/ / Boneco 7135 humidifier: description, instructions, owner reviews

Humidifier Boneco 7135: description, instructions, reviews of owners

Equipment for the regulation of parametersmicroclimate is less associated with overall installations that are connected to engineering communications. Advanced climate system development companies offer compact and at the same time efficient instruments with convenient control tools. Such devices include the Boneco 7135 home air humidifier. Despite the modest size and low level of energy consumption, the device effectively performs its function, focusing on user-defined settings.

boneco 7135

The principle of operation of the humidifier

The work of the model is based on the principleultrasound exposure. In the device case there is a membrane, the vibrations of which break the water into small drops. Further, a special Boneco 7135 fan drives the air through the working chamber, due to the flow of which a misty cloud is formed. In this way, moisture levels are achieved that can exceed the natural level. In any case, the user can adjust the settings of the device, applying water to maintain its function. As the tank becomes empty, a corresponding indicator will indicate the need for a regular fill.

An important feature of this model of humidifieris a water disinfection technology. Often, to fill the tank, users take ordinary tap water, which is not of a different composition. Thanks to special ion-exchange resin filters, the Boneco 7135 Humidifier also provides comprehensive purification of the water environment from microbes and bacteria.

humidifier boneco 7135

Main characteristics of the device

In the line of ultrasonic humidifiers thisthe model occupies the middle position in terms of technical indicators. The power of the device is 130 W, which is quite enough to serve residential areas of about 50-60 m2. In regular operation, the Boneco 7135 consumes 550 ml of water per hour. At the same time, the volume of a regular reservoir slightly exceeds this indicator - 650 ml.

Despite its modest performance, the devicepretty quickly gains optimum operating power and quickly brings the parameters to the required values. The dimensions of the device are also quite modest - 35 x 38 x 22 cm. But not only the combination of compactness and functionality attracts the attention of buyers with the Boneco 7135 unit. Reviews emphasize the modern control system. The owner can set the operating parameters of the device in the mode of automatic regulation, eliminating the hassle.

boneco 7135 reviews

Instructions for use of the device

Getting to work is possible only after preparation.device to use. The device should be installed in a place remote from heating equipment. It is not recommended to direct the device spout to specific objects with the purpose of their intensive moistening. Immediately before switching on, the tank should be filled with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees. The control of functions is realized through a panel with buttons, which is supplied with the Boneco 7135 humidifier. The instruction notes that in normal fogging modes the device works only up to the moment when the user-defined humidity coefficient is reached. To maintain a constant generation mode, you must set the automatic format of work through the appropriate button. In addition, the operator has the option of heating the fog in the range, which is also set through user settings.

boneco 7135 moisturizer

Instructions for care and maintenance

The device due to electronic filling independentlydetermines the need for cleaning. So, if the letter “A” lights up on the display, it means that the device needs to be flushed. Both the water tank and the Boneco 7135 tank should be cleaned. The instruction cautions against the use of cleaning agents - washing the components of the device should be done only with clean water. If in the course of work the mode of fogging was used mainly, then cleaning is recommended to be carried out once a week. If the medium was also heated, the flushing is performed more often - twice a week. You should also regularly replace and filter cartridges. In the average operation mode of the humidifier, they are updated every month.

boneco 7135 manual

Features of the model Boneco 7135

Despite the simplicity of the functional content,The device received a lot of interesting technological additions. For example, digital display with elements of a programmable control provides high accuracy when setting the humidity level. At the same time, the reservoir indicator allows you to monitor the current volume of water and, if necessary, fill the tank. Provided in the model Boneco 7135 and a lot of constructional additions. Thanks to the rotary evaporator, the user can adjust the steam directivity. But, again, the instruction does not recommend placing the device close to other objects, especially plants. The features of the device can be attributed, and the system of treatment of a liquid medium. The fact is that the water from the tank passes into the processing zone not immediately, but after filtration. The inclusion of an additional stage of purification allows you to create a more healthy air environment. True, the popular ionization system through filters in this modification is still missing.

boneco 7135 humidifier reviews

Positive feedback about the model

Климатическое оборудование традиционно criticized by users for high rates of electricity consumption and noise. However, in this case, the device is free from such shortcomings. Silent work, for example, was made possible through the use of a special design with rubberized legs. As for low energy consumption, it is due to its compact size and optimized operating principle of the device. But there are other advantages that the Boneco 7135 humidifier has. Reviews, in particular, indicate the absence of a specific white precipitate on pieces of furniture that remain after the work of other representatives of the segment. Such attacks are typical for humidifiers that work with water without prior preparation. In turn, the design of Boneco provides a separate stage of water purification, eliminating the generated steam from foreign matter.

Negative feedback

При всех достоинствах конструкции есть и досадные failures in her performance. Users note the inconvenience in the process of performing water filling. To perform this operation, it is necessary to remove the body from the pallet, turn it over, then unscrew the filter and fill the tank. The procedure is complicated by the fact that the components converge among themselves is not ideal and it is necessary to adjust to the specific installation of the Boneco 7135. Reviews criticize the heating function. Some users say that it is not needed at all, while others show that in fact it does not justify itself.

humidifier boneco 7135 instruction


In the market of climate systems there isdivision of products into two classes. One is characterized by multifunctionality, and the other implies a clear segmentation of devices by purpose. The Boneco 7135 household humidifier is more likely to fall into the second category, since it is focused on performing a specific task in the regulation of the microclimate. And with the function of increasing humidity, this device copes with dignity, although the very concept of specialized devices gives every reason for full and effective work. This is due to the fact that the device gets rid of the burden in the form of unnecessary functionality. However, in the case of the 7135 modification, it was not without auxiliary options in the form of heating and water purification. And if the function of raising the temperature of the air environment as a whole without the enthusiasm was met by the consumer, then filtration provided quite tangible advantages.

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