/ / Decorative lamps - exquisite interior decoration

Decorative lamps - exquisite decoration of the interior

Decorative lamps create a large anda diverse light world. Their color, shape and materials are real works of design art. On the main mass of existing lamps, in addition to performing a direct functional action, the decorative function is assigned, which is the decoration of the interior of the room. But it is worth remembering that the priority is still lighting. Decor is a nice addition.

decorative lamps

However, in the world of light there is a separatecategory of chandeliers, sconces and table lamps. This, in fact, decorative lamps, the main task of which is the decoration of the interior. A special light of these devices is designed to create certain mood notes - festive or soothing and relaxing. Often the rays emanating from these sources are in continuous motion, poured and changed. A fascinating play of light makes a person disconnect from daily bustle and worries, brings a sense of peace and tranquility.

Particular mood is created by devices that imitatelive fire - fireplaces, candles and bowls. Such decorative lamps give comfort, comfort and warmth to your home. Of course, artificial flame does not compare with the present. However, for such devices do not need firewood and matches. They suddenly do not go out and can not set fire to the tablecloth. When arranging a romantic evening for two, it's best to put real candles on the table, but friends can be cheerfully partyed with devices that mimic the flame of fire.

decorative table lamps

Decorative LED lights were a real revolutionary breakthrough in the design world. They are great for decorating the interior, while enjoying a number of advantages:

- economy;

- long service life;

- unchanged quality and brightness of the light beam;

- fire and environmental safety;

- Absence of ultraviolet and infrared radiation, which adversely affects the eyes.

There are decorative lamps thatattract the look of unusual effects. These are plasma or lava instruments. The vessel of such a source, in the center of which there is a circular electrode, is filled with a special gas. Neon rays of the lamp create unusual visual effects, which arise as a result of moving plasma discharges.

decorative LED lights

Decorative table lamps can beplace on any piece of furniture. They can serve as a source of directional or scattered light. It all depends on the type of lampshade. Models of such lamps have a static design. Their leg and head are not adjustable and do not rotate. All elements of such lamps are made of beautiful decorative materials - textiles, porcelain, glass, wood or stone.

The bulk of table lamps,designed to decorate the interior, has the shape of a cone. In this case, one part of the rays falls down, which makes it possible to illuminate the space for home affairs and reading, the second one reflects off the ceiling and walls, rushing up, and the third, passing through the material of the lampshade, creates a diffused and soft stream of light.

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