everything is important: the choice of construction technology, the selection of materials, and the design features of the future building. A large role is played by a lightning rod in a private house.

Protection from natural disasters

lightning rod in a private house

Today's news is just saturated with variousevents related to natural anomalies and cataclysms. And one of the most dangerous for a person is lightning. If she gets into the house, it can lead to a fire, and therefore a lightning rod in a private house must be. According to the laws of physics, lightning is a spark of electrical origin. To reach the earth, she looks for a conductor made of metal. And elements such as antennas, a metal chimney, a zinc roof are capable of provoking a lightning strike in them. And this can lead to trouble.

It is to protect the house from such dangerousThe result is the device of the lightning rod in a private house. Ideally, it should be built on a separate tower so that in the event of a lightning strike, the impact is not on the house, but on the tower itself. But before you build a lightning rod, you need to do some calculations. First, you need to find a place for this construction. As a rule, for this purpose choose the most remote from a residential object piece of land. Secondly, the height of the lightning rod plays an important role: it should be at least two meters above the building, but not be too high.

Mounting of the tower

device lightning rod in a private house

To put a lightning rod in a private house, you needto build the tower itself. The design of it can be any, the main thing is that in the middle of the tower there is space - a conductor-earthing switch will be laid here. On the tops of the tower clamps are mounted, a copper or aluminum rod is attached to them, which is connected to the ground. A ready-made tower must be dug into the ground to a depth of at least two meters. After strengthening the construction, the lightning protection and grounding are connected. To equip the ground around the tower, you need to draw a triangle with equal sides. In its tops to a depth of about two meters, the armature is pumped in - it serves as a grounding loop. Then you should connect them together with rods made of metal. The last stage of the work is the connection of the lightning conductor conductor to ground.

lightning rod in a private house scheme

To properly and correctly build a lightning rod inprivate house, the scheme is simply required: it will help to avoid possible mistakes. In addition, it is important to perform all the connections carefully and responsibly - only in this case it will be possible to protect your home. The conductor is best coated with corrugation - it will help prevent oxidation, which will reduce conductive properties. The tower must also be painted to protect it from corrosion.

Громоотвод в частном доме – важная составляющая security of residence in it. This building is especially important for open areas or zones located on the hills. About the lightning rod is worth considering at the stage of designing a country house - this will allow you to protect your home in time from one of the most dangerous elements.

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