Vacuum headphones are also called in-channel.In principle, the technology features are more or less clear from the name. They are inserted inside the ear canal and stop it. To achieve the necessary tightness and not cause inconvenience, the user is helped by a silicone gasket.
1. Gaskets.Silicone interlacing is a very important detail of this device. Because of its shape, vacuum headphones become absolutely useless if they are lost. You just can not put the earphones in your ear or they will scratch. Therefore, it is very important to have a replacement kit. Vacuum earbuds of acceptable quality are designed in such a way as to tear off these silicone vstavochki was, gently say not easily, but the situation is different. In addition, the shape of the auricle in each person is individual. It may happen that you do not fit the standard form. Therefore, good manufacturers try to keep at least two sets of gaskets.
3. Logical design and ergonomics.The technology of this type of headphone is such that the size does not affect the quality. Therefore, it is quite possible to pick up a headphone of this size, so that even listening to music, you could safely wear a hat or not catch the exam (for example). A separate item worth mentioning is the wire. It is desirable that he had a roller, where the excess length is wound up. In another case, a tangled tangle of wires will not only interfere with you in your pocket, but will eventually "break in", which will lead to the premature death of a quality apparatus.
4. Напоследок следует оговорить цену.These gadgets use very few resources in production and, therefore, are quite cheap. For example, even vacuum headphones Apple can be bought for about $ 30. Therefore, you should not chase a super-duper cool branded "ears" and listen to the excuses of sellers, why they are so expensive. For a seemingly insignificant price, you can buy a super-unit. Well, if you still decide to buy expensive vacuum headphones, try not to be hanged with donkey ears as a present.