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What is a tablet for?

More recently, a tablet PC appeared on the market and quickly gained popularity among consumers. Why is he so good, and how to choose the right electronic novelty? The article tells about it.

What is a tablet computer and what is its purpose

This is a kind of portable computer,which is convenient to carry in a purse or in a pocket. It is provided with programs that are used for laptops, it has a touch screen, and it is in great demand among consumers. So what is a tablet for and how is it used?

Due to its compactness and mobility, the deviceyou can take with you on a trip. Tablet - is not only a means, which is used for, for example, for creating presentations, but also a great tool for all kinds of entertainment. On the tablet comfortable to read books and watch movies, you can listen to music or play computer games, surf the Internet and use the electronic device as a guide or reference. Depending on what you need a tablet, you should pay attention to its configuration and additional functions. For communication on Skype, you must pay attention to the presence of the front camera. For shopping trips, the bar code scanning function will be useful. Tablets are equipped with USB connectors, have built-in Wi-Fi, 3G and Bluetooth.

On sale there is a wide rangemodels of tablet computers. To make the right choice, pay attention to the following tips. According to the design, tablet computers are of two types - "transformer" and "slate". In the first case, the device looks like a laptop, but when you rotate the screen around its axis, you get the usual tablet. This is convenient for typing on the keyboard. But the downside of such a device is its greater weight compared to "slate". The latter does not have a keyboard, and information is entered using a stylus or a finger. "Slates" have a very thin body, light and compact, but they are more expensive than "transformers".

The size of the device is better to choose between tenand seven-inch tablets. The latter are so small that they easily fit into the back pocket of the jeans. On a ten-inch tablet screen, it's easy to view PDF files and surf the Internet. The matrix should take Super AMOLED Plus or IPS.

Recommended optimal resolutionseven-inch screen - 1280 x 800. Although many parameters are individual. The main indicators that should be oriented are a dual-core processor with a frequency of about 1 GHz, a video accelerator, 16 gigabytes of internal memory.

There are a lot of programs for the tablet. At first, before making a choice, it is worth to familiarize yourself with the free version. In general, the choice of programs depends on what you need a tablet for, purposes of its use. For example, for the Internet you need a browser - Chrom, Mozilla Firefox. To watch the video - media player "MX Player".

In addition, there are still graphic tablets.Their varieties and functions are also impressive. The question of what a graphic tablet is for is quite simple. Of course, for drawing. It is an indispensable device for designers, photographers, artists. Thanks to a special electronic pen that is sensitive to pressure, it catches an electromagnetic signal, you can work with images, process photos using the device's monitor as paper. Most often, a graphic tablet is attached to a computer, and the result of the work is visible on its monitor. When choosing a device, it is important to pay attention to the resolution, which for amateurs will be enough 1000 to 1500 dots per inch, for professionals it is worthwhile to focus on the indicators of 5000.

To determine what the tablet is for,the main thing is to understand for yourself what you intend to do with this device. Drawing is perfect for a graphic compact computer, for work and entertainment - a tablet.

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