/ / Best home theaters: comparative reviews, ratings, reviews

Best Home Cinema: Comparative Reviews, Ratings, Reviews

A good movie is worth it to be watched by peopleat the cinema. This is not surprising: in order to get maximum pleasure from viewing, one should be exclusively in comfortable conditions, immerse in the atmosphere of the film, feel its plot.

Unfortunately, it's not always possible to go to the cinema, especially if you expect a lot of new products. In this case, an excellent solution will be to purchase a home theater.

The choice should be treated with the utmost responsibility, because the best home theaters will leave you only positive emotions.

So, let's figure out which manufacturers need to give their preference.

Some of the best manufacturers are LG, Sony and Samsung. Today we will discuss only these models! There are still budget options.

Now we will discuss the best home cinemas in the budget category.

Sony BDV-E

A fairly good and inexpensive solution will beis the installation of a movie theater company Sony, model BDV-E. This is a practical, durable, easy-to-use home theater, the price takes the most modest position in the lineup of all the best movie theaters - 20,000 rubles.

Best Home Cinema

Of the merits of this product I want to highlightsingle-block system that provides the work of high-quality and powerful speakers, reaching 1 thousand watts. Thanks to the Bluetooth port, you can play videos directly from your mobile device.

In addition, alternative sources,providing playback of a video, are USB-drives, DVD and Blu-ray discs, as well as the Internet. Sony Home Theater will last a long time, leaving only positive impressions after use!

Many who chose this theater are satisfied with its use and consider it the most optimal solution for those who have long wanted to enjoy films in amazing quality.


The next in the line of such products is the LG LHB755 home theater, easy to use, convenient, with good quality of sound and image reproduction.

The price is 27 thousand rubles.One of the main advantages presented to users is that even with the maximum increase in volume, sound is not distorted, but retains its quality. In addition, such a cinema will appeal to all those who forever lose the console: in this case, they can also be served by your phone, which is always with you.

Home Theater Lg
The cinema has a karaoke function that will be indispensable at various events, and also supports many formats, which is certainly a very convenient option.

With the right settings you can enjoythree-dimensional image in 3D. Speaking about the impressions of customers, it is worth noting that this product is the best among all its competitors. Virtually all the best home theaters contain some disadvantages, however, it is this model that the user will not be able to make any claims.

Samsung HT-J5530K

Already on the great experience of using Samsung products it became clear that this is one of the best electronics companies, which produces only high-quality and durable technology.

Among all the best options, the home theater Samsung HT-J5530K, which received the highest positions in the ratings, also excelled. It is a very stylish, functional, powerful enough device.

Samsung Home Theater
Support for a large number of formats availablethe price of $ 24,000, a fairly simple interface, good image quality and sound will not leave you indifferent. In addition, customers will appreciate the built-in Wi-Fi-module, the function of Bluetooth and Ethernet.

The only drawback is short andinconvenient device wires. The rating of the cinema is so high for a reason, because all buyers are satisfied with such a favorable price-quality ratio.

The best domestic cinemas budget levelcan compete well with many models of medium and even high cost, so you can easily buy this or that model without regretting your choice.

Average cost. Samsung HT-J7750W

Perhaps, among all home theatersthis model received the most enthusiastic reviews. According to the opinion of many people, the home theater Samsung 100% meets the requirements of even the most picky user. The sound can not be spoken without admiration - thanks to the special columns in the room a pleasant sensation is created.

Management can be carried out using a smartphone, and from any position in the apartment. The materials of the cinema are very high-quality, but in general it is made in a stylish and pleasant eye design.

Sony Home Theater
You can view the video fromusing USB-drive, Internet, smartphone. Image quality - Full HD 3D, as well as Ultra HD. The price is 51 thousand. Having bought a cinema Samsung HT-J7750W, you will plunge into the film with a head.


Home theater LG BH9540TW like allthanks to clean and high-quality sound, high power, support of any formats. The cinema has a karaoke function, built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth function, DLNA. The sound is very realistic, and thanks to the 3D image, the feeling of presence is even greater. Judging by the reviews, the only downside of this movie theater is the cut-down image in Smart TV mode. Despite this, buyers are satisfied with the purchase.

Loudspeakers, home theaters
Thus, the best home cinemas of this category can boast of HD and 3D quality, they have powerful speakers with pure sound, are simple and convenient to use.

High price. Sony BDV-E6100

The most popular is homeSony cinema, which won the favor of many buyers. In the event that one of your criteria is a high volume while maintaining high sound quality, then the Sony BDV-E6100 is your favorite!

According to buyers, this model is not the only oneof the highest quality and durable, but also one of the most "smart". Thanks to these features and capabilities, you can watch the movie online, listen to FM radio, connect via Bluetooth.

Home theater, price
The processor of this cinema is very powerful, soundclean. In order to use the product even more convenient, the manufacturers have provided for the use of a keyboard that can be connected via a USB port. The device has many connectors, making the cinema even more convenient. This model supports Smart TV and Blu-ray 3D.


Summarizing, it is worth noting that the bestHome cinemas of these categories will create the most comfortable conditions for watching a movie. You can enjoy this or that video at the maximum level.

In addition, it is worth noting that special attentionshould be turned on the speakers; home cinemas will create a sense of reality always, they would not belong to any price category. The main thing is the correct installation!

We hope that the information provided above helpedyou choose a really high-quality home theater from a particular price category. Today in the article we reviewed the best models of companies LG, Sony and Samsung.

Good luck!

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