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Why do I need a tablet?

Planchetomania literally swept the world withthe output of the tablet from the "apple wizards" - Apple. However, lovers of nibbling apples were far from pioneering in this direction. Few people know that the prototype of the first tablet computer was unveiled in the far sixties.

It's hard to believe, but it's true.The series "Star Trek" was the first in which they showed the prototype of today's tablets. Then it was beyond understanding and looked really something from the realm of fantasy. After that, about a dozen companies at different times presented their creations to the public. The evolution of portable devices gave us in 2010 the first iPad from Apple. And this can be considered a starting point in the epidemic, which today swept the whole world.

Experts note a steadily growing demand fortablet computers, and this market is not yet saturated. Now only a lazy producer does not produce tablets. The avalanche of information collapses on the potential buyer, in which the emphasis is sometimes deliberately shifted to only one aspect of the future purchase: price, size, the presence of a second camera or additional accessories in the kit.

Why do I need a tablet? What is really worth paying attention to when buying? These (and not only these) issues need to be considered, and today we will take great pleasure in them.

Why do I need a tablet?

The answer lies in the functionality of the device.It is a mixture of computer, smartphone, netbook and e-book. Regardless of the model, the price and the "bells and whistles", potential buyers should not consider the tablet computer as a full replacement for a laptop or PC. Let's look at what a tablet is for and what it can do.

  • First of all, it's working on the Internet. Browse web sites, work with e-mail, use programs for communication (SKIP, ICQ, etc.).
  • Entertainment - reading e-books, viewingvideo, listening to music, viewing photos, all sorts of gaming applications - all this makes the tablet an incredibly popular device for different age groups.
  • Work with office documents, the possibility of themedit and demonstrate the results of their work to colleagues or business partners makes this device very attractive for entrepreneurs and teachers.
  • Many students and students use the tablet as an electronic substitute for paper textbooks.
  • The presence of the GPS module allows you to use the tablet as a car navigator for drivers and pedestrians.

The range of penetration of these devices constantlyexpands. Every year the "stuffing" of tablets is becoming more and more high-tech. In the race "thinner, faster, brighter, more", manufacturers try to surprise customers and tip the scales in their favor. Sometimes the question "why you need a tablet" just does not stand on the agenda. A certain category of buyers does not understand well what a tablet computer is for, and buys them simply to be in a trend. Prestige, status, glamor and only then (possibly) functional and technical characteristics. That's what he is, the "golden boy" of the computer industry.

Choose a tablet computer today is not easy: offers a lot, manufacturers a lot, all shout "... but our best ...".

What should I look for?

First of all, the manufacturer. If you want to enjoy the processexploitation - pay attention to "branded products". These are time-tested trademarks that value their name and strive to produce the highest quality product. "Masterpieces of Noe Neim" can forever repel the desire to buy a cat in a poke. Although some people in this lottery are lucky - for the minimum money they manage to buy a device with a decent functionality.

The next aspect is price. Do not expect from an ultra budget gadgetquality and functionality of flagship devices from leading manufacturers. No matter how zealously sellers and manufacturers are blown in the eye, no one has yet issued a "helicopter for the price of a bicycle".

Date of announcement of the model and its release on the market - another factor that greatly affects the priceand is poorly connected with the consumer properties of the goods. Usually the price of new products at the time of entering the market is significantly "overheated". After just a couple of months, the rush demand subsides and a normal market price is formed. For those who do not really need to have a "supernova" tablet - you can recommend buying the chosen model in about 8-10 months after its entry into the local market.

Summary. For what you need a tablet, as well as the main points related to the choice, we have considered. But whether to buy or not depends on your needs, your mood and your wallet. Successful shopping for you!

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