/ / Tips on how to pack gift in gift paper

Tips on how to pack gift in gift paper

It's no secret that getting a gift is much nicerremove it from the package, than immediately see it. From the anticipation of a surprise, you can experience much more impressions than from the presentation itself. How to pack a gift in a gift paper to deliver each other exciting pleasure? Having shown a little creativity, you can make this process much more effective!

how to pack a gift in a gift paper

Tips for registration: frequently asked questions

How to pack a gift in a gift paper, so that it would be impossible to immediately guess its contents?

You can achieve the desired result if you changeForm of presentation at registration: clothes to be rolled in a candy, accessories to put in an envelope or a bag, etc. Such advice is relevant only in the event that it is possible to do so without sacrificing the quality of the gift. Always helps in such cases and the traditional way - to put a present in the finished standard box.

How to pack a gift in a gift paper? Which material to choose?

You can use everything:from newspapers and old maps to lace cloth and brocade. Thus, the question "How to pack a gift in a gift paper? Which material to choose? ", Will be solved. Color sheets, pieces of colorful wallpaper or foil are also ideal.

how to originally pack a gift
How to original package a gift?

  • When decorating a presentation, you can use various items: living twigs, leaves, cones, beads, buttons, yarns and much more.
  • If the person to whom gift is given is creativeand unordinary, use a simple newspaper, from it make a decoration in the form of fringe, flower or origami. But do not experiment with older people and superiors in this way, it is better for them to choose something more traditional.
  • In case a person loves traveling, and as a gift he is getting some accessory for these purposes, for example a backpack or sneakers, it will be logical to pack them into a map or guide.
  • It is better for loved ones to wrap a present in a soft cloth or simply in a red scarf. A lively flower, soft toy or heart as a decorative element will only add a romanticism to the surprise.
  • If the gift is prepared for one of the members of the family, you can ask the children to make a bright thematic application of colored paper and make a gift.
  • For motorists, who are preparing a very necessary accessory, you can decorate a present with a toy car.

how to pack a gift unusually

How to pack a gift is unusual?

A very extravagant way is to conclude itin a glass cube. Such a package will need to be broken in order to receive a gift (the decorative malleus is usually attached). In this case, it is important to comply with safety regulations and consider the appropriateness of this choice. To get a ballpoint pen from a glass cube by breaking the latter is unlikely anyone wants. Another thing is when it contains a diamond necklace or keys from an apartment or car. For people who have a sense of humor, you can also set the alarm - believe me, this surprise will be remembered for life by all present!

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