/ Which air conditioner should I choose for an apartment? Reviews and tips

Which air conditioner should I choose for an apartment? Reviews and tips

Which air conditioner should I choose for an apartment? Customer feedback can help you get an idea of ​​the different types of these devices, the advantages and disadvantages of each.

what air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment reviews

Split systems

Such conditioners have acquired the largestpopularity. The standard design includes two units: internal (evaporative) and external (compressor-condenser). Unconditional advantages of split-systems can be considered the following:

  • low noise level during the work;
  • possibility to choose a model with the appropriate type of indoor unit and the most comfortable location;
  • efficiency.

Which air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment?User reviews describing various models of split systems, note the pros and cons of wall, floor, ceiling, cassette, channel and column models. However, universal options are becoming increasingly popular - that is, such air conditioners, which make it possible to install the indoor unit in the desired position.


Such conditioners can be consideredan improved version of the previous type. Their distinguishing feature is the possibility of using not one indoor unit, but several (from 2 and more). And you can combine blocks of different types (ceiling, floor, wall, etc.). At the same time, the number of external units does not increase.

Mobile air conditioners

Another kind of devices thatIt is impossible to ignore, talking about which air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment. Customer reviews of such models are mostly positive. But it is important to consider that mobile air conditioners are suitable only for small rooms - their power is not high enough to cool large areas and, as a rule, does not exceed 4 kW. But no additional installation, such devices do not require.

which air conditioner is better

Window air conditioners

If the priority for you is to save money, thenSuch a choice, no doubt, will be optimal. Such monoblock models are simply mounted in window openings or in thin walls. Cheapness and ease of installation - the absolute advantages enjoyed by window air conditioners. However, they have their drawbacks: well, you will not have much freedom in terms of choosing the location of the device. In addition, most window air conditioners are quite noisy, and are more suitable for offices and public buildings, rather than apartments.

Selection of a model with suitable characteristics

Speaking about which air conditioner is better for an apartment, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the type of the system itself, but also to its technical characteristics:

  • cooling capacity (for every 10 m2 the average room should be 1 kW of power);
  • the presence of additional modes and functions (selection of the air flow direction, additional cleaning and dehumidification of the air, the presence of automatic and night modes, access to a controlled timer);
  • the presence of a remote control for easier control of the system.

Popular manufacturers

Which air conditioner is better? In fact, many manufacturers produce cooling systems. Conventionally, they are divided into three main classes:

  • elite air conditioners (Daikin, Hitachi, General, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Toshiba);
  • air conditioners of the middle class (include cheaper models of the manufacturers listed above, as well as products from Fuji, Sanyo, Fujitsu);
  • economy class equipment (Airwell, Samsung, LG, Tadiran, Gree, Veko).

We do not urge to buyextremely expensive luxury equipment. On the contrary, practice shows that economy class air conditioners very effectively cope with their tasks and can serve their owners for years. The difference lies only in the quality of the materials used, the complexity of assembly and the presence of any additional "chips".

which air conditioner is better for an apartment

Still wondering which air conditioner is best for your apartment? Reviews of split-systems and their characteristics will help you make the right choice.

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