/ How is gas meters checked without removal?

How is the calibration of gas meters without removal?

The first gas meters appeared many years ago.But so far not everyone knows who should check, change, install equipment. But timely troubleshooting will save you money. How is the gas meter checked without removing it? This is described in the article.

How to determine the malfunction yourself?

To determine the health of the device, you need to do the following:

  1. Turn on the hotplate.
  2. Look at the movement of numbers on the device. If this happens unevenly or with sounds, the device is defective.
  3. You also need to check the resource consumption.It is necessary to record, memorize or photograph the readings, and also to designate the time. After a minute, the readings change by approximately 0.005 cu. meter.

check gas meters without removing

If a malfunction is found, contact a specialized company. Specialists will eliminate the deficiency or replace the device.


Household counters are an effective way.analysis of spent resources. They are needed for economical consumption of gas and budget funds. Installation of equipment is considered a necessity, as it has many advantages for residents. Instrument verification is a mandatory procedure. It is required due to the fact that during operation various factors affect the device, which in some cases lead to failures.

gas meter check

Set deviation allows verification.Usually it is held for a short time and at an affordable cost. This is a routine instrument diagnostics. With the help of metrological verification, the accuracy of equipment operation is certified or rejected. The frequency of verification is determined by the type of meter, its verification period, which can be equal to 5-12 years.

The calibration of the gas meter is carried out inorganizations Gosstandart. To perform diagnostics, the device needs to be disconnected, having recorded the readings in advance, and then delivered to the metrological organization. The procedure is performed with the help of modern methods, with its implementation eliminated the risk of damage or loss of equipment.

Basic Documents

The calibration of the gas meter is based onGovernment Decree No. 549 dated July 21, 2008. According to it, the calculation of the volume of spent gas is carried out according to the metering device, but only if the verification period has not expired. The use of household gas appliances requires the implementation of simple rules. They assume a regular calibration of counters.

The procedure for calibration of the gas meter in a private houseand apartment, and the grounds are designated in the Federal Law №102. The question relating to control measures is resolved at the legislative level: PR 50.2.006-94. By law, users of measuring equipment are responsible for ensuring timely verification, its delivery.

Who performs calibration and when?

По ст.210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, payment for transport, procedures for inspection and repair of the device, for the purchase of new equipment and the modernization of gas networks during the installation are directly assigned to the owners of the devices. These expenses are paid by them in full.

checking gas meter in a private house

Removal, connection and change of instruments is performedorganizations working with owners of measuring device under the contract. They have instructions for checking gas meters without removal, which allows you to safely perform such procedures. Experts strictly adhere to it.

Checking rules

There are rules for calibrating a gas meter inprivate house and apartment. Owners of devices for accounting for the use of natural resources must provide them for verification in a timely manner. In the passport of the equipment there is an intertesting term. How is the gas meter checked in a private house and apartment? Inspection of devices of the type of SGMN, SGB, VK, NPM and some others is carried out in the areas of their installation using modern portable devices.

Remove the mechanism and eliminate the seals do not need.Verification of gas meters without withdrawal shortens the period of service, but its price will be more. Without removing the verification can not be performed if the device is of the type UBSG, HOBO and other modifications. The procedure is carried out after the dismantling carried out by the company with which the agreement was concluded.

Instrument verification involves the installation of a newpower source. At this event, complete prevention is carried out. Devices disassemble, wash, thereby prolonging the service life. When checking gas meters without removal or removal, the conclusion is provided on:

  1. The suitability of the device to use.
  2. Faults.

If the device is working, then a certificate is issuedchecking Then the device is sealed, a sign of the verification mark is placed on the seal. The data on the verification is recorded in the registration certificate, which is certified by the signature of the verifier and the marking designation. If the meter is faulty, the relevant information is entered in the document that prohibits its operation.

Calibration time

Verification of gas meters without removalcarried out individually. For all devices, the verification interval specified in the state registry is set. The duration of this period is determined by the modification of the device, it is made in the data sheet.

how to check the gas meter in a private house

Calculation procedure

Verification takes some time.While it is being carried out, the calculation of resources spent is based on averages recorded during the year while the meter was used. If faults were found, repairs are performed. If it is more than 3 months, then after 90 days, accruals are made according to approved government regulations.

how to check the gas meter without removing

Faulty device

If the device has not passed the verification, it can notto be used. In case of malfunction it is not allowed to use, the testimony will be considered unreliable. Accounting for the spent resource, for which it is necessary to pay, is carried out on the basis of average indicators. The amount of consumption is taken from the gas supply contract.

Payment of dismantling and installation of the meter

По нормам закона контроль газовых счетчиков performed at the expense of the owners, which are considered the subscribers themselves. They are responsible for the proper functioning and proper operation of the devices. Residents themselves pay for maintenance, maintenance, including repairs and transportation to the place of performance.

checking gas meters without removing instructions

Measurement device calibration procedurepaid by a person who is interested in this. After all, it is profitable for subscribers to pay for the resources spent, and not according to average standards. Moreover, the standards do not imply the obligation of the resource provider to notify subscribers of the onset of the calibration date.

Extraordinary verification

Often requires extraordinary verification. It is performed on the following grounds:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the stigma or seal. Their integrity is damaged if the information they contain is difficult to read without the use of special technology.
  2. Mechanical effect on the device. After verification, a validity statement is issued.
  3. Depreservation, if the device is larger than 1 test interval, did not work.
  4. Suspicion of providing incorrect information.

Waiver of calibration

If the subscriber evades checking, does not complythe schedule of these events or the device’s unsuitability for operation was found, payment is made according to the established tariffs. You can also recalculate previously accrued payments.

Terms of operation

Gas devices are constantly affected.working environment factors. Therefore, the replacement of the device is required if the life has expired. This period is different for all counters, but is usually 8-10 years. When the device is in good condition, but to confirm its operation, the meter can be sent to the laboratory.

check gas meter in a private house rules

Thanks to the conclusion givenperform its operation. Checked counter when replacing no more than 2 weeks. In some types of devices there are batteries that need to be replaced independently. After replacement, sealing is performed.


Users should not take offcounters. It is necessary to control the safety of sealing. If the device becomes technically unusable, then it is advisable to buy a new one, than to repair the old one. The removal of the old device is performed by a specialist, who after work records everything in the documentation.

If you can enjoy the benefits, thenshould arrange them. Some categories of the population are given discounts on installation of equipment and on payment for services. The meter itself must monitor the serviceability of the meter, so if necessary, it should call a specialist for calibration.

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