/ / Outdoor acoustics: types, characteristics. Outdoor all-weather acoustics

Street acoustics: types, characteristics. Outdoor all-weather acoustics

The process of listening to music has long gone beyondstudios, halls, clubs and home furnishings. But if before, mostly professionals were mainly involved in providing music accompaniment outdoors, today this area is completely accessible to ordinary enthusiasts. And this is not about compact mobile speakers for individual listening, but about full-fledged speakers. However, the full-length street acoustics does not exclude the ideas of minimalism, facilitating the processes of physical handling of the structure.

street acoustics

Features of outdoor acoustics

Features all-weather audio systems dueterms of use. They are used in the open air - these can be grounds, gardens, parks, house territories, recreation areas, etc. Accordingly, the street music column should have adequate protection against possible damage, and universal mounting means that will reliably fix construction without reliable supports.

Developers pay the most attentionprotective qualities, focusing on the IP security index. Its value reflects the class of protection of the device from certain influences. For example, IP54 indicates that the column can counteract moisture, dirt, dust, and even minor physical effects. At the same time, acoustics for outdoor events are mainly produced in compact cases. Engineers use composite materials with integrated swivel brackets to maintain an optimal level of strength. This decision, however, is connected not only with the desire to improve the safety of speakers, but also with ergonomic considerations. The composite is a light material that facilitates the transportation of a set, for example, from a house to a park area.

Main characteristics

Акцент в таких моделях делается на широкий охват sound waves, so the developers are trying to make the "stuffing" more powerful. However, this does not negate the relevance of low-power speakers - the total range of power potential can be represented in the range of 10-400 watts. Rarely outdoor all-weather acoustics do without an amplifier. Usually used low-impedance devices at 8-16 Ohms. As for the frequency range, the lower level is in the range of 60-70 Hz, and the upper level can reach 30,000 Hz. The size of the standard speaker is the format of 3.5 or 6.5 inches. Of course, there are deviations from this size, which are demonstrated by 0.75-inch tweeters and large-format blocks of 10-12 inches.

outdoor weather speakers

Varieties of systems

Generally, all-weather acoustics vary byform factor. On the market there are many variations of the performance of such equipment. Conventionally, all representatives of the segment can be divided into three groups - portable models, full-fledged classical speakers and horn street systems. Portable speakers practically do not require the creation of special conditions in terms of installation - a small device can simply be put on the lawn and enjoy the sound in a tight circle. Full-format outdoor acoustics is a set of speakers and a subwoofer that is able to provide the atmosphere of a concert venue. This option is suitable for parties and celebrations in the fresh air and with a large number of participants. Horn systems and loudspeakers are similar in their performance and technical capabilities to the previous acoustics, but have structural features. Firstly, the optimized design makes it possible to more effectively dissipate sound waves in open space conditions, and secondly, such systems have more opportunities for reliable installation outside.

Landscape Speakers

In a sense, such systems canrelate to outdoor weatherproof columns, but they have several fundamental features. First, such devices are called landscape for the reason that their design and external stylistic performance are organically included in the garden composition. That is, in fact, it is an object of garden design, only with acoustic filling. Secondly, it happened so that the music column for a landscape-type street provides a higher sound quality. Although the bulk of the kits are performed on the same principles as standard Hi-Fi speakers, manufacturers try to endow them with high-quality components. Otherwise, such systems are fully consistent with all-weather models, this applies to protective qualities, and ergonomic devices.

street music column

All-Terrain Model

One variation of the highly successful portablestreet acoustics, which seamlessly combines lightness, compactness and security. This option is not suitable if you plan to arrange a quiet evening event in the gazebo. All-Terrain developers have oriented the system to operate in harsh conditions away from home, where there is a risk of being hit by heavy rain, getting dirty in the mud and at the same time hitting the hull. Especially for such cases, provided and waterproof coating, and reliable mounting mechanisms - to the backpack and bike. There is also a Bluetooth module that allows you to stream music from a remote source wirelessly. But unfortunately, this street active acoustics is designed only for one listener. To go to the company will have to take something more serious. The small size of the device caused serious limitations on power, so All-Terrain should be considered as a personal device.

Model Bose Free Space 51

Это решение можно назвать если не самым, то одним of the most practical in terms of street use. Immediately it should be noted that the system has a rather extravagant appearance. Designers sought to bring the style of equipment closer to the garden setting, but overdid it, which is why the kit scares many with its appearance. The speakers look utilitarian, boring and even depressive.

outdoor active acoustics

But this set is not intended for the functiongarden scenery. Its components can be hidden right in the ground, and this contributes to the design. The main advantages of the system are manifested in performance. In practice, the Bose street sound system demonstrates a balanced sound distribution around the circumference of 360 degrees. The speaker performs optimally with both the bass and the processing of soft mids.

JBL models

JBL is famous for its portable speakers.but it is difficult to attribute them to a full-fledged all-weather solution. Those who want to provide a local area with a high-quality sound source should take a closer look at the loudspeaker family. In particular, the modifications CSS-H15 and H30 are positioned exactly as all-weather horns. They are distinguished by a wide coverage area and a high class of external protection. To this it is worth adding that all-weather acoustics JBL CSS is made of high-strength plastic, and stainless steel brackets are provided for mounting.

all-weather acoustics jbl

The device power is modest (25-30 W), but formaintenance of a small infield her enough. The kit also includes a transformer, through which you can protect the loudspeaker from the network oscillations.

Polk Atrium Model

When considering this system is worth immediatelydivide the two parameters of the assessment - for the appearance and sound quality. As for the first quality, it can be expressed as a characteristic of stealth, and this is very important for street acoustics. Two compact 3.5-inch speakers and an inch horn are responsible for the sound. This configuration allows depending on the location to provide sound and small and large areas. But that's not all. The speakers are complemented by a 10-inch subwoofer, which, in turn, is disguised as a flower pot. That is, it is clearly street acoustics with a hint of landscape design performance. And if two loudspeakers are quite soundly providing high and mid frequencies, then a subwoofer with 200 watts of bass is capable of covering large spaces with low and deep sound. The peculiarities of this complex include the fact that the system uses the surface of the earth as a conductor, transmitting acoustic sound through mini-oscillations.

polk atrium

Acoustics location

According to experts, the most profitablestereo effect will be achieved if the speakers are located near the house. The optimal mutual positioning of the speakers implies observing a distance of 3-4 m. Usually, in open areas there is a feeling of unlimited sound coverage, which is why users tend to distance the speakers from each other. But in this case, street acoustics will not add either to the power or to the purity of the sound, since with a long distance only one of the channels will be perceived.

Not bad in terms of sound quality and quiteA practical solution would be to install speakers under the eaves. In this case, it will be possible to reliably protect the structure from the direct effects of precipitation. In addition, in such a situation, outdoor all-weather acoustics can remain as stationary without regular and troublesome uninstallation.

Connection nuances

It is recommended to use installationtwo-core or four-core wires that contain lines for the left and right channels. For a distance of up to 25 m, a 16-gauge cable should be used, and it is advisable to maintain a 60-meter span by using a 14-gauge circuit. Next, the issue is solved with the gasket. Many use underground lines for this, but this option has serious drawbacks - from rodent damage to accidental cut of the cable with a shovel. Therefore, it is better to use an outdoor open strip with high-quality wire protection. It will also be useful if the street active acoustics will be complemented by an amplifier. For example, a 70-volt model will be able to support multiple speakers at once.

outdoor speaker system


Even organizing a music program inindoors often brings a lot of trouble, let alone talk about preparing for similar activities outside the home. Proper selection of a suitable system in accordance with specific needs will allow you to initially remove a lot of problems. For example, all-weather acoustics JBL is quite suitable as a variant of a stationary horn sound source in one permanent place near the house. Atrium modification is advisable to use as an element of landscape design, and as a good musical equipment on the site. And if you need a universal marching option, then the All-Terrain model will justify itself.

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