/ How to pass the inspection?

How to pass the inspection?

Как пройти техосмотр?This question is of concern to millions of drivers. The procedure is not pleasant, but it can not do without it. Nevertheless, she continues to frighten both newly-born car owners, and experienced enough. If you competently prepare and know how to pass a technical checkup, you can save yourself from experiencing and wasting your nerves.

First of all, you need to prepare the machine as possiblemore thoroughly. Buy a new fire extinguisher, its volume should be at least two liters, if the expiration date of your already expired. You should also carefully check the first aid kit. All medicines in it should have an unexpired expiration date. In addition, all lighting equipment, door locks, window lifters, window washers, windshield wipers, safety belts, and also a sound signal should be in good order. If there is such a need, you should adjust the SN and CO of your car. No rusty parts in the car - this must be remembered. There should also be a backlash of the rudder. If you do not know how to pass a vehicle inspection, it is better to put all the equipment of the car (fire extinguisher, emergency stop sign, first-aid kit) in the back seat. The machine should be clean, wash it inside, outside, and also the engine, its number and the number of the body, the wheels.

When your car is ready, you can safely goto experts of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for inspection. Its rules are such that first a general inspection will be carried out. At this stage, the presence, compliance and serviceability of door locks, first-aid kits, rear-view mirrors and windows, windscreen washers and windshield wipers, sun visors, windscreen and heating, seats, tow bar and sound signal are checked. If everything is normal, then the experts go on to the next stage.

Необходимо теперь проверить, токсичны ли выхлопы machine, braking system, and also the control of steering is subsequently carried out. At the next stage, the engine and all of its systems, the condition of the wheels, are always checked. Attention is also paid to the lighting equipment of the machine.

Remember that if the driver ignorespassing such an important procedure as THAT, then he will not have an appropriate ticket with him. Any traffic police officer at the meeting has the right to deprive him of license plates and issue a ban on driving.

How to pass the inspection?In addition to a thorough check of your own car, you will also need to prepare some documents, pay for the procedure itself and only then go to the experts. If you pass the inspection successfully, you will receive the coveted ticket.

I would like to dwell on the documents separately,which are needed for the safe delivery of maintenance. You will need to be provided with a passport, a medical certificate (in a strictly prescribed form) that is valid for three years, a driver's license, documents for owning the car, a certificate of its registration, a receipt for payment of the state fee. Another nuance: if on your car there are any advertising inscriptions or images, then you must produce a contract concluded with the advertiser, authorizing it.

Many are wondering whether it is possible to pass a technical inspection inanother city. Naturally, yes, but in this case you will have to put the car on a temporary basis. But the coupon you will have to pick up in that department of the traffic police, where the vehicle is registered permanently.

What is the value of such a procedure,how is the vehicle inspection? First of all, this amount includes the state fee, it is the same in all regions of the country - namely, 300 rubles. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the cost of instrumental control. In each region it is different.

Now you know how to pass the inspection.

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