/ / Why do I need to ground the gas boiler?

Why do I need to ground the gas boiler?

To safely use a gas boiler,it must be earthed in accordance with applicable regulations. The unit can only be put into operation after the acceptance certificate is issued. Such documentation shall include all information on the preparatory activities carried out.

Why do I need to ground the gas boiler? Is it possible to do without it? What causes the refusal to perform such work? We will try to answer these and other questions in the material presented.

Why do I need grounding?

resistance measurement
It is obvious that the gas boiler does not belong tocategory of electrical appliances. However, during operation, he collects static on his metal skin. Over time, this causes the formation of a strong field, which can lead to useless elements that are designed to control the boiler. Most often, the electronic board suffers from this, which is responsible for regulating the functions of the unit.

Чтобы понять, для чего нужно заземление газового boiler, it is enough to imagine its scheme. The device is mounted on the floor or installed on a wall, which does not conduct an electric current. The pipes here are made of propylene.

It is quite obvious that the accumulatedstatic electricity tends to go somewhere. Therefore, for him there is no other option than to close on the radiator. As a result, water, which is a heat carrier, begins to conduct a current. As soon as strong colds come on, and the boiler is set at an elevated temperature, the water stops coping with the removal of the increased charge. The operation of the boiler becomes unsafe.

The reason for stopping the boilers that function without grounding

earthing of the gas boiler
Для чего нужно заземление? Все достаточно просто.Static charge, which accumulates on the metal elements of the unit, creates a magnetic field. The latter affects the electronic circuit of the boiler, in which there is a kind of confusion. The boards lose the signal, the equipment begins to display erroneous data on the display, which do not correspond to the real, obvious state of affairs. Attempts by the user to change the situation by adjusting the settings only cause additional difficulties.

About the loop resistance

Before grounding the boiler, it is necessary to carry outresistance measurement. The characteristic will depend on the type of unit available, and also on the nature of the soil. So, on clay soil, the resistance measurement should give a value that does not exceed 10 ohms. If the boiler is grounded on a sandy ground, the maximum permissible resistance is not more than 50 ohms.

How is the gas boiler properly grounded?

ground connection
The works are performed in the following order:

  1. In a meter from the wall of the building, in which a gas boiler is installed, marking is carried out on the ground. It should be in the form of an equilateral triangle with an edge of 2 meters.
  2. According to the planned plan, a trench is excavated in the ground. Its depth should be of the order of 50 cm.
  3. Pits are drilled at the tops of the triangular depression. Here grounding is driven, which is the steel corners.
  4. Further, the installed earthing elements are connected by metal strips.
  5. The next step is to attach the manufactured contour to the base of the house by welding. To do this, use metal rods.

In the completion of external works on the site, it is necessarymake earth connection to the power board. For this purpose, a copper conductor is used. This element is fixed from one side to the base of the building with bolted connections. On the other hand, the conductor is brought to zero on the shield.

In fact, the above operations can be greatly facilitated. To do this, it is enough to purchase a ready-made factory modular kit specially designed for grounding a gas boiler.


which requires earthing
So we found out what the grounding is forgas boiler, how it is performed. Finally, it is worth noting only that after the completion of all activities, it is necessary to call a master who will carry out commissioning. To introduce a gas boiler into operation on legal grounds, it is necessary to notify the safety inspector who will put the unit on the register and give the owner permission to use it.

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