/ Article 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The organization or maintenance of brothels or the systematic provision of premises for the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues

Article 232 of the Criminal Code. The organization or maintenance of brothels or the systematic provision of premises for the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues

Today we will be interested in Article 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.It regulates the penalties imposed for the organization of brothels, or for providing (systematic) premises for their existence. In general, this is quite a terrible criminal offense. And violators will be punished. Especially the main organizer of this "community". Let us try to understand what kind of crime there is (its composition), and also what measures will be applied to the criminals committing the act.

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In principle, guess what measuresit will not be difficult. The thing is that Article 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (its first part) indicates that the content and organization of brothels is subject to criminal liability. Many associate it with imprisonment. And it is right. Such a measure will take place in this case.

Deprivation of liberty for organization or maintenancebrothels and providing places to support these, can last up to 4 years. Plus, there is a special additional measure. Criminals will be compulsorily imposed the so-called suspended sentence after release from prison. It is established by the court on an individual basis, but can not exceed 12 months. By the way, the obligation in Article 232 of the Criminal Code is not prescribed. This is an unspoken rule that applies to practice. In fact, by law, the restriction of freedom may not take place.


In Russia, a much more serious crimean unlawful act committed by prior conspiracy or by just a few citizens is considered. And a similar case in brothels is not uncommon. Hence, in Art. 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation it will be possible to find a punishment, laid in this scenario.

What will the criminals do?First, the punishment will be assigned to each his own. That is, all the established terms and measures will be extended to each participant in the case. No general terms of stay in prison (some believe that you can simply divide these measures "equally" for each person involved in the crime, this is not so).

ст 232 ук рф

Imprisonment with collusion or action ingroup on the organization of brothels of various types, as well as in the provision of premises for these, will last from 2 to 6 years. As already mentioned, for every criminal. Also they have the right to impose a restriction on freedom. The conditional term, again, is taken out to each person involved in the criminal case. And it lasts up to 24 months. The exact time limits are rendered by the court after careful consideration of all the nuances.


Art.232 of the Criminal Code in a new edition (and not only) implies another rather interesting point. Working in a conspiracy or a group is, of course, a terrible thing. But even more serious is the crime committed by an organized group. Do not confuse it with collusion or arrangement.

232 ук рф comments

Actually, such a violation is punished mosta serious method. If an organized group provided premises for taking psychotropic or narcotic substances, and also organized and maintained brothels, its participants are given imprisonment. It is not hard to guess that this is the main measure. So, you will not get away from imprisonment. With such a development of events, the length of stay in prison varies between 3 and 7 years.

Restriction of freedom also takes place.Thus the conditional term can both be appointed, and is not present. In practice, of course, it will be used very often, almost constantly. Restriction of freedom for brothels or provision of premises for these will be no more than 2 years. It is such rules are established by law.


And now a little about the peculiarities of Article 232 of the Criminal Code.The thing is that not only the direct organization or maintenance of brothels is punished under this law. It has already been noted that the provision of premises for these is also punishable. Only systematic actions are taken into account. A single act is unlikely to be punished in practice - it is too difficult to prove.

What is meant by systematicprovision? When the premises are "issued" to criminals for dens more than twice. Many believe that two times already are considered. In practice, things are exactly like this. It is enough to provide a room for a brothel or "narcotic evening" twice to become a direct participant in a crime that will be punishable under art. 232 of the Criminal Code.

Article 232 of the Criminal Code of the Crime


Particular attention should be paid to the comments,which help to understand the committed offense in full. It does not always happen, for example, the composition of the crime. If it does not exist, then no one will judge you on this or that article. In any case, it is these rules that are spreading in Russia.

In Article 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,that the maintenance of a brothel and the organization of the actions connected with acceptance of psychotropic, and also narcotics, has a directed character. That is, participants realize what they are doing. And it is not so important, from what motives - entertainment for the sake of or for mercenary purposes. The fact remains.

By organization here is meant the search andhiring a room where you can conduct direct acceptance of narcotic drugs. Purchase of these is included here. But under the content - deliberate actions that involve the organization of an immediate process.


It is important to understand what kind of art.232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. After all, not all will be punished for the committed deeds. The important point here is the age of the participants in the event. Criminal liability for such a violation, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, comes from 16 years. In this case, a person must be originally sane.

st 232 Ukrf in the new edition

The subjective side is characterized by directintent. That is, criminals are fully aware that they contain or organize a stash, or repeatedly provide space for him. The act may have some specific goal, but it does not influence the composition of the crime. In other words, the motive is not a sign of a perfect wrongful act.

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