/ How to choose a LED lamp for manicure? Interchangeable LED lamps for manicure: reviews. LED lamp for manicure with their own hands

How to choose a LED lamp for manicure? Interchangeable LED lamps for manicure: reviews. LED lamp for manicure with their own hands

In nail salons are in great demand.LED lamps of various manufacturers. Suitable devices of this type for painting, as well as nail. Models differ in the light flux, on-time, and color reproduction.

Производятся модели, как правило, в пластиковом housing. For many devices, the bulbs are of a removable type. Regulators are used in touch or button type. The sensitivity index for LED-type lamps is at 30 mV. Buy a high-quality model in a specialized store can be priced from 15 thousand rubles.

led manicure lamps 40w

Homemade model

Делается LED лампа для маникюра своими руками quite simple. First of all, it is important to find a good regulator. Lamps it is more expedient to use small power. Special attention should be paid to the adapter. The network cable is usually connected via a rectifier. Triggers are used to increase the limiting conductivity. They are produced operational or switched type. A soldering lamp is used to fasten the rectifier. In some cases, modulators are installed on homemade lamps. These elements are connected to the regulators.

How to choose a device in the store?

The stores feature various LED lamps formanicure. How to choose a quality model? First of all, it is important to determine the power of the device. This indicator, as a rule, does not exceed 30 V. The conductivity of LED-type lamps is at the level of 33 microns.

It is also important to note that when choosing a lampshould pay attention to the luminous efficiency indicator. Basically it lies within 80%. The ripple factor depends on the power of the installed lamp. The limiting operating frequency of the devices is about 20 Hz. A high-quality model with a touch switch costs around 16 thousand rubles.

Glamor 5 W series lamps

Indicated LED manicure lamps are usedvery popular in various beauty salons. First of all, it is important to note that the model is great for nails. If desired, the lamp can be easily changed. In this case, the transceiver is used with a regulator. Impulse noise from the network of this model is not terrible. On time is on average 2.1 seconds.

Чувствительность в устройстве не сильно высокая.The rate of electricity consumption is at 200 watts. The system of protection against heat loss in this case is missing. The scattering angle of the lamp is a maximum of 80 degrees. To serve the lamp presented is capable of no more than three years. Buy it in a specialized store at a price of 14 thousand rubles.

Features models Glamor 10 W

Specified LED manicure lamps have a massbenefits. First of all, it is important to note the high ripple parameter. Converter lamp is used with a filter. If desired, the power model is allowed to choose. The amplifier at the lamp is missing. The current consumption is exactly 3 A. The turn-on time is not more than 3.3 seconds. With the color in the device everything is fine. The scattering angle of the lamp is low. You can buy a model of the presented series at a price of 20 thousand rubles.

led and led ccfl lamps for manicure

Reviews of replaceable lamps of the Glamor 15 W series

Indicated replaceable LED manicure lampsare in great demand. In order to nail the device fits great. An overvoltage protection system for a lamp of this series is available. The current consumption maximum is 3 A.

Время включения светодиодной лампы составляет about 3.2 seconds. Impulse noise from the network of this model is not terrible. Light efficiency at 30 V is about 70%. The luminous flux in the device is not very high. It is also important to note that the lamp of this series has problems with the transceiver. Buy this model on the market at a price of 17 thousand rubles.

Gel FX 480 Series Lamps

Specified LED manicure lamps allow you to quicklydry varnish. It is also important to note that the model has an excellent trigger. The system of protection against heat losses in the device is used in the third class. According to customer reviews, the model fits great for nail extensions.

If we talk about performance, it is important to notethat the color rendition is located at around 70%. The parameter of current consumption in the device is low. Separate attention from the model deserves an interesting design. Problems with inclusion are very rare. The luminous efficiency is a maximum of 60%. The filter provided by the LED lamp is missing.

Regulator manufacturer provided a touchtype Power sags are observed only at maximum power. The amplifier in the device is phase type. Serve this model is capable of about five years. If necessary, the lamp can be changed without problems. Buy this model in our time can be at a price of 17 thousand rubles.

manicure set with led lamp

Features models Gel FX 430

Specified LED manicure lamps very quicklycoping with drying varnish. In this case, the rated power of the device is 30 watts. If you believe the reviews of buyers, then light works on the skin well. Network load model is able to withstand large. The thermal interference protection system is applied in the third class. The luminous flux of the modification has a maximum of 38 lm.

The system of protection against increased pulsation in thiscase is missing. The current consumption maximum indicator equals 4 A. The trigger in the device is used wave type. Problems with high sensitivity of this lamp are not terrible. The coefficient of maximum ripple maximum is 60%. This manicure set with a LED lamp in the region of 14 thousand rubles is worth.

led lamp 9w for manicure

Reviews of lamps series Gel FX 450

These lamps are very popular inbeauty salons. Regulators are used with capacitors. The light efficiency of such models is very high. The coefficient of maximum ripple at the lamp is equal to no more than 78%. The trigger in the specified device is used optical type. According to customer reviews, the lamp of this series turns on very quickly. This model has no converter. The service life of the LED lamp does not exceed five years.

Separate attention in the device deservesswitch quality. In this case, it is used of the sensory type. With the drying of the gel for the nail device copes great. Light efficiency at 20 V is not more than 79%. Buy presented LED and LED CCFL lamps for manicure at a price of 18 thousand rubles.

Lamps Series Mixed Lamp 30G

In beauty salons, these LED lamps are 9W forManicures are in great demand. In this case, the converter is of the pulse type. The current consumption indicator maximum is 3 A. If you believe the customer reviews, the amplifier burns out infrequently. With a vegetable-based oil model copes great. Pulsation coefficient maximum equals 74%.

Light efficiency at 20V does not exceed 70%.The system of protection against heat loads is applied second class. Regulator is used with a switch. The scattering angle of the model is only 70 degrees. It is possible to buy lamps of the specified series at the price from 18 thousand rubles.

interchangeable led manicure lamps

Features models Mixed Lamp 40G

The specified lamp is very sensitive to the skin.hands In total, the device has six replaceable light bulbs. The amplifier will be applied with a push button control. If necessary, the power device can be changed. The transceiver in the indicated lamp is used with two diodes. Its conductivity parameter is not very high. It is also important to note that the device is very popular because of its compact size. The converter at the lamp is used with a zener diode.

Problems with overheating of the regulator specified lampnot scary. The system of protection against heat loss is used in the third degree. The current consumption does not exceed 7 A. The light flux in the device is at the level of 75 lm. Turns on this model very quickly. The maximum angle of dispersion is a maximum of 30 degrees. With the color in the device everything is fine. Buy this lamp at a price of 15 thousand rubles.

Reviews of Mixed Lamp Series 60G

Data LED lamps for manicure 40W oftenused by professionals. First of all, they are valued for high light output. The conductivity of the lamp is quite high. According to customer reviews, the trigger rarely breaks, and the filter at the lamp is of high quality. Separately, it is important to mention the convenient switch. The lifespan of this model is at around five years.

Heat loss protection system is appliedsecond class The color rendition of the model is a maximum of 90%. The scattering angle of the lamp in this series is low. The presented model works at a frequency of 30 Hz. In stores, this lamp is sold at a price of 22 thousand rubles.

led manicure lamp reviews

Lamps Professional Series LED lamp 48W

This lamp is suitable for drying different types of gels.The color rendition of the model has a maximum of 70%. Pulsation problems occur infrequently. The transceiver at the lamp is used converting type. The system of protection against heat losses is applied in the third class. The maximum current consumption parameter is 7 A. The luminous flux in the device at 30 V is no more than 20 lm. It is possible to buy a lamp of the specified series at the price from 23 thousand rubles.

Features of models Professional LED lamp 50W

This manicure LED lamp reviews are mainlygets good and is great for nails. The parameters of the model are quite high. If you believe customer reviews, the lamps are made with high-quality amplifiers. The direct conductivity of the model is 44 microns. The transceiver in the device is used with a capacitor. The power controller in this case has a button type. The lamp of the specified series with a frequency of 30 Hz works.

led manicure lamps

The converter is applied conductor type.The filter in the presented model is missing. The current consumption maximum indicator is 7 A. The system for protection against heat losses is applied in the second class. For painting nail device is great. According to the experts, the model treats the skin of the hands very carefully. For large beauty salons, the device fits well. It is possible to buy a lamp of the specified series at the price from 21 thousand rubles.

Reviews of Professional LED lamps 55W

These lamp reviews are usually givengood ones. Buyers praise this model for its compactness and high conductivity parameter. The light output at 30 V maximum is 3 microns. The lamps of this series turn on very quickly. With prolonged use, the case practically does not heat up. The current consumption indicator in this case is at the level of 4 A. The system of protection against heat losses is used of the second class. The filter in the presented lamp is used dipole type. The power of the device can be adjusted thanks to the switch. There is a model in the area of ​​22 thousand rubles.

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