/ / Best closed headphones: review, manufacturers, specifications and reviews

Top closed headphones: review, manufacturers, features and reviews

Today, all kinds of headphones fromvarious manufacturers fill the store shelves, and getting confused in all this variety is very easy. The choice of such an important attribute requires a careful and meaningful approach, so in this case, haste is not needed. Before buying it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons.

closed headphones

To begin with, let's decide on what kind of closed headphones you need. In total, there are four main types of gadgets of this kind:

  • monitor - full-size models that completely cover the ear;
  • studio - similar to the monitor, then performed better (premium class);
  • closed headphones with a microphone - for talking and games (gamers, streamers);
  • wireless models with a headset - for negotiating bluetooth and through dect-technologies (controllers, etc.).

Consider the most popular and successful brands.who have long been engaged in this kind of gadgets. Their products can be labeled as the best closed headphones. The opinions of specialists of the segment and reviews of ordinary owners of gadgets will be taken into account.


Headphones from the eminent brand is not in vainleading position in the market. The company's products have maximum advantages with a minimum of drawbacks, and at a relatively low price. Judging by the numerous accolades both from experts and in amateur forums, the most successful and balanced in all characteristics are the Sony MDR-XB450AP closed headphones.

closed type headphones

Other models also deserve your attention and have their own list of advantages along with disadvantages.

Advantages of Sony models

Все наушники закрытого типа от маститой компании They are characterized by excellent ergonomic performance and high level of comfort. After the gadget is on your head, in a couple of minutes you will forget about its existence at all - only a clear sound and complete immersion into virtual reality is waiting for you. This is especially true for the MDR line.

Even inexpensive models are distinguished by high-quality sound, and the high and low frequencies are brought, if not to the ideal, then very close to it, and listening to music in such headphones is a pleasure.

open-closed headphones

Also worth noting is the ideal ratio of price and quality models. Decent closed headphones can be bought in the range of 20-50 dollars.

It will be useful to mention the appearance of the models.Almost all rulers have an outstanding, interesting, stylish and memorable design. If you want to stand out from the crowd - please: full-sized gadgets in white or alyapistoy colors created as if specially for you. Love conservatism - black and dark colors are always in the assortment of the company.

You can also notice correctly implementedcompactness of the Sony models. There were no problems with carrying or operating in the reviews. Another significant plus of the company's gadgets is longevity, they will last you for a very long time, and, judging by the statistics, people change Sony's closed headphones to similar ones just because they are tired of them.

Disadvantages of Sony gadgets

Многочисленные отзывы об ассортименте компании revealed a number of shortcomings. Most owners complain about too short cords - a little more than a meter, while competing products are almost two meters long.

best closed headphones

Also, some are not satisfied with mediocrethe connection of the wire and the plug, especially for the early models in the MDR line: the flattening of flat wires is a real scourge of most models. The design's glossiness is also a little upset: over time, with all the elegance and beauty, spots and small scratches begin to appear over time.

Is it worth buying?

The closed over-ear headphones from Sony arethe best option, a kind of golden mean between price, quality and impact. Models have enviable ergonomics, comfortable and movable ear cushions, convenient design, in some cases a control panel and an additional headset.

Одна из сильных сторон гаджета кроме звучания и Convenience is the look. Elegant design will appeal to any music lover, especially since there is something to choose from. The model range is extremely diverse: open-closed headphones, in-channel, plug-in, and for each type there is also its own version of the radiator. Therefore, even the most picky buyers will find for themselves what they really need.


Company founder Fritz Zennheiser made himselfgood name on the headphones, and the company's products occupy leading places in many specialized exhibitions. The price for the model range, though tall, but, judging by the reviews of the owners and the opinions of experts, is quite justified.

closed headphones

Zennheiser closed overhead headphones do not havesuch a rich assortment, like the same Sony, but they have their undisputable advantages. Among the vacuum gadgets, the brand's products lead by a large margin. In addition to excellent sound, attractive design and high-quality construction, the headphones are distinguished by absolute isolation, which for some music lovers is a critical moment when choosing this kind of devices.

Particularly different model Sennheiser HD 202(about $ 40), winning the hearts of many music lovers and high-quality sound. For a relatively low price, the owner receives an extremely high-quality sound, excellent design and excellent comfort. Many owners are very warm about the model, admiring the characteristics of the gadget for such a low cost. Some owners of this model complain about too high-quality vacuum and leather covering ear cushions, which is why it is necessary to periodically remove the headphones to aerate your ears. The rest is quite successful and perfectly balanced model.

Advantages of the model range "Sennheiser"

The company has always focused on quality.sound, and it succeeds with enviable constancy from one model to another. Many owners in their reviews note high-quality functionality. Also in most models you can see the remote control and built-in microphone.

Another important factor characterizingZennheizer products are durable. Do not think about scratches, stains or, worse, cracks: the brand’s headphones eliminate such problems. In addition, gadgets have a relatively small weight, allowing you to work or relax in them for a long time.

closed headset with microphone

Also worth mentioning is the design.The appearance of gadgets is very attractive, although not all models (excessive conservatism). Almost all the lines abound with some interesting distinctive features, so even picky music fans can find something.

Disadvantages of lines "Sennheiser"

As for the shortcomings, then any criticalThere were no comments on specialized forums. The only thing that potential buyers sometimes pay attention to is the poor lineup of closed and over-the-ear headphones, and the rest is a music lover’s dream.

To take or not to take?

Headphones from "Sennheiser" - this is very muchA good candidate to choose from. The strengths of the models appear literally in every position: a pleasant and truly deep sound, ergonomics and convenience, beauty - all this makes the headphones from Zennheiser extremely popular, and not only for fans of the brand.


AKG K27i - the popular model of the closed type fromthis brand. These are cute headphones, the colors of which harmonize perfectly with iPods (white with light gray). K27i are very compact: they fold and take up very little space. Headphones provide a certain degree of sound insulation, but mostly it concerns the upper part of the sound spectrum. There is a small volume control on the cable. This is very convenient if you do not like the player to be in sight.

The K27i has a very wide frequency response, but the low frequencies turned out to be much stronger than the rest of the sound spectrum. In addition, the bass extends deep down almost without fading.

According to reviews, the sensitivity of this modelvery high. Even when paired with a small player, you can achieve a high volume level, though, sometimes with a slight distortion. The sensitivity is about 110 dB / V.

Единственное, к чему придираются пользователи:when playing songs that are sensitive to the overall balance of frequencies, the sound was a bit deaf. The advantages noted by the reviews are deep bass and volume control on the cord. These headphones will definitely appeal to those who love strong bass. Some people think that they are a bit too much. So decide for yourself.

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