/ / Certification of ventilation systems. Ventilation Test

Certification of ventilation systems. Ventilation Test

Ventilation systems are almost present.each room, as they are needed to maintain an optimal atmosphere inside. They are also necessary in ensuring the comfort and well-being of people. Structures should be checked regularly, after which a document is submitted indicating that it is operational and ready for operation. Therefore, certification of ventilation systems is performed. Read more about this procedure in the article.

Why do I need a document?

Passport ventilation unit is consideredconfirmation of the readiness of the system for use and compliance with all requirements. The document testifies to the implementation of a cycle of works on the basis of modern standards. Why do I need a passport? This is required for:

  1. Official registration of equipment thatwill be exploited. Even if it is a foreign system that does not have Russian certificates, the existing passport serves as confirmation that the devices work properly and can be used in the system.
  2. Solutions to various disputes.If a state of emergency has occurred in a room, for example, smoke, then it will turn out to prove that this is not connected with ventilation, but with something else, since the passport indicates that the system is working.

certification of ventilation systems

In order for the passport to be issued, it is necessary to perform a test of the ventilation system. Without this event, the document will not be provided, even if there are other references and extracts.


What is required to get a passport? The SNiP contains standards that establish during design verification and issuance of documentation:

  1. Установка конструкций должна выполняться на based on taking into account the requirements of the project, while no one is concerned about the contractor’s lack of the necessary equipment, for example, to perform high-altitude work, therefore this reason is not recognized as valid when there are shortcomings.
  2. If pipes are intended for transportationair with high humidity, in their lower part there should not be longitudinal seams. Places where water may accumulate during the arrangement is laid in a special way.
  3. If there are aggressive acids or compounds in the air, then the material for the gaskets should be chosen appropriate, that is, resistant to this effect.
  4. If flanged connections are used, the materials used must be chosen special, it all depends on the temperature.
  5. The bolts on the flanges are firmly tightened, parts are notmust hang out. Nuts located in the structure are located only on one side. Depending on the design, you need to determine the location of the points needed to install the duct.
  6. Air ducts fasten with fans thanks tospecial inserts, excluding the transmission of vibration. These parts are made of fiberglass. Almost the last inserts are placed before the ventilation survey.
  7. If you need a bell channel with verticaldirection, the sockets should be directed upwards. They are additionally fixed with hemp bundles impregnated with a solution, and the remnants of the cavity must be covered with special mastic.
  8. After the mastic has hardened, the place is pasted over with a special material and painted over with oil paint. Fans during mounting fasten anchor elements that provide vibration isolation.
  9. Industrial devices are installed and mounted using rubber pads. This protects the walls and the entire building from vibration.
  10. Valves should simply open and close so that if possible it can be done manually without the use of special levers.

certification of ventilation systems license

По этим правилам выполняется паспортизация систем ventilation. After such an event, the equipment will operate safely. In this case, the institution that conducted the procedure must have a license to certify ventilation systems. Then the check will be legalized.

Passport features

Что должно быть в паспорте вентиляционной системы?A document is drawn up according to the norms of SNiP. Be sure to be the name of the object, its location, purpose of the system and information about the location. You also need to specify a list of characteristics for fans, electric motors, heaters and air conditioners, filters, humidifiers.

In the passport, the dimensions of sections, flow,during checks to determine whether the information meets the requirements of the project. Indicates the inspection of air ducts for ventilation. A sample of the document can be taken from the commission that carries out the check. The passport is filled in when the object is handed over; also, when using, timely passporting is performed, therefore it has several tables for each event.

The composition of the document

The document is multipage, information init is made during inspections, repair and modernization. In total there are 8 pages, but there are sheets where there is data on repairs and upgraded elements that are not the main ones. Additional documents are often attached to the passport, where the following information is present:

ventilation passport

  1. Information about the tests, drawn up in the form of protocols.
  2. Tightness of the system.
  3. The level of noise and vibration.
  4. Pressure and other data.

Marked to check ductwork forventilation, which are important in the system. Control of all elements of the equipment will prevent many unpleasant phenomena. If certification of ventilation systems is carried out, it is preferable to store the results of the event in electronic form, so many institutions do just that. This is necessary for quick amendments and additions, as well as for quick issuance of statements.

Certification of production ventilation systemspremises performed every 5 years. This period is valid if no changes have occurred. Events should be carried out in case of loss of a passport or change of ownership of an enterprise.


Certification of ventilation systems is on average3-5 thousand rubles. But the price may be higher, it all depends on the complexity of the equipment. Some companies charge for each square meter, usually the rates are 60-150 rubles per 1 square.

air ducts for ventilation

Prepares for the event in advanceestimate that needs to be agreed with the customer. It should be noted that the sample passport and the price of the procedure varies, it all depends on the organization. The verification company must have a license. Certification of ventilation systems will then be a formal procedure.

A responsibility

Ведение документации является обязанностью лица, which is considered responsible for the use of the equipment. At the enterprises it is mechanics. These functions can be performed by a contracting company. The document should be noted about system changes, repairs and upgrades.

Protocols are attached to the passporttestifying to the performance of operations, they need to be stored with the document. To extend the service life requires timely repair and installation of modern equipment. These works should be carried out by professionals who do this according to modern standards.

certification of ventilation systems of industrial premises

Information about completed activities is recorded inpassport. Supervising bodies organize an inspection, at which the correctness of filling in documentation, the presence of protocols, and the compliance of technical information are checked. An enterprise may have several systems. But if they are combined, then 1 document is required, and in other cases separate paperwork is required.

What is dangerous about ignoring a passport?

Inappropriate or untimely completedthe procedure leads to difficulties in operation and with further checks. Any deficiency will bring problems to the owner of the institution and to the visitors when unpleasant smells appear from the kitchen. The passport of the ventilation system allows you to get permission for commissioning. This is a mandatory requirement, and for non-compliance, administrative responsibility and the imposition of fines are assumed.

ventilation test

When re-mounting passport is required.In case of its absence, according to the law, ventilation must be reinstalled, and after all, a fee is charged for this. The responsible owner of the company will definitely install the system and execute documents on it.

Where to go?

The event is carried out in the following organizations:

  1. Private organization. It is considered the most affordable way.But there is a risk of interaction with non-professionals, so the quality of work will be low. Often passports are filled with errors, with insufficient data.
  2. Installation agency. Wizards who install systems usually provide passports for them. But it should be remembered that only the chief engineer can guarantee qualified execution.
  3. Laboratory. This test center, where everything you need to perform the procedure. But not always in the state there are professional engineers, so there is a risk of incorrect interpretation of indicators.
  4. Establishment of certification and diagnostics. Professionals work there, as the enterprise is considered highly specialized. If you need high quality work, you should contact such an institution.

Danger of a malfunctioning system

Many entrepreneurs save on installationventilation, appealing to performers with insufficient qualifications. As a result, there are serious problems with the system. After that there will be even more troubleshooting costs. In addition, regulatory authorities may issue fines. For example, if the equipment is defective, then in the catering establishment there will be smells of the kitchen.

passport ventilation unit

Without a passport you can not open a restaurantcafe, medical, child care. With poor ventilation, you still have to install a new system or reconstruct the old one, and these are additional costs. A timely and high-quality procedure will prevent many difficulties.

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