/ / Current regulator own hands: a diagram and instructions. DC regulator

The regulator of a current by own hands: the scheme and the instruction. DC regulator

To date, many devices are manufactured withpossibility of current adjustment. Thus, the user has the ability to control the power of the device. These devices can operate in a network with alternating current as well as direct current. By design, the controls are quite different. The main part of the device can be called thyristors.

Also integral elements of regulatorsare resistors and capacitors. Magnetic amplifiers are used only in high-voltage devices. The smooth adjustment in the device is provided by the modulator. Most often it is possible to meet their rotary modifications. Additionally, the system has filters that help smooth out interference in the circuit. Due to this, the output current is more stable than at the input.

current controller

Simple regulator scheme

Current regulator circuit of conventional thyristor typeinvolves using diode. To date, they are more stable and can last for many years. In turn, triode analogs can boast of their economy, however, their potential is small. For good current conductivity, the transistors are of the field type. The boards in the system can be used the most diverse.

In order to make the current controller 15 V,You can easily choose a model with the marking KU202. The supply of the closing voltage is due to the capacitors, which are installed at the beginning of the circuit. Modulators in regulators, as a rule, are of the rotary type. By their design, they are quite simple and allow very smoothly to change the current level. In order to stabilize the voltage at the end of the circuit, special filters are used. Their high-frequency analogs can be installed only in regulators over 50 V. With electromagnetic interference, they cope fairly well and do not give much thyristors.

DC regulator

DC devices

The DC regulator circuit is characterized byhigh conductivity. In this case, the thermal losses in the device are minimal. To make a constant current controller, a thyristor is required of a diode type. The impulse supply in this case will be high due to the fast process of voltage conversion. Resistors in the circuit must be able to withstand a maximum resistance of 8 ohms. In this case, this will minimize the heat loss. Eventually the modulator will not quickly overheat.

Modern analogues are calculated approximately atthe maximum temperature is 40 degrees, and this should be taken into account. Field effect transistors are able to flow in the circuit in only one direction. Taking this into account, they are responsible for the thyristor in the device. As a result, the level of negative resistance will not exceed 8 ohms. High-frequency filters on the DC regulator are installed quite rarely.

AC Models

The AC regulator is characterized in thatthyristors in it are used only triode type. In turn, transistors are commonly used field type. Capacitors in the circuit are used only for stabilization. Meet high-frequency filters in devices of this type can, but rarely. Problems with high temperature in the models are solved by means of an impulse converter. It is installed in the system behind the modulator. Low-frequency filters are used in regulators with a power of up to 5 V. Control over the cathode in the device is accomplished by suppressing the input voltage.

The current is stabilized in the network smoothly.In order to cope with high loads, in some cases zener diodes are used in the reverse direction. They are connected by transistors with a throttle. In this case, the current regulator should be able to withstand a maximum load of 7 A. In this case, the level of the limiting resistance in the system must not exceed 9 ohms. In this case, you can hope for a fast conversion process.

thyristor current controller

How to make a regulator for a soldering iron?

Make the current regulator with your own hands forA soldering iron can be used using a triac type thyristor. Additionally, bipolar transistors and a low-pass filter are required. Condensers in the device are used in an amount not exceeding two units. The reduction of the anode current in this case should occur quickly. To solve the problem with negative polarity, pulse converters are installed.

For a sinusoidal voltage they fitideally. Directly control the current can be due to the rotary type control. However, button analogues are also found in our time. To protect the device, the case is heat-resistant. Resonance transducers in models can also be found. They differ, in comparison with conventional analogs, their cheapness. On the market, they can often be found with the PP200 marking. The current conductivity in this case will be low, but the control electrode must cope with its duties.

Devices for the charger

To make the current controller for chargingdevices, thyristors are only needed triode type. The locking mechanism in this case will control the control electrode in the circuit. Field effect transistors in devices are used quite often. The maximum load for them is 9 A. Low-frequency filters for such controllers do not fit uniquely. This is due to the fact that the amplitude of electromagnetic interference is quite high. Solve this problem simply by using resonant filters. In this case, they will not impede the conductivity of the signal. The heat losses in the regulators should also be negligible.

current regulator circuit

The use of triac controllers

Triac controllers, as a rule, are used indevices whose power does not exceed 15 V. In this case, they limit the voltage can withstand at 14 A. If we talk about lighting devices, then they can not be used all. For high-voltage transformers they are also not suitable. However, different radio equipment with them is able to work stably and without any problems.

Regulators for active load

Current regulator circuit for active loadThyristors suggest using a triode type. They are able to transmit a signal in both directions. The reduction of the anode current in the circuit occurs due to the lowering of the limiting frequency of the device. On average, this parameter fluctuates around 5 Hz. The maximum voltage at the output should be 5 V. For this purpose, the resistors are applied only to the field type. In addition, conventional capacitors are used which, on average, can withstand a resistance of 9 ohms.

Pulsed zener diodes in such regulators are notrarity. This is due to the fact that the amplitude of electromagnetic oscillations is quite large and it is necessary to fight it. Otherwise, the temperature of the transistors rises rapidly and they become unusable. To solve the problem with decreasing impulse, converters are used the most diverse. In this case, specialists can also use switches. They are installed in the regulators behind the field-effect transistors. In this case, they should not touch the capacitors.

current controller for battery charger

How to make the regulator phase model?

Make a phase current regulator with your own handscan be used with a thyristor marked KU202. In this case, the supply of the closing voltage will pass unhindered. In addition, care must be taken to have capacitors with a limiting resistance of more than 8 ohms. The fee for this case can be taken PP12. In this case, the control electrode will provide good conductivity. Pulse transducers in regulators of this type are quite rare. This is due to the fact that the average frequency level in the system exceeds 4 Hz.

As a result, a strong thyristorvoltage, which provokes an increase in negative resistance. To solve this problem, some suggest using push-pull converters. The principle of their work is built on inverting the voltage. It is quite difficult to manufacture a current controller of this type in the home. As a rule, everything depends on the search for the necessary converter.

ac regulator

Pulse regulator device

To make a pulsed current regulator, a thyristora triode type is required. The control voltage is supplied to them at high speed. Problems with the reverse conductivity in the device are solved by transistors of bipolar type. Condensers in the system are installed only in paired order. Reduction of the anode current in the circuit occurs due to the change of thyristor position.

Locking mechanism in regulators of this typeis installed behind the resistors. To stabilize the limiting frequency, filters can be used in a variety of ways. Subsequently, the negative resistance in the regulator should not exceed 9 ohms. In this case it will allow to withstand a large current load.

current regulator

Models with soft start

In order to design a thyristorcurrent controller with a smooth start, you need to take care of the modulator. The most popular today is considered to be rotary analogs. However, they are quite different. In this case, much depends on the card that is used in the device.

If we talk about the modification of the KU series, then theywork on the simplest regulators. They are not particularly reliable, and certain failures still give. Otherwise, the situation with regulators for transformers. There, as a rule, digital modifications are used. As a result, the level of signal distortion is significantly reduced.

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