/ / Prefix "Android" for the TV. Prefix "Smart TV": features and functions

The prefix "Android" for the TV. Prefix "Smart TV": features and functions

Very convenient when your TV, exceptbroadcast channels, can provide other, no less interesting entertainment, like games, social networks and other online charms. Computers, of course, they will not replace, but as a tool for more or less full-fledged leisure is quite fit.

android for TV set-top box

Такой функционал имеется в современных моделях TVs with the prefix "Smart", but no manufacturer, Sony, LG, Samsung or any other brand, is usability, and the technology itself is still damp. Very often, many owners complain about some hang-ups, communication disruptions, conflict of formats and other unpleasant moments. Of course, you can use it, but the sediment remains unpleasant anyway.

It's another matter when all these miracles work onplatform "Android." "Smart TV" - a prefix to the TV in this case significantly expands the possibilities and eliminates many of the problems that are inherent in the original branded firmware. Here you also work with Google Play, where the number of programs is simply amazing, in comparison with the same LG World and Game World, and solving problems with format conflicts, and much more.

android prefix for TV

That is, it turns out that a smart"Android" for the TV is not just some kind of addition to the main functionality, but a full-fledged entertainment platform with many features. Sometimes there is simply no need to buy an expensive smart device, but just a conventional TV that will work fine in a tandem with such a prefix. This nuance, maybe, will not affect premium models, where everything is considered and included, but for TV gadgets of the middle class it is quite actual.

What is the "Android" set-top box for a TV?

The review should begin with the fact that the equipmentThis kind of little differs from similar counterparts on other platforms in terms of ease of use. That is, you do not need to be afraid of migration from one device to another. There are not any wise demands, nor anything that ordinary average consumer can not handle.

«Андроид»-приставка для телевизора представляет a small "box" that connects to your device, usually through an HDMI interface. Power is either through the usual network of 220 watts, or from the TV itself, it all depends on the specific model. "Android" for a TV set (prefix), by analogy with tablets and smartphones, has a processor, some amount of RAM, modules of wireless protocols "bluetooth" or "wifi", etc. That is, in its essence - this is the same tablet, but only without a screen.

Features of use

You can control the prefix with the mouse and / orkeyboard. If the TV set-top box on the "Android" for the TV is equipped with the above-mentioned modules, then the wireless peripherals are at your service. In addition, for such devices are provided special manipulators, such as Air-Mouse or similar. So to choose a suitable headset is from what.

smart prefix on android for TV

Also, it's worth noting that on the shelvesshops you can meet more expensive models of such devices, that is it will be significantly expanded in terms of functionality "Android" -start for the TV. Reviews for such models are diverse, but the advantages are obvious. Here you also have a camera with a microphone for communicating via Skype, and the possibility of synergy with other home appliances of your home, etc. Some people like this multifunctionality, but some people prefer to buy their gadget for each case, considering that one device can not take everything in a row, and this has a qualitative effect on the result.

Denote the list of models, which included smart devices, distinguished themselves by quality assembly, good functionality and having the concept of universality.

MXQ Pro TV Box

Этот «Андроид» для телевизора (приставка) works on the platform 5.1 and has a good set of features, as well as an attractive price tag. The model works on a well-proven set of Amlogic S905 (64 bit) chipsets with a Cortex A53 processor on 4 cores with a clock frequency of 2 GHz.

TV set-top box for android for TV

RAM is not so much - only 1 GB, butthis is enough for a comfortable viewing of video in ultra-high resolution ("Ultra" -HD) and for not very "heavy" games. The internal memory of users will clearly be small - 8 GB. The benefit is that there are interfaces for connecting external hard drives and third-party SD cards. So there should not be any problems with data storage.

Features of the device

In addition, there is a LAN port so that theTV (Internet up to 1000 Mbit / sec.) had full access to the World Wide Web. For the operation of wireless protocols, the "wifai" and "bluetooth" modules are responsible. The gadget supports work with files on HTPS-channel and digital broadcasting of class IPTV. The connection to the TV is via the HDMI interface version 2.0.

iconBIT XDS1003DW

Эта модель не просто какой-то обычный «Андроид» for a TV set (a prefix), but a real media center. The device costs accordingly, but the money spent on it pays off with interest. One of the main "chips" of the device is the ability to work with 3D content. Moreover, the model supports such standards as "Dolby Digital" and DTS, that is, the system handles the channel sound of class 5.1.

android prefix for TV review

«Андроид» для телевизора (приставка) марки iconBIT has its own distinctive feature - these are two operating systems. That is, on the one hand, we see a familiar shell for such gadgets from Realtek series RTD 4.5, and on the other - the platform "Android." Therefore, the device can be called utterly universal. Although some believe that such a set of operating systems is not entirely successful, they indicate some conflict between the main protocols. But an ordinary user is unlikely to notice any critical flaws, because this tandem works quite tolerably and does not "swear" at trifles.

Distinctive features of the device

In addition, the model supports working with external3.5-inch drives, which is also encouraging. The user just needs to lift the lid, snap the hard drive into the SATA interface and work quietly. If there is such a need, then you can connect non-standard media, like 2.5-inch drives, which are usually put on laptops. Also, the set-top box has access to the Internet via a LAN port, with a speed of no more than 1000 Mbps.

Enybox EKB368

This model is very bright andhigh-performance set of chipsets. The console can be called a kind of mini-computer that will make from your TV a very good similarity to a multimedia station. The gadget is working on a fresh version of "Android" 5.1. This version has very good user ratings and features a multifunctionality, a clear interface and convenience.

android tv set reviews

Responsible for the performance of a powerful processorRockchip RK3368, working on eight cores of the Cortex-A53 series, 1.5 GHz each. The characteristics of the chip allow you to easily view the video in ultra-high resolution, which owners of large screens will certainly appreciate, as well as play "heavy" games. RAM for this kind of technology is enough - 2 GB, so problems with friezes, brakes and other lags are not observed.

Встроенный накопитель на 16 Гб особо не impressive, but most owners don’t use it, because the device is able to accept a couple of hard drives and any SD card. There are wireless modules “Wi-Fi” and “Bluetooth”, as well as a LAN-type Internet port with a flow restriction of 1000 Mbps. The device is connected using the HDMI interface, so there will be no problems with adaptation either.


This is an interesting representative of its segment.originally from the Middle Kingdom. The device has a memorable and very attractive appearance, as well as a good stuffing. The system works on the platform "Android" 5.1.

android smart tv set-top box

One of the most attractive features.consoles - the ability to work with ultra-high resolution 4K. Not every gadget in this price category can boast such a distinctive feature.

Responsible for performance relativelyAmlogic S905 smart processor, running on four cores of the Cortex A53 architecture with a frequency of 2 GHz per core. The amount of RAM is not enough to run powerful applications (1 GB), so you have to be content with average toys and undemanding software.

Features of the model

Internal storage also has modestperformance - only 8 GB, but you can significantly expand the volume if you connect an external device via USB-port. On board there are modules of wireless protocols "Wi-Fi" and "Bluetooth", there is also the possibility of accessing the network through a LAN-port with a speed limit of 1000 Mbps. In general, this is quite a good console, which will appeal to undemanding users, especially since the price tag on the model is very democratic.

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