/ / Manometer calibration is a mandatory safety attribute!

Manometer calibration is a mandatory safety attribute!

Manometer calibration.

The gauges are calibrated every year.This establishes how the operating parameters of the device correspond to the declared characteristics. To perform this operation, many techniques have been developed, among which the following are the most common:

  • using a hydraulic press;
  • with the use of metrological stand;
  • through a calibrator.

Each of them has both strengths and weaknesses. To begin with, we will consider the theoretical basis, on the basis of which the calibration of pressure gauges is carried out, and then we will consider each of them separately.

Theoretical basis

At the heart of any modern science is a comparison,and metrology in this regard is no exception. A pressure gauge is a device that measures pressure. According to the established rules, the calibration of pressure gauges should be performed every year. For example, the previous time this operation was done in the first quarter of this year, it means that next time it should be performed from January to March. Its essence lies in the fact that the readings of 2 devices are compared: our meter
pressure, which is checked, and second, especiallyaccurate. If the difference in values ​​between them is insignificant, then the device is suitable for further use. Otherwise, he is rejected and work with him is prohibited.

Manometer calibration.


In the first case, the calibration of the gauge is performed onspecial hydraulic press. It includes a set of weights, 2 pressure gauges and the press itself. In the process of performing such an operation, pressure is created with the help of weights; it is transmitted to the measuring instruments. For example, a load of 1 kilogram is installed, then both devices must show such a value, taking into account the error. That is, a certain deviation is allowed. Oil is used as a medium. This method can not be checked oxygen gauges, in all other cases, this method is well proven and is often used.


The following method of calibrating gauges is verysimilar to the previous one. There are also two dial gauges. The pressure is provided by a special pump, then the readings are compared and on their basis a conclusion is made regarding the suitability or inoperability of a device. As a medium
air is used (i.e., oxygen devices can also be verified this way).

The method of calibration gauges.


This method differs from the one described inThe previous paragraph is that the calibrator is a mobile device. Therefore, so check the measuring tools in place. The pressure generator is still the same pump that creates air pressure. But the readings of the pressure gauge are compared with a special electronic meter with a high accuracy class.


Manometer calibration is an important operation thatallows not only to provide the necessary level of quality of technological processes, but also their high safety. The first method is simple and reliable, but not always applicable. The second method checks most gauges to date. If this operation can be done only at the place of installation, then there is simply no alternative to the third option.

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