Manufacturers of audio and video equipment regularlyAnnounce the introduction of new technologies that improve the operational capabilities of products. Unfortunately, not every know-how meets expectations, not to mention the substantial benefits in terms of the use of equipment. Nevertheless, achievements that change the mass consumer's perception of the properties of multimedia equipment appear, and, as a rule, their announcements are accompanied by lush advertising. Three years ago it was in this style that a curved TV screen appeared on the market, the advantages of which were actively replicated by marketers from LG, Sony and Samsung. By the way, even today, when a whole segment of models with a non-standard display has been formed, the list of participating manufacturers is not so wide. And the more attractive the available offers.
Before proceeding to consider the benefits andcons of an innovative solution, it is necessary to learn more about its features. The main difference lies in the changed radius of the television panel - in other words, in the form of a screen that is concave in the direction opposite to the position of the viewer. At the same time, it cannot be said that this principle of presenting a “picture” is truly revolutionary. He, in particular, is used in the design of theater stages and movie screens. And it is quite logical that the correction of the shape of the projector display finally allowed to realize the curved screen of the TV. The advantages and disadvantages of this solution are not so clear. If in the cinema the effect of a concave sheet is obvious due to its large size, in the case of television displays, pluses are found only in the case of a large diagonal. There are other nuances of such models, familiarity with which will allow to form a more complete opinion of the new technology.
The curved plane allows you to cover a largethe area of the field of view, so it may well create a feeling of deep immersion in the atmosphere of the film. For example, a flat screen with similar dimensions will not be able to provide the same coverage due to its shape. However, users note a minimal increase in the view, which provides a curved TV screen. The advantages in this indicator are most pronounced only in the case of large displays - at least 55 inches. However, a flat screen with this format will be able to provide good penetration with a film. On the side of the concave television panels there is another trump card - a combination with high resolution in 4K UltraHD format. Thanks to this technology, a truly non-standard image gives an advantage in the form of a wider coverage of its review.
In this case, it is worth noting the technology OLED,which carriers while are TVs with the concave screen. The advantages of this combination are expressed in two factors - sharpening and contrast enhancement, as well as widening viewing angles. Actually, these are related structural features, which in practice give the effect of the integrity of the “picture” and the feeling of a larger screen area without the usual angularity typical of traditional models.
According to the manufacturers themselves, concave screenable to increase the contrast in the side zones. This will especially manifest itself in the perception of the viewer sitting close to the concave panel. It is even better to use a large monitor for this purpose, since the distance to it will leave even less - about 45 cm. This advantage of a curved TV screen can also be observed in models with a diagonal of 27 inches. Further, the larger the format, the higher the quality of visual perception in terms of contrast and smoothing side corners.
Under certain conditions, the curved shape of the screencan really create the feeling that the TV has a larger area than a flat model with the same diagonal. However, it is possible to achieve a significant disclosure of this factor only on condition that the viewer is located at the optimum point relative to the place where the curved TV screen is located. The advantages in the form of increasing the area of perception of the “picture” are the most effective tool for marketers. At the same time, it is impossible to say that this is a fiction and a myth being unwound. With a correctly chosen position, the viewer will feel the difference, but it will be noticeable only if the big screen is used.
This is not a requirement at all, but in order toto fully feel not just the dignity, but the peculiarities of eye contact with a concave screen, you need to be located strictly in the center of the TV. In this case, there will be a noticeable absence of distortion and glare, as well as a visual expansion of the viewing angles, which distinguish the curved TV screen. The advantages in this case can be considered only conditionally, since they are achieved only during a viewing session alone. Most of the advantages of a concave screen does not reveal to viewers who look at the display at an angle - that is, they sit around the edges of the sofa.
No wonder that the newdevelopment costs more than its less sophisticated counterparts. However, experts still do not observe the prerequisites for the cheapening of such models, which is also natural in the market of household appliances. Today, models with a diagonal of 40-55 inches can be purchased on average for 70-100 thousand rubles. And this is not the limit, since all the related technological additions, in the spirit of the 4K format mentioned, by a few tens of thousands increase the price tags for which TVs with curved screens are sold. Do they need for such money? The answer in each case will be individual, but models with a flat screen for the same 100 thousand rubles. They also offer many opportunities for a pleasant film show. And this concerns not only the big screen, the diagonal of which can be 70-80 inches. The traditional form factor continues to explore more familiar areas, including interactive and communication capabilities.
TV panel bend despite everythingthe efforts of marketers to fill its existence with meaning, in essence, does not yet give the viewer anything fundamentally new. For example, the image quality in the most advanced versions is more enhanced by the high resolution UltraHD, rather than the concave design. As for the increase in the area of the “picture” review, the increase will be insignificant, and overpay for it will have several thousand, and this is at least. In that case, why not just buy a regular model with a larger diagonal, which will certainly expand the area of visual perception. Given all this, you can ask the question - why do we need curved TVs? First of all, it is impossible to discard the desire of manufacturers to make money on a new fashion. But if you look at this model from the point of view of the consumer, it can easily compete with large-format flat screens for home theaters. Although in this context the prices for concave models do not correspond to their advantages.
It would be wrong to say that the creators of the newconcepts do not offer the consumer anything at all useful. At this stage of development of the segment, the advantage of a curved TV screen over a traditional flat panel is not too obvious, but it is. At least, the merit of this decision is confirmed by mathematical and geometric calculations. True, what is the use of them if the viewer himself does not feel any noticeable improvements in the process of viewing? Anyway, there are opinions that in the future the concave screen will survive as a more rational and optimized one.